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Nambucca River 18th-21st March


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Morning Y'all.

Been a bit quite from me as of late, works be constant with many projects running and adding to that the winds were not to kind to be during the month of march when i could have a day off.

Anyway, Annual fishing trip to the north coast happen just recently with my brother to which we fished South west rocks (maclean river) and Nambucca river. We originally wanted to stay at Nambucca but with accommodation being booked out we decided to stay at Ingenia SWR.


Departed Campbelltown approx 1am Saturday morning and arrived at SWR at 730am where we were met with a boat ramp that was full and parking taken 500m down from the boat ramp, anyway we eventually got onto the river. Fished from the mouth and about 3kms down stream but found the current was just too much, by 1pm and no fish we went to check in. Once check in was complete we got a feed and wanted to chase live bait, unfortently the live bait wasnt on scene either.

Approx 11pm Sunday night we decided to drive to Macksville, i love that place. Smashed some Giant eye around the bridge of a night on poppers, dropped some nets down for muddies. Waited for the sun to rise and then the fog hit, couldn't see any further then 3m infront  of the bow so stayed on the side of the river and wait for the fog to lift.

Decided to fish Nambucca river the remaining few days we had and cleaned up on the flatties and took home 5 muddies as a bonus!


Biggest flathead cracked 68cm


Live bait producing the best result.



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  • Crabstar changed the title to Nambucca River 18th-21st March
6 minutes ago, Yowie said:

A nice feed of flatties and muddies, better than buying a feed at the club.

What is the tail of the fish above the flatties?

Giant eyed trevally, got one back earlier this year but released as I didn’t know what it was. Then this trip I knew, good chew.

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