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Everything posted by kantong

  1. Any Raiders going to be at Clifton tonight? Ill be heading there after work, so should be there at around 6.30ish. PM me if wish you going down there, it be good to see a raider Regards, Kantong
  2. Australia and France sign fish treaty January 09, 2007 12:00 AUSTRALIA and France have signed a new treaty aimed at protecting valuable fish stocks in their Southern Ocean territories. The agreement expands operations against illegal fishing through joint patrols by the countries. The sub-Antarctic waters are a popular hunting ground for poachers plundering valuable hauls of patagonian toothfish and other stocks. Australian Fisheries Minister Eric Abetz, who signed the treaty with his French counterpart in Paris last night, said the agreement would result in closer co-operation in the fight against illegal fishing. "This new treaty provides for substantial co-operative enforcement benefits for both countries," Senator Abetz said. "For example, the agreement will allow French officers on an Australian patrol vessel to apprehend an alleged illegal fishing vessel in the French territory's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)." Both nations already share fisheries and customs staff in joint patrols under an agreement signed in 2005. The new deal allows for broader surveillance operations covering waters managed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, of which France and Australia are members. Australia and France retain remote island territories in an area some 4000km southwest of Perth. Australia has control over the Heard and McDonald Islands, while France has the Kerguelen, Amsterdam and St Paul Islands. The treaty is part of Australia's effort to stamp out fish poaching in the region, including a five-year allocation of $217 million to patrol the Southern Ocean. Senator Abetz said while widespread incursions by Indonesian boats remained a problem in Australia's northern waters, no illegal fishing vessels were seen in the southern EEZ last year. source: www.
  3. top work Kelvin, really admire your persistance. cheers
  4. Do you hook the worms through the middle part or through the head and leave the excess hanging out?
  5. mate that's heart breaking! you did well to hold on. Great report too. cheers for sharing
  6. I've popped a few cherries, not as much as I would like: Bought first beach outfit Bought my first spool of braid Bought a spin outfit PB salmon 62cm PB gummy shark 123cm Caught my first fish on SP PB leather jacket 30cm PB whiting 35cm PB tailor 42cm that would scare anyone!
  7. Can I put my name down for a tentative yes for now? Everytime there's a social, ive always been pulled away by family functions etc.... Maybe this time if i dont commit, it will work out?? lol Regards, Kantong
  8. gday mate! good work. I work a few minutes away from Silverwater ramp. Ive always eyed it out. If you ever go again, PM me, ill be interested in having a fish down there. The low tide gets very shallow, you can see all the muck and garbage they dump in there, trolleys etc... but makes good snags for fishies! Regards, Kantong
  9. what a trooper. top work on getting the kings!
  10. top work again Kelvin! thats a monster of a kingie, must be a NZ special. I heard they release a few dozen into our systems just to tempt us to go to NZ, part of their tourism campaign hahahaha (jokes)
  11. Gday Matty, trace and leader mean the same thing. I use Fluorocarbon because its less visible in the water than mono. Not sure about the strength of fluoro compared to mono, but I have read about the knots slipping with fluoro. Just learn to tie knots better i guess, its also harder for human eyes to see too. hope that helps! Cheers Kantong
  12. top work! especially from a yak! did u get a tow?
  13. great work and top report. very nice kingie. Unlucky bout the conditions and the tangles. Live and learn. congrats on the PB!
  14. bloody awesome report!!! great work! wat a dream of a trip!!!
  15. nice pics mate! 1 hour fight. thats some effort. Good work!
  16. Good work mate! Another one to the SP side.
  17. nices pics and good work with the kings too!
  18. congrats again on your move! Ur living the dream!
  19. Sorry Ross I have to attend a family Christmas party this wkend. I wont be able to make it to the social. Im sure you guys and gals will have a blast! Regards Kantong
  20. great work again Kelvin. Its very nice to see you share you info on how to catch kings too. Top bloke
  21. great report on the kings and very nice collection of squid there! ashame the bigger brother jew didnt come and play.
  22. great work with the flatties Sydney is starting to fire now, next few months should see some good fishing.
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