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Posts posted by stevefish

  1. First there is the wind on v non wind on debate, I stand in the non corner, I feel they are too visible and the disadvantages outweigh the positives.

    I like the double to be long enough to get around the spool a couple of times so you can lift with max pressure. Then a bit more than a fish length of leader. And a bit more again for marlin, and a bit more again for big marlin.


    Some things to consider

    If you are short handed want the angler to bring the fish as close as possible

    The closing fight with a tuna will be vertical, difficult with a full length leader as it increases the risk of rubbing off on the hull

    A double will give you full knot strength to the snap

    When you have the leader in hand you are imparting a new pressure on the fish, this can change its behaviour

  2. If you go back a while- maybe 2006, bluefin were unheard of in NSW, particularly in central zone. There were close to zero reports of bluefin in NSW from 1980? Up until this time. Their arrival was met with surprise and each year current permitting the run has become stronger. The fish ARE there it's just a matter of range.

    Reasons given for their resurgence generally revolve around the dramatic reduction in Japanese effort.

    Possession of 1 is fair enough.

    The stock won't collapse until well after rec anglers have given up, like kings in the 90s. Once some effective management is in place it all gets sorted out.

  3. Timely reminder there. Not very well publicised...in fact virtually not at all.

    You'd think your $35 a year licence could buy a couple of stamps or even an email update.

    Is it a bluefin limit or a tuna limit? Over 1m??

  4. I fish where my captain takes me, I like the point about 6-7 arrows out from Kiama / Shellharbour. Not sure of the depth and contours in that area though. It's a point where everything is converging, hopefully including the fish big and small.

    The big temp breaks sometimes catch more fishermen than fish.

  5. we went 322 on yellowfin Wollongong today, we fished from 500 to 1500 but found all the action between 8.30-9.30 in 1000. We found water from 19.4 - 20.5.

    The was some radio talk of a few albies and jellybeans on the cube in 2000 in the afternoon and a couple of other bits and pieces.

    All the bites came on a lure I make that's had a few victories.


  6. ok everyone, read the current charts, put your weatherman hat on and get out the dartboard.

    When do you think the tuna will start hitting the deck off Sydney?

    I'll go for a couple of fish and many zeroes on Sunday, Monday 22 to be a better result.

  7. Its a sad state of affairs that this world is going like it is but we can always try and lead by example. . .

    There are many that do, although it's hard to show your appreciation to the bloke that didn't park next to you or took the wide line to give you some room.

    The one that kills me is people that drive right past close at speed when there is no need, like 4 miles offshore!

    Or thinking a downrigger lets them go within 5m of anyone.

  8. You can get a simple one that will fit under the engine cover, I had mine fitted during a service. Can't remember the cost but under $100 fitted.

    It's battery powered and has a wire wrapped around the plug lead. Should be a straight forward install.


  9. It's all limited by the capability of the rod.

    The rod gets to its limit and can do no more, it's either no longer performing or is about to be snapped by the angler. Yep, fish don't break rods, anglers do. Every time.

    Reels are getting stronger in recent years to suit lightweight rods and fine lines. A shimano symmetre 1000, far from high end has 3 kilo drag, making it suitable for 6 or even 8 KILO line.

    The lines strength is its strength, simple?? If only. 4pound braid could break anywhere between 5 and 10 pounds. Tie a knot and who knows what happens.

    If the lines stronger than the rod can handle its thicker than it needs to be. If it's thicker than it needs to be it won't cast as far, or will have more resistance on the drop.

    Why people put 50 pound braid on 6-10 kilo snapper rods or 10 pound on 1-2 kilo bream rods I'll never get.

    Set your drag with a scale at around 1/3 - 1/2 line strength, at least till you get the feel of it, and if snapping off a snag through your rod is beyond impossible your lines too thick for optimal performance.

  10. Headed out nice and early with the optimism good weather and new gear brings, chased a few squid first up. I thought the jig was hung up on the retrieve and gave a few big whips to break free of the kelp and then, pulse pulse- beauty. Sweet, There's dinner and it's still dark.

    Yakkas were not interested in prawns but pillies did the job.

    Then he went for a troll along the cliffs for a couple of late season Bonnies as the sun came up.

    It was a bit breezy and backwashy for plan A of snapper close to the rocks so back to MH to burley and bait up some interest. Mmm no interest. Nothing. Cold cold water in MH now.

    Found my new lowrance elite has a auto shut down feature when you slap the water a bit hard :-(

    Found my replacement water snake electric doesn't like turning right - grrr, back to the big fishing 2 dollar shop.


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