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Posts posted by Breambucket

  1. Pete - yahoooooooooo what an insane session and I am very jealous :biggrin2: , I am glad we weren't having our fishing comp! With such a hot bite did you try any surface lures?

    Mate i would of called you over to join in the fun! :thumbup:

    I did try a few cast with a popper but it was very windy and choppy and the popper was diving but i recon if the conditions were right it would of worked well


  2. Hey guys!

    Fished off Kernell with a mate of mine for a 3 or so hours friday arvo just trying a few different spots to see what was going on.

    From the first cast i knew it was goin to be a great arvo as both me and my mate were on as soon as the plastics hit the water! after a brief fight and working out who will net there fish first we both landed a nice trev each :thumbup:

    This theme basically lasted the whole arvo and the fish were feeding pretty aggressively with alot of foul hookups and takes on the drop, without exaggerating i recon we would of landed 40-45 fish between us, even though there was not anything of great size most of the bream were legal if not just under sized and a few decent sized trevs thrown in for good measure :yahoo:

    All fish were caught on light 3lb leader and main line on any plastic we could chuck at them but mainly 80mm wrigglers and turtle back worms

    Sorry for the crappy pics i was flat out un hooking fish and trying to get all my gear in some sort of order but ill have to invest for a decent camera for the boat soon as my phone does not do any of the fish justice








  3. Nice fish. What did you think of the ZX's? I've got a couple and I reckon that they are gonna be killer on yella.


    Hey mick i love using them especially when things are goin tough. to date i got my pb bream at 42.5cm with a zx and another 2 in the 40's with them as well. Also my only 2 black fish on lure fell to them, a couple of flatties in the high 60's and even that tailor in my display pic :)

    You can work them really fast too because the hooks wont foul up like the trebles on normal blades and wont get snagged as much fishing around weed patches


  4. Nice flounder there Pete, the lake has been quite productive last week or so, rumour has it there's been a few kings around Swansea bridge also. And the squid are coming on in the lake :yahoo:

    lake mac is one water way i want to fish more and more its soo big its pretty daunting when trying to target some species


  5. Hey guys i went to the lower end of lake mac to visit my Nanna do some yard work and catch her a feed of fish :)

    Things started slow and after all the winds we have had it didnt look too promising, my plan was to target the deep areas around Mannering Park in search of a few bream and flatties, After a couple of location changes we found fish and within half an hour we had 3 legal bream biggest bein 33cm and i pulled hooks on a snapper at the boat that i recon would of gone 40cm :ranting2: Oh well things slowed down again and started to make our way back to the ramp and tried one more spot and within 3 cast i landed this nice flounder 33-34 cm on a 80mm bloodworm wriggler!


    for shits and giggles i wanted to see the lure record for them and guess what? i get one of them green record holder thingys at the bottom of my posts from now on hopefully :)

    We caught another one of around 30cm and called it quits

    All fish were caught on either ecogear zx shrimp blades or squidgy 80mm wrigglers in blood worm colour, oh and sorry for no other pics as everything legal this time went into the esky for Nannas freezer :yahoo:


  6. Mate your best bet would be the southern bream series run by stgeorges basin lure and fly

    They fish botany the hacking, sydney harbour, lake illawarra, the hawkesbury and further down the coast likr the basin, turros and stuff like that

    Its the end of there season in a couple of weeks but they will be starting i think in feb again, and its a monthly comp. its a 2 per team comp that cost around $100 you will have to have an appropriate live well, all saftey gear and boat insurance.

    Im goin to try compete next year too and a few of the raiders compete as well so your bound to know someone there

    You better start practicing because some of the places are really tough going


  7. well done pete, its a shame the wind ruined what started out being a good day, it was nice meeting you also.

    next time I am heading into the bay I will get in contact with you and maybe we can organise a trip together - fish a few of your spots during the day and anchor up for a jew in the evening?


    Yeah for sure mate! within the next month or so the bay will start to really fire with bream and flatties especially

    I fish friday arvo's alot so that would be a prime time to do both forms of fishing


  8. Deffently try the sguidgy fish in flash prawn and grass hopper colours its a great all round plastic for bream flatties trevally squire and i have even caught a few large whiting with them too.

    Other favorites are berkley 3 inch minnows in pearl watermellon and peppered prawn, 2 inch jiging grubs in watermellon and other squidgys like the wrigglers in wasabi and bloodworm

    Light jig heads are the way to go i fish 2 gram heads from really shallow water and up to 7m of water depending on current and plastic used and use 3 gram heads for larger plastics and depths up to 12m of water

    I recon you should get the hang of plastics befor you give blades a go, they do work really well but for the price it makes it hard to fish areas with confidence with the thought of loosing one at $15 a pop.


  9. Hey guys

    I planed to fish with all you guys in the social today but after a late start (730) and with the wind the way it was i didnt want to get my old man soaked and uncomfortable on the way to and from cooks park :(

    I was really looking forward to the bbq but we decided to tough it out in woolooware for an hour then moved right into the georges to try escape the wind.

    It was tough going but we landed a few nice fish in between alot of small choppers and baby reds and our best 2 target species was a 33cm bream and a nice 55cm flattie all on 3lb again :yahoo: i did lose a bigger flattie around the mid 60's mark but that was from more stupidity than anythin else but considering the conditions it didnt turn out to be such a crap day after all

    Here's a couple of the fish we caught today



    Oh and i was nice to meet tide & knots or pete at the sylvania boat ramp :) one day i hope to be a jewie master like him

    Hope to meet some of you guys next time


  10. Hey guys i love finishing early on fridays so i hit the bay for a solo session

    With the social tomorrow i wanted to see if i could find some fish and to see how i would go using 3lb line and leader :1yikes:

    Started off in the main channel between towra and captian cook bridge, second cast i was into a good fish using a zx35 and after a nice fight to my surprise i landed another blackie on lure :)

    a decent size but he was prob the fattest one i have caught (my biggest on weed bein 43cm)


    After alot of annoying baby reds i moved towards towra more and instantly picked up an angry flattie that had the whole plastic in its mouth. normally im not too worried but with the really light leader i was a little nervous but in the end the i did it with ease

    Im actually pretty confident that the lighter leader could handle a way bigger fish if played right so im happy with the results


    Stayed around towra for way too long so i moved over to kernell where things really picked up, i got a few bream but non of great size just the 2 legal fish and maybe 10 or so legal trevs that all went back




    Not a bad arvo very frustrating at times but i didnt get busted off by any fish on the light stuff and it looks like some bream are finally goin to start playing for us guys in the bay

    see you all tommrrow


  11. Hey im sorry if this has already been mentioned but... especially with flatties is it possible to take a pic of them on a brag mat or next to a rule rather than a weigh in especially if they are say over say 600mm?

    I know its only a fun day out but i know alot of guys on here including me release most of the bigger fish and it might also promote a positive message as well

    Other than that i cant wait to the weekend


  12. Great work guys!

    I was a the skeeter weekend with my uncle and for us it was really tough going but you guys did it easy :biggrin2:

    I was actually in one of your photos but its hard to make me out lol

    You guys have a great looking boat but i noticed you checking some scratches on the sunday :ranting2:

    NSW sure has alot of nice waterways hey


  13. Congrats on doing the comp. Sounded really tough but you managed some bream even where others had'nt.

    Upgrading to a skeeter some time in the future???

    Mate i would love a skeeter and they are a great boat but i think the cost for me at this stage is a little too much

    maybe in a few years :)

    are you goin to the social in the bay? we can have that friendly comp we were talking about :)

  14. Curiously, when i try and type the name of the major retailer, the forum prints+_+_).. anyway, its at Campsie and its a major retailer associated with ET and his gear..

    yep, you are right, i should've put the rod straight.. weather was coming in fast and it was starting to piss down.

    it was 1km back to the car and i was thinking about that and not concentrating... too much of a hurry.

    My fault but they replaced it - there we have it.

    Looking at the weather for the morning now.. fingers crossed i take it fer a test drive early



    Hey mate you live in the ideal place to learn how to use plastics!

    Are you land based? or do you own a boat? i can give you some help with areas in the basin that will produce some nice flatties if your interested?

    Just pm me if you wish


  15. Hey guys

    Went up to south west rocks to fish with my uncle in there annual fishing comp / get together

    It was definitely a hard weekend and i have never fished fast moving water with lures befor but i was up to the challenge :)

    heres a pic of the vessel we fished out of


    Day 1 started off slow and we could only manage flattties and small bream for the first couple of hours, i had a go at some hard bodys (first time in salt water) and pulled what i thought was a nice bream out of some cover but it ended up being a nice bass in really salty water! there you go basscatcher one for you :)


    We fished rock walls that were basically anywhere between 14-30ft deep and basically hopped both plastics and blades down them which as you could imagine takes a hell of alot of your tackle with it :ranting2:

    We finally found some bream but most were between 21-24 fork length, heres a pic of the first we caught


    After around 20 flatties and a couple of nice lost bream i decided to try using a stinger hook in the tail and i finally landed our first legal bream (and only of the weekend) which went 425 grams and around 28 fork which was still good enough for 9th over all the first day

    sorry no pic this one went straight into the live well

    Day 2 was alot slower and even though the bream didnt play for us i still had a good time and landed some nice flatties and whiting. for everyone in the comp it was a hard weekend and the bag that won the comp for 8 fish was only around 3.4kg or something

    I enjoyed myself the whole time and it was still a great experience, a few teams didnt even weighed in a bream so it just goes to show how tough it really was

    Here are a few pics from the weekend




    Thanks for reading guys


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