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Posts posted by kingpig

  1. I have not caught any jew on plastics but have caught quite a few on hard bodies over several years.

    We used to target jew in areas were bait schools up specially in area were ther is light on the water at night time. One great area was the brigde a Stockton when the mullet were schooling. I have even got jew here on poppers at night. If you fish them a lot you will will hear them hitting the surface attacking bait. This is when you pull out a big diving lure with a nice slow action and wined it faily slow. Or a big popper that you make bloop and then let rest for several seconds before the next bloop.

    I have also caught them of the rocks on lures usually in gutters than run right up against the rock faces. Here we would throw the lures and wined slowly when the waves were coming in but not at all when the waves were sucking back. The wash would make the lure dive and keep it's action going.

    The only way to succeed however is to put a lot of time in and this is the case wether bait fishing of lure fishing for jew.

    Good luck

    King pig

  2. Try the head lands on the northern and southern sides of Botany Bay.

    The Northern side is Cape Banks. Access by car through the golf course at La Perouse. Drive down the access road as far as possible and park next to the pistol club. There is a track that runs beside the goldf course. Walk across a small bridge and then access the headland on your left. At the farthest point there is a bommie about 10m from the rock face. Berly hard with bread and fish the channel bbetween the bommie and the rocks. Hang on there are big fish in this area. There are a couple of other spot on this headland as well.

    On the Southern side drive to Kurrnell and go into the National Park. Drive to a spot marked as Yenna Picnic Area. On your right you will see a small bay and next to this on the left a rock that has a small gap behind it. Step over the gap and fish in front of this rock. Again berly hard good pigs here. At times you will see fish breaking the surface at this spot out faily wide. Most of the time these are large blackfish. The only method I have been able to use to catch these is to use a smallist bob cork wieghted to be able to cast it. A long leader that I greese so it floats and then use bread but make the bait float. You should do ok.

    Further along the same road there are lots of cliffs and I know guys that fish this area but I am not fit enough to access these places now. There are good pigs there though.

    Lastly. Most headlands will have drummer but they seem to be a fish that can be overfished so I try not to hit the same places to often and give the spot time to recover. Look for rocky areas that may have small patches of sand. Bommies the good wave action. Large rock crasks or caves. They will bite better on overcast days.

    Have Fun


  3. Some time ago I got a pair from Wotto's that have been great. They are light and have lasted well so far no scratches on the lenses. I think the brand is Ugly Fish. I bought them on one of the bbq nights so I got a good deal as well.



  4. I have use tortue for many years because it has a harder out shell and is more resistent to abrasion.

    However this year I am using Platypus Low Stretch to see if it increases the sensitivty of bites.

    So far I think it makes a difference but the distance I fish from the rock is small and therefore not much line in the water.

    I am mainly fishing for pigs using 8kg.



  5. I have used a large barrel lead that was sraped with a knife to make it shine, with two hooks tied to the line back to back ( the same knot). This has caught many tailor of the beach and some good bonnies of the rocks.

    Also I have used a piece of white cloth wrapped around a ball sinker and tied off with the same hook rig. This has aslo caught many tailor.



  6. The top one is a silver drummer and the bottom is a black drummer. We call the silvers (stinkies) and they do. Also I agree thet are not good to eat.

    The black one is a different altogether. Ones bled properly black drummer have very white flesh and are good eating.



  7. I made a floor for my old quinnie using the construction ply and then coated it with a latex based paint that stretches and contracts with the timber.

    It was still in great condition when I sold the boat and I had used it for around 8 years.



  8. I am glad someone got some. I spent about 5 hours with my son in our caneo between Yarramundi and Richmond.

    My son got a hit and had a fish on for a minute or two on his first cast. This plus one other follow were the only to fish we saw all day.



  9. I have my fly gear rigged, but the rod in halves in one of the side pockets of my boat. a lot of the time you our the guy your fishing with will hook up a fish and several others will follow. That is the time to pull out the wand and start to wave it around. With kings you usually see a coupe in the berley line.

    I have had some success with sounding schools of fish or bait and then sinking the line straight down into the school and using the fly rod to jig the fly back. The best way to do this is to use knottable wire between the flay and the tippet to help the sink rate.



  10. Roberta

    When you start to get downs that you cannot hook most people think small fish. In a lot of cases this is not so. It is fish that are playing with your bait and this lead to just hooking them and the hook comes out during the fight

    If you are getting bites that you cannot hook or start to loose more fish that you are used to. Attach a small split shot about half way along your leader. I have found in the past that this gives a more direct indication on the float and has allowed me to catch fish when others have failed.



  11. The catch rate is very similar to plastics but it you need to think about what you want to target and how you will fish it. My son fishes with me using plastic and I use fly and there is usually not much difference in the number of fish we get with the exception of bass. He usually out fishes me.

    I have three fly rods 6 weight used for bream, bass flathead and whiting.

    8 weight when I want to throw big bass surface poppers or salmon and trevs.

    10 weight for Kings.

    However I also have about 3 reels, or extra spools, for each of these rods all with different lines.

    This is were your choice of fishing style comes in.



  12. Try putting live blackfish in a white kids blow up pool for about 1/2 a day.

    They will change colour to silver due to the background and the sun light.

    Use as live bait on a two hook snell rig at nigth. They are at there very best during the dark phase of the moon.

    If done this way they will shine like a light in the water.

    Some of the biggest jew I caught in rivers have been using blackfish this way.



  13. I have fished the dam and from what i know the water temperature has the most effeect.

    All the fish I caught were on Tilsan Barra lures. I fished with two other guys using other lures and they got zero.

    I would try to fish the shallow bays at this time of year. If you can find one where the breeze is blowing warmer surface water into it that would help. 1 or 2 degrees makes a difference.

    Good luck


  14. Johno

    I used a type of latex paint that was for resurfacing swimming pools on a ply wood floor for my old quintrex lazabout.

    I had the boat for 7 years after I replaced the floor and it was in good condition when I sold the boat.

    If you type latex paint into google you can find some info.



  15. I spent a great deal of time fishing this river over many years. I will try to put some info together and send to you. My father was born on Oxley Island and we spent a lot of time fishing this river from the mouth to as far up as Croakie (sorry if I spelled this wrong).

    It would help if you tell me if you are land based, what style of fishing you will be doing (beach,river), and and perticular species you want to target.



  16. Guys

    Not related to the no tail but if you get a blackfish and keep it alive in a white tube it will turn very silver in colour. Put a hook through him for live bait in the night time and watch him shine in the water. Jew like them a lot.



  17. If you walk down the stairs onto the beach and head to the right there is a decent rock platform. I have caught good pigs of these rocks. Be careful this weekend as the swell is predicted to pick up towards the end of the week.

    Good Luck


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