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Posts posted by Breambucket





    Thats still not too bad for only 2hrs worth of work!

    I was out around middle head today with my old man for only 3 fish but pulled hooks on 4 and 2 of them were good size.

    As soon as the wind picked up they all went and we could actually see tiny ones just nipping the weed. still a tough day out but its better than doin the housework :)


  2. Very nice report Pete and very nice pics.

    Any estimate on the size of the EP?



    Hey Dave

    I didnt get it to the surface as i was still trying to get the net but at a guess 30-35cm, it felt like the first trev i caught so i was shocked when i got a good look at it

    When we goin out for a flick?


  3. I don't think the boys got any jew Pete but I do know that they were VERY upset with the 44cm whiting on day 2 that they thought was a kicker bream! :1yikes:

    Well done again Bubba. :thumbup:



    lol it would be hard to find someone who was upset with a 44cm whiting

  4. hi mate nice dog, is he straight mastiff or cross ? this my boy bruce my mastiff x dane. took him out on the boat once and never will i do that again i was forever chasing him in the water he loves swimming lol.

    p.s sounds like you had a good day on the water shame about the ep.

    He's a mastiff x dane x wolfhound but defently got most of the mastiff in him :)

    He's a big softie

  5. Bad luck on the EP Pete They are very rare in the basin

    Pity you didnt get any reddies as I guess you have heard of some good ones being caught there lately

    I did get a reasonable red on one of your blades in the Sussex classic

    Yeah i had high hopes for some nice reds but no luck what so ever And normally you cant get away from the smaller ones :1badmood: , how big was the reddie? did you land any bream on them as well? Polished or painted? :)

    Neil said he has got a couple of ep's and bass in there befor and i defiantly didnt think i would get one thats for sure

  6. Breambucket - great post and that is a nice trevor....although bad luck losing the EP :ranting2: . I assume you were flicking SPs at them?

    Sam looked like he enjoyed himself. My border collie Rove loves fishing and loves the boat. I have even taken him Barra and Bass fishing and he loves to watch the lures being cast and retrieved......although he is not interested in them once they are out of the water. He also completely ignores the fish when they are in the boat, although the big Barra scared him as their girth were almost as big as his :biggrin2: . You would also be surprised how good the dogs bladder is - at one stage Rove was in the boat for almost seven hours without any problems, although once on shore he took a very long pee.

    Yeah he had a great time half the time he would sneak over to my side and try to "high 5" me :)

    Im thinking of taking him to lake Monduran in febuary so it was sort of a test for then as well, Boarder Collies are great but im having trouble picturing one staying in the boat for that long! They are nut jobs.

    And yeah all on sp's. No matter what colour or brand or technique i use its just not happening for me with them atm

    Nice report Breambucket!

    Seems that you had a fun day on the water with the man's best friend and you captured some great pics too.



    Its hard to take nice photos of him he always moves his head or comes up and sniffs the phone lol

    Sounds like a top trip mate.

    Love the pic of the Dog looking at the Bream. :) And all the other ones too. Gotta love dogs. :)


    Just after that pic the bream jumped and scared the crap out of him wish i had it on video :)


  7. Hey guys!

    Decided to fish the basin this weekend and after another mate pulling out i decided to take my best mate sam my dog :)

    This was a first time for him on the boat but he loves jumping in the back of the ute for drives even when i go to melbourne every now and then so i was pretty confident he would of been alright.

    First off i tried the "mud patch" which is in most places 10m deep, after the rain and cold water temps and the reports of some nice reds being caught there i thought it would be a winner. I spent over a whole hour there for very little action and no landed fish.

    We mad a move to "one tree bay" and on the way sam spotted another boat that he thought might of tried to hurt me or something :074:


    After the threat was gone we finally found some fish landing this nice and fat trev first


    Then a nice bream around 35cm


    As things started to get a little quiet again i got another good hit and nice fight and to my surprise it was a decent EP by the boat! After fumbling around to get the net un tangled with one of my rods the hooks pulled and what would of been my first and pb EP :ranting2:

    Oh well we had been out for 4hrs and i didnt trust sams bladder so we packed up and went back to the ramp


    All fish were released and im glad me and Sam had a day out on the water

  8. Hey boys its grest to see what everyone recommends especially when im really goint to concentrate on top water fishing over this summer, i am starting to make a collection of sammys, stiffy poppers and the smaller stiffy top dogs.

    What mono leader do you guys recommend?



  9. Good morning all.

    I am so glad I have found this forum. Can't believe it has take me this long.

    I want to take my daughter for a fish and am looking for some advice as to where a good landbased spot would be. I live in Caringbah so somewhere either in Port Hacking or Georges River / Botany Bay would be best.

    We want to keep it simple so a handline or a junior rod (she has a pink one). Main idea would be to catch SOMETHING. They will all go back so size will not matter. Action is better - I want her to love the experience.

    Are there any Fish / family friendly jetties etc around? Any other fishing teaching tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Try yowie bay on one of the jettys around there

    Plenty of small fish, maybe use a little burly to bring some fish in and use small long shank hooks to help with hookups and removal

    Peeled prawns for bait and only use small pieces and you should have some luck


  10. Funny I now have both of their big brothers cause I've got a fireblood in 2500 too.

    Can't wait to put the twin power through its paces against those jumbo tailor in Conjola next year June... :biggrin2::1yikes::biggrin2:


    i have 2 of there uncle stradic 2500's and granpar stradic 4000 as well, might have toi get there great uncle twin power 4000 to even things out :biggrin2:

  11. My mate and I headed out to Texas reef off Terrigal on Saturday 17th July for an overdue session for some kingies. We dropped down a livie while we started jigging. We only got one drop on the jigs beforre the bait was taken. After a long hard fight to get it off the bottom it came up relatively easily. We didn't weigh it but we estimated it around the 10kg mark. We also caught a 70cm kingie, an undersized rat and a large bonnie. We also lost another good fish when we struggled to get the rod out of the holder and the line got cut on the prop. Why does jigging always sound like a good idea until after the third or so drop. We are planning to head out again in a couple of weekends. We are going to focus on livies during the next trip.

    Cheers and see you on the water

    great report mate that is one fat fish! :1yikes:

    How deep were you?

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