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Better to lose the lure

Mike Sydney

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Than make the absolute dumb mistake I made yesterday of going in barefoot to unhook a snag. 

Knee high water, easy sand path around the oyster rocks, should be piece of cake? I know well the dangers of oyster rocks but could see an easy path where I wouldn’t need to go near them

Foot sunk in sand, lost my balance, six stitches in my right foot, 3 on my left foot, seven other gashes on my hands and toes, fingers shredded.

can’t walk today, won’t be fishing again for many weeks, Worse,  I stopped for the briefest of flicks on way to picking up wife and newborn from maternity , but then couldn’t as I was in a different hospital emergency room.

Too gruesome to post photos. Don’t go retrieving lures near oysters. Learn from my mistake.

Edited by Mike Sydney
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That’s a shame @Mike Sydneyit couldn’t come at a worse time and hope you’re up and around soon. 
I used to go to similar lengths to retrieve lures until I watched a mate dive into a snag to retrieve one. He ended up with one treble buried in his hand, the other still wedged in the tree and came close to drowning before he managed to dislodge it.

These days if I can’t get to a snagged lure with a tackleback, it can stay there.

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This was a brand new out of the box hard body, Second cast,

I could see it, it was so shallow, I know the area well, I could clearly see the oyster hazards - ultimately, it was overconfidence  that caused some horrific injuries. I though I was being proper careful too, very slow and sure about it. 

I also found myself without a bottle of water to flush the wound nor a first aid kit, which I’d used up after assisting a cyclist who crashed into a boat trailer a couple months back. 
Was a horrible drive to the hospital with just my tshirt wrapped around the foot that’s for sure.

No lure is worth that, lesson learned 

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Firstly congratulations to you and your wife on the newborn. Upside of not getting to the maternity is you will never forget that, probably won't be allowed to. 

Some lessons are hard learned and that lure retrieve sure was. I hope you make a full recovery and are back into fishing soon, Cheers, bn

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52 minutes ago, Little_Flatty said:


52 minutes ago, Little_Flatty said:

Sorry to hear that Mike. It must’ve been a good lure! Please don’t tell me it was a 5 dollar special!

I had a run in with an oyster last Friday as well. Nowhere near as bad as you though.

Hope you heal up soon.

It was this one (and yes I kept it).


Edited by Mike Sydney
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I honestly didn’t know if to laugh or cry …. Then I saw @DerekD’s post and thought yup he’s onto something here… but then it occurred to me that some folks will go to any lengths to avoid nappy duty 🤔 …. 

cheers Z

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31 minutes ago, wazatherfisherman said:

That's terrible Mike- hope you heal up quickly- getting all the broken edges of the oysters out is a bugger, reckon most fishers would have similar (but not as bad) experiences with oysters. Hope you get revenge and eat a few

Yes, as well as the stitches an X-ray for foreign objects - some grass debris and a couple shards of shell were found, flushed out with saline and then a tetanus shot to boot.

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1 hour ago, Mike Sydney said:

Interesting design....

Well you certainly proved that the spruiked anti-snag abilities of it are not immune to Sydney oysters.

Get a refund or become one of their product testers....

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Horrible critters oysters, most fishos cop a slicing from them during their time. I had a few fragments in my thumb for 20 to 30 years before they disolved away, lucky they never became infected, the skin just healed over them.

Hope all goes well for you and the family, bad timing to get sliced up, and painful wounds that take time to heal.

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