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Bate Bay Sunday


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Headed out to bate bay on Sunday 

Quite a few boats fishing Osbourne Shoal. Counted at least 6 close in to each other.

Weather was good early on, but leading into midday the wind and current picked up across the bay. Drift running at around 3knots.

Tried for some snapper, but no go. Picked up 45cm & 34cm blue spots as I drifted off the reef onto sand & a 28cm nanny. Caught and released a bunch of wrasses, rock cods ect. 



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16 hours ago, big Neil said:

Tough going at this time of year but, at least, you got to go out and claimed a nice little feed of fresh fish. Here's to better days on the water. Cheers, bn

Thanks Neil, considered going off for a flatty drift, but stuck to the reef thinking the bite would come on. 

12 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

Still a nice feed mate, well done.

thanks Isaac, ended up being last nights dinner.

10 hours ago, masterfisho7 said:

At least you you manage a feed well done 

Thanks masterfisho - lucky I drifted off the reef and managed to score a couple on the sand.

7 hours ago, Rebel said:

Great haul.

Well done.

Tpo photos.

Thanks Rebel - was good just to get a few.

6 hours ago, Yowie said:

Some fillets for the table, that's what counts.

Too right, filleted them up last night and into a beer batter. 

2 hours ago, Bluebenbomb said:

Good feed, I've heard that nannygai are good eating.

I don’t mind the Nannygai, they go good on the plate. A lot of the time they are too small to get a decent fillet off.


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3 hours ago, jenno64 said:

Next time come over for a chat!

Will do - didn’t know it was you.

I was in a bit of a hurry to get to the ramp &  changed after eating spray on the run back in.

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