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South Head Snapper

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Remembered to get some kwells for the young fella (soft but he'll toughen up!) which meant we could head outside the Heads to look for some snapper for dinner. Headed south at about 3.00pm and stayed in fairly close in about 20m of water looking for a few nice bumps and lumps on the sounder. We noticed a nice bit of current flow so dropped the pick and dropped a burley cage down about 15m as well as putting some frames in the pot and bashed away at them. Then started drifting back squid baits on lightly weighed single hook rigs and started getting decent takes, firstly trevally then some pinkies. Kept a steady stream of fish coming in and released most till the young fella gets a decent take and the little 3000 threadline he was using started singing before he lands a nice snapper around 50cm. We took it, another 40cm or so pinkie and two trevally to feed the family and headed home just before dark, a nice little 3 hour session.

20230611 Snapper for dinner!.jpg

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Thanks Guys, he's pretty good at handling the boat now, just needs to quickly spot seats when we see any law enforcement (year and a bit till he can get his license) and he's getting better all the time with bait, casting, fighting fish etc. I was back there a week or so later and no current run at all but plenty of yakkas and rat Kings lurking around. Hoping to get out this Thursday whilst he's off school, not sure whether to target snaps again, Kings at Centurion or the Hat or back to lurking some rock walls with bread and prawns for Drummer, Luderick and Bream. High tide at 5pm has me thinking wash fishing but I guess we'll scout around a bit first and see what's happening. Hopefully a squid or 3 to get things started anyway!

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