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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. The back of the lake is the go at the moment. Big flatties and some cracker bream and whiting (40cm+ bream and 45+ whiting). The deep creek flats are holding some good fish too!
  2. Exact same thing happened when i was there this time last year. A guy caught a 10' white off that exact pier. He was deliberately targetting them, using large livebaits. Took him half an hour to get in but it was a sight to behold! Another guy pulled in what looked like a king but they call it a yellowtail over there.
  3. rjc123

    Best tides

    Generally the neap tides are the go for jews. Neap tides are where there is smaller tidal movement. ie: 0.6 - 1.2 or something like that. At night the jews are actively hunting so tides are less important but as previously said, fish the still water for your best shot! I'd be fishing one spot as well. They are hunting at night so it seems logical to keep your bait in one spot for a longer period of time. This gives the hunting jewfish a chance of coming across your bait. Cast to the edges of the lit up areas that you have previously mentioned, where the baitfish gather under the light. Keep at it and you'll get one sooner or later! Cheers, Tom
  4. Yeah true.. Might sound very, very stupid, BUT! I know of a few old timers up in port stephens that fish for 20kg+ jewfish using a 80lb handline. I witnesses them pull out a 29lb fish when i was talking to them. They just fished a running sinker to a big snelled rig and 30cm+ tailor or pike. You'd have to practice casting it but around this spot (singing bridge, tea gardens) the deep water is fairly close to shore so at night you can get away with a 10m throw from shore. Just a thought! Alternatively, whack a fillet off the pike or tailor and fish it on whatever gear you have available. Tom
  5. I often use 40cm tailor as livebaits and pike are even better on jewies. Definitely lob it out next time but have a strong leader of atleast 60lb as if you do get a jew on it, it will be a good one ! Nice EP's as well Cheers, Tom
  6. Nothing wrong with that snapper! Great eating size! Best of luck tomorrow
  7. Cracker flattie mate! Nothing beats releasing the big girls! Looks like you would have got a decent feed out of the others as well
  8. WOW! What a report! Some great fish there Roberta! Even though you lost a few nice fish i guess that will be even more of a reason to head back soon! I thought i was hard done by paddling (foot pedals) into 20 knot winds in middle harbour for 3kms but i can only imagine how hard it was for you! Great read! Cheers, Tom
  9. Narrabeen should be heating up around now. The flatties are biting around the entrance to deep creek on the flats. A few nice bream and whiting mixed in as well. If i were you, i'd make up a standard mullet rig (float) and head to deep creek. Head around 50-100m upstream, thrown some bread in and fish around it. You should catch loads of mullet doing this. Most are around 2-25cm but last time i got 5 over 30cm biggest 39 and great fun on light gear. Its the best way to ensure you actually catch fish at the moment. Next best bet would be fishing live worms or prawns in the channel at the caravan park. Should be bream, flathead, whiting and tailor atm. Have a go and hopefully they're biting when you do! Cheers, Tom
  10. Awesome report guys Even without the jews it would have been a cracker of a session but i guess they were the icing on the cake! Top fish! How big was the first jew? Looks early 90's? Gotta love those jackall transams too! Top lures Congrats guys! Cheers, Tom
  11. Too true mate! We hired a place at bar pt a year ago and over 3 days fishing off the private jetty, i caught atleast 70 of them. Most on prawns but also had a bigger one take a live mullet... Copped a nasty spike as well.... not much fun
  12. Yeah unfortunately my 2kg fish hooked up on the jew rod so not too much fun in the fight... Still fought like a small school jew though! The SW corner of dangar isl has loads of nice flatties. Always get some there.. Also found loads of whiting around there at times..
  13. I actually find it fishes best during autumn to winter with summer being a bit slow. Spring should still be fine so good luck when you hit it! There are some very nice bream in that creek. Biggestr i have caught there was 36cm last year but i've seen a few around 45 as well and been totally blown away on 4lb a few times. Someone i was talking to suggested it could have been a mangrove jack as he has caught one in there. While it is extremely unlikely it was in the middle of january so anything is possible.. Some nice EP's too... Shore and kayak are fine mate. Walk 50-100m upstream of the bridge and chuck some bread out. Fish your standard mullet float rig amonst it and you'll catch plenty! Some big mullet fall to this technique as well so be ready for a good fight!
  14. cracker bream mate! The hawkesbury sure has some monsters! Got my PB 44cm bream there earlier in the year and it was very very fat weighing spot on 2kg. Took a strip of mullet up at milson island. I'd love to connect with a 45+ on 4lb some time. Would be a cracker of a fight! COTM for sure Cheers, Tom
  15. Stokes point is certainly worth a go. I find it fishes best at the top of the tide as well. Have a look at deep creek in narra lakes for mullet (loads and loads of them) and perfect size for cut baits. A live mullet should work for flatties but i find live yakkas outfish mullet at stokes pt. They are easy to get at west head with a little burley. I have hooked a good jew (and lost it at the boat) at stokes point. Have your baits spread out at stokes though. I find the nippers/prawns need to be cast in closer to shore and the others staggered going outwards from the point. You should hook a few salmon and maybe a king on dusk if your lucky. Burley every now and then if the bite is slow. Cheers, Tom
  16. Hi mate, yeah the mullet are great fun on light gear! Perfect for the kids. Sounds like you have a yak of some sort? If so then trolling round a little 2.5m diver should pick up a flattie or two. The back end of the lake is best for this. Flick SP's around the flats at the entrance to deep creek and you'll get some. If you grab some Z-man grubs (2.5") and flick them around you'll get flatties, bream and whiting on them. Popper work well on the whiting as well. They sell great whiting poppers at then local tackle store there so pick a few up!
  17. Odd capture for pittwater? Must be up the back end of town.. Great fish though
  18. Flatties are biting around the entrance do deep creek, with a few bream and whiting around the river mouth... If you look hard enough there are some EP's being caught as well.. The mullet down the back of the lake are great fun on light gear when over 35cm. Some really big ones too!
  19. Plenty of bream in the 30's, whiting and a few smallish flatties
  20. Haven't tried recently but i find they are in better numbers from novemeber-april.. I have managed a few through winter but they were bigger than the average yakka. Best option is to head down nice and early and give it a go.. If you burley hard you may even get a decent bream or trevally taking your bread bait! Let me know if you find any Cheers, Tom
  21. One of the biggest flatties i've ever seen! Nothing wrong with an 85cm jew as well! Gotta love the jerkshads! The kings are great fun on them and light tackle in summer!
  22. West head mate we we used to hire there and still went to west head for yakkas. Put them in a bucket and fish them LIVE and preferably get a cheap aerator to keep them alive.. Drop down a bait jig with every second hook baited (tiny tiny tiny piece of prawn, squid or pilli) or alternatively a handline with a tiny hook (size 8-12) and a tiny sinker... Live baits are the best way to connect with big fish in pittwater i think. Especially when it comes to live squid for kings! Cheers, Tom
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