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Everything posted by netic

  1. netic

    Air Scrabble

    Ceph...you changed 2 letters again.... cant
  2. Mate that location is definately not a good spot for a begginner....As always with rockfishing Safety should be number 1......only go to new ledges with people who know them well....
  3. A kingfish of 85cm say approx 4kg can pull anywhere from 1 to 12 kg of drag pressure, many people think if a fish is 4 kg it can only pull 4 kg of pressure which is obviously incorrect. There isnt a set rule as to how much more a fish can pull above its weight, so many factors come into play, With kings there general health effects them, if they are well fed they will have more fight, If the water temp is cold it will make them more lethargic and much easier to fight, I pulled in a 90cm fish during winter that didnt pull any drag at all and the drag was set to 4kg, then i can catch a 60cm rat in summer that pulls out 7kg of drag...... Now with the water bottle test its not accurate as its a dead weight and a quality fish like a king is not a dead weight, They jerk left and right, They pull and stop...then pull again and when testing your tackle you wanna mimmick the fish as best possible, The best way to test it is to get a quality set of scales, Like the blue Shimano ones and tie a snap swivel onto the end of your line, Then lock your reel up as tight as can be and then put the scales onto the end of the line and get a mate to pull the line out using the scales, Also get him to pull in jerks so you canm test your line, Trace and knots strength.....this way you will get an exact reading of what the stella is capable off. But before you do that i recommend you dont do it with the Braid composite rod....You said you have a 20kg braid composite rod.... The Rapala rods come in 2 of the larger sizes....a 15-24kg and a 10-20Kg........the 15-24kg is more of a 15kg jig stick and in my opinion may break if 20kg + was applied, The 10-20kg stick is more of a 10kg jigstick so once again in my opinion it will break under heavy pressure.
  4. The transducer wouldnt work properly pointed out to the side.... In order for a transducer to work it sends signals to the sea floor and then those signals bounce back to the transducer hence giving you the reading....what your describing would not allow the signals to bounce back... and also, you would never have an accurate reading of the depth due to the angle
  5. Good to hear there are some big kings around, i havent fished for a while and am hoping to get out soon..Getting smoke by a hood is better then getting rats in my opinion so i would say you had a good day Ceph
  6. Go the Stella...know people who have both and many are unhappy with the Saltiga, I had to make the same decision some time back, I went out with Kelvin and had a good chat to him, He uses both reels alot...He rated the Stella above the Saltiga in that size, I also spoke to 3 charter operators who have use both and all of them said the Saltigas break down alot more often.....
  7. Mate there are 2 websites that make them and send them out to you, im at work now and havent got there details but will post the detils tonight
  8. netic

    Odd Sign

    Good one....i also had to look twice
  9. Well done Bud...good stuff
  10. Well done as always Penguin...good job
  11. Well done Dave, awesome report....You guys are doing extremely well.....Job well done and that boat is sure seeing its share of quality fish....
  12. netic

    Furuno Fcv620

    Its the transducer movement or placemenrt that cause it to lose bottom..........
  13. very nice fish fellas, well done
  14. Yeah thats a mates boat, I wasnt there that day
  15. Mate we have always used the strips in that fashion, Always seems to get results for us, Other ways will also get results but this technique seems to work best for us, Rigging them that way will not allow the bait to spin on the rigger....thinner strips will spin more often then not on the rigger
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