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Posts posted by Breambucket

  1. Hey guys!

    Everyone must know by now that i nearly always fish botany bay Fridays after work so like normally i headed out with a few mates :)

    It was very slow going to start off with but after a hour or so the bight really started to come on! I have been using 2lb leader alot recently but today wasnt so great. i lost a nice flattie at the boat maybe around 70cm :ranting2: and a couple of bream that i never did see but you sort of know they were of decent size so it was Fish 3/Pete 0.

    Moved a couple of times and got a solid hit then this thing went spastic! i called it for a big trev but it kept on making big runs and i even had a decent amount of drag even with the 2lb so i was a little worried about loosing another one. finally i actually seen what the fish was and i was dancing like a fool lol ..... My pb whiting and i think a raider lure record that went 46cm and as fat as my arm! i couldn't believe how it thought and the runs that it took! Its deffently in my top 3 fish that i ever have caught especially after loosing the previous fish i had on in the day :yahoo:

    Heres a couple of pics




    All fish caught and lost were on Berkley 3 inch minnows in watermellon pearl 1/16th jig heads 2lb leader and 3lb main line

    Cheers guys


  2. There is no pic of the blade colour its something I thought of that could work based on baitfish colours

    Have you thought of making the blades about a third smaller?

    ok im off to buy some paint this arvo :)

    yeah i will soon im in the process of tryin to find someone to make a mould for the heads for me

  3. One of the tournie guys in Brisbane does custom paint jobs on lures and no they are painted not combined as far as I know

    Could you do a metalic silver with an olive back and red gills Its a colour scheme I want to try on some of breambuckets vibes

    Ive only caught bream on lobbies using them as a surface lure by chopping the tail off and rigging them on a resin head The way I tried is to cut the arms off and rig them on a hidden weight jighead

    Outboard went great amazing what new fuel new plugs and cleaning the fuel filter will do

    Chris Webber memorial classic was on in the basin on saturday

    Im painting my ones now mate just have to work out what clear i can use that wont be affected by s factor

    Colors i have painted so far sort of look like the eco gear 439 and 443 colours and im goin to do somethin similar to the 435 colour soon. im also trying out some custom naturals along with TT's gold noggin

    do you have a pic of what you would like?

  4. Its still good to get out aint it Andrew? :biggrin2: you did alright considering and spewing about your last lure :ranting2:

    I have bought some sub dogs too so hopefully when im down the basin in a couple of weekends ill give them a good working out, i might have to ask neil about how you make the lobbys into limps




  5. Definitely try Towra the Groins and the Sticks.

    Go light in the jig heads and if something isnt working change and change again untill you get something, maybe start off with 80mm wrigglers blood in blood worm which is working great for me at the moment

    I would deffently take Andrew " The Iceman " up on his offer he will deffently find you fish



  6. Yeah Neil told me about the flattie

    The skeeter is up for sale to make way for a new one

    Neil could be without a boat for a while

    Yeah he could be without a boat for a couple of months he was saying lol that would kill me!

    I might be getting a stacer and fishin the southern series this season comming up i just got to sort out finances

    Hey Breambucket - you always manage good fish in blowy conditions! That's a cracker trev mate and looks like you got a fair bag of bream too. Would've been great fun on the silly string ...

    I do like a little wind it helps you cover ground and gives the fish more cover. 10 knot winds over cast and water temps around 22-26 and im very very happy :)

    Did you and your boys go out on sunday!

    Certainly got those flats worked out for Bream and Trev's mate!!!!

    Well done on landing that trev on 2lb, top effort :thumbup:


    Cheers mate in just glad trevs dont have much in the way of teeth :)

  7. Great catch on the light gear... You must really love the sound of your drag.

    Towra's turning into a never fail option for me lately.

    Went out early on Saturday morning and picked up a few live yakka's drifted around the cans and further out near the heads with no luck so headed to towra for a spin...

    Picked up 3 nice flatties all in the high 40's.

    I'd been snagged at one stag and tightened the drag to help free up my jig head...

    Forget to loosen it back off and sure as sh#@ lost what looked to be a pb flatty. (high 60's).

    I don't remember the last time i swore that much. Mum would've run out of soap!

    I'll never do that again.

    Hot tip... just find a cormorant and you'll find a fish ;)

    Cheers mate!

    Look at my towra report from this week :)

    a tip for you... when you get a snag hold the spool with a free hand then hold your rod tip up high and quickley bounce it, 9/10 times it comes off pretty easy


  8. Nice Trevally Pete , you and i must have been the only 2 crazies out there on Friday arvo it sure was blowin hard , i was drifting off the Kurnell groynes and got 6 Trevally to 46cm , 1 squire and 1 bream both 32cm on 6lb braid using Gulp 4" watermelons .My PB Trevally is 49cm but that is a monster on 2lb well done.

    Hey guys!

    Not a bad haul mate! well done :)

    I was considering fishing the groins too but didnt want to get too wet. even in the channel we were getting knocked around and the wind sweel was so close together!

    I seen a squidgys skeeter go out that way too but he didnt stay long

    Nice catch Pete

    Thats a good bag of bream there

    I still cant bring myself to go any lower than 4lb leader

    Hey Andrew!

    Yeah if i had kept the best 5 it would of been a decent bag but still nothing compared to yours and Neils last year :biggrin2:

    Did you hear Neil caught an 85cm flattie with 2lb as well? It sort of gave me inspiration to try it out

    Great work Pete, you have certainly cracked the code for Towra. The Trev and big bream would have been great fun on the finese gear :biggrin2:. Were you using SPs or risking your blades on the silly string?

    Hey mate

    I lost a zx35 and an atomic hard body within 5 min after i landed that trev lol i thought i was invincible!

    Saying that i do think my knots need working on, when i did get busted off it was almost always when the fish took the lure on the down when the line was slack so it sort of loads the line up if you get what im tryin to say

  9. Hey guys!

    I braved the winds again on Friday arvo :1badmood: and fished in close to Towra to try stay away from the wind swell. Recently i have been fishing really light leader and i decided why not ill try some 2lb stuff :thumbup:

    After a few stinky pike i was onto something a little more desirable! after a reasonable fight up came this nice blue nose bream :) which was released to fight another day


    After a few more nice sized bream i hooked onto something with a little more go than the previous fish, this fish took alot of line and in around 1.5m of water i didnt like my chances but i stayed calm and collected and after a good 10 min we seen some colour then off again for another good run. We finally got the fish boat side and with a swift and great netting job from chicken in the boat was my pb trev of around 52cm :yahoo:


    The fish was totally stuffed so the call was to keep it and get a few more for some family friends

    We fished for a few more hours with some nice bream and a decent flattie bein landed, we probably released as many as we kept and i lost a few decent fish because of knot troubles with the 2lb but thats something ill work on.

    I defiantly wouldn't fish with it every time i go out but its great fun and seams to get more hits than with the heavier stuff



    We had a top arvo and i cant wait to do some top water fishin sunday morning!

    most fish were caught on 80-100mm wrigglers and powerbait minnows


  10. Hey guys!

    Planed to fish botany at the start of the week for friday with my "its complicated friend" Alison.

    The plan was to show her how to fish with plastics in woolooware bay for the odd flattie but the winds and chop in there was far too uncomfortable. Ill have to give her credit because she didn't complain or get angry or frustrated at all and it only being her 3 time fishing in total she did really well, her first fish came pretty quickly with a small taylor i also found out she is scared of fish and photos lol


    Between the teaching to cast and retrieve i got into a few nice sized bream with alot of smaller ones and a great whiting that fell to one of my new blades i painted :thumbup:

    Alison landed a small trev and a lovely 44cm flattie which was her first ever legal fish :yahoo:


    We called it an early day as i didn't want to get too wet on the way back to the ramp and we kept a few fish for her family which ment i had to clean all of them!



    Most fish were caught on powerbait minnows in watermelon pearl , 80mm wrigglers in wassabi and squidgy fish in grasshopper

  11. After reading about a 40-45 fish session in Botany Bay in another thread, I'm pretty frustrated.

    I fished in the same water on friday and only managed a few pike.

    We could see heaps of bream in the weed beds but they just wouldn't take anything.

    we were in about 3m of water, but it was pretty clear, so i'm convinced they could see us and were getting spooked.

    I'm running a 2-4kg Trion, 6lb fireline on a stradic 2500, i had a 1/8 jig head with a smaller hook on it, can't remember the size.

    I've been thinking about getting a 1-3kg Trion and some lighter braid. Would that help me cast further? I reckon i need about another 2-3m casting distance.

    Would getting Straic 1000 help with casting distance? Sorry about all the questions, still new at all this.


    Hey mate you might be talking about my post :)

    Anyways i dont always think its always about casting further, many other things come into it like jig head weight, leader length ect ect

    But to help casting further lighter line and leader will help, the type of leader knot will help and using the wind to your advantage will help too as well as practice

    More aerodynamic plastics that dont flop around and create drag in the wind will cast further too say i can cast a 80mm wriggler further than a 75mm squidgy fish and the fish would have to weigh twice as much as the wriggler

    With reels a smaller one might help but i havnt noticed a massive difference when i went from the same stradic 2500 you use to the smaller 1000's im using now

    On the day i was using 1/12, 2 g and 1.5 g jig heads 1-4kg rod 1000 reel 3lb fireline and 3lb leader which was between 8-12 ft long

    Hope that helps a little let me know when you go out on a friday next and ill come say hi


  12. Hey Mate - sounds like a great session.

    Went out Saturday morning before the forecast rain and southerly change. Sunday wasn't looking good so I had to go solo as the kids had their Saturday activities lined up.

    My session was quite different - only managed one bream because all my offerings were taken by trevally or pike! The fish were hungry and were holding in the area (sensing the southerly change?). Tried some poppers and surface walkers near the mangroves at high tide but there was nothing. I left fish to find no fish so it was back to the weed beds again. I even got to experiment with 3 different rods to compare their fighting action. Most trevally were in the 30-32cm range with some 35cm. Pulled in a 45cm one towards the end of my session. Kept some and released many. Had a great time. Sad because my kids were'nt with me ...

    May see you out on the water one day eh?

    Its great you found some fish mate! nothing wrong with trevs they fight great! That 45cm trev would of pulled some line thats for sure :thumbup:

    Too bad i cant say the same for pike lol

    You like using 3 inch grubs hey?

    Mate let me know when your going out next and ill come say hi


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