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Everything posted by pk-fishn

  1. next time you get a hammerhead stick a 10000000000000/0 hook through it and send it out!!! that head is huuuuuuggee!! cant even imagine the size of the tiger!! cheers pk
  2. unlucky on the fishing front, hopefully your next trip will make up for it. cant wait for those dollies to arrive and look foward to reading your future posts!! cheers pk.
  3. mik looking foward to hearing some reports and info from you down there on the snapper.. cheers pk
  4. congratulations guys, top work and thanks for your contributions! yous are deserved gold members!! cheers pk
  5. yeh i usually fillet the striped tuna and turn them into strip baits. theyre awesome on the close in reefs ad as floating batis. then just throw the frames into the burley pot. cheers pk.
  6. great work nice catch, youve really braining the fish down there! and a great kingy for bream gear!!! cheers pk
  7. top report mate and nice catch there!!! cheers pk
  8. nice report and pics shame about the lack of fish. the rising water temps made the news and temps have been over the 22 degree mark in most areas. yet in the weather report they stated that these warm waters may only lasy until the end of the week as more northerly winds are predicted to blow the warm surface water out to sea and allow the colder/deeper water to rise to the surface. lets hope the higher water temps last long enough for the dollies to get going!! cheers pk
  9. gday mate, slimies and yakkas apparently are very good when smoked (particularly slimies). shovel nose i havent tried but ive heard therye just like normal flake. striped tuna iv never had howd it go on the tooth??? cheers pk
  10. pk-fishn


    gdAY 1975, i didnt find a record for a Black drummer either so yours might be the fish. the one pictures in the link is a silver drummer. post the fish under the brag section and i think it will be attended to.!! nice fish cheers pk
  11. gday mate you boat or landbased and what are you looking to target?? ive been to jervis bay a few times on holidays its a good fishery just make sure you look at all the zoning plans before hand.. cheers pk
  12. well done mate nice catch there. did it put up much of a fight?? last one i caught was that size and was a beast you can feel there tails pulsate in the water as they dive for the nearest structure. they usually put up a good fight and are great eating to boot!! well done. cheers pk
  13. pk-fishn

    Trev Or Yakka?

    could be a barcheek trevally Carangoides plagiotaenia although quite unusual to find this far south.. though the fin structure and position of the lateral line is quite similar. heres a few links to compare the pic http://www.amonline.net.au/FISHES/fishfact...sh/cplagiot.htm and http://zipcodezoo.com/Animals/C/Carangoide...sp#Distribution jeez domza youve been catching some unusual species of late! cheers pk
  14. heres a handy article on the site, http://www.fishraider.com.au/articles/jewfish/ oh and the bigger fish taste better than the smaller specimens. best of luck! cheers pk
  15. down in victoria its considered tops!! thats mainly cause its a prime target species as with KGW and of course snapper. in my opinion if prepared corecctly they make a great fish and chips but of course, there are better species out there. cheers pk.
  16. nice gummy there bet it wouldve tasted tops!! cheers pk
  17. here you go its on the articles section http://www.fishraider.com.au/articles/pittwater/ cheers pk
  18. dolphin fish has a really nice flesh and delicate flavours you dont want to overpower them. the recipies listed above are tops just simple additions like lemon and parsley, butter, salt and pepper is whats needed. how you wish to cook them is up to you but grilled, bbq, pan fry its all good as this fish is quality and versatile. cheers pk.
  19. gday mate, a FAD_ is a Fish aggregating device, as you said it is basically a bouy attaced to the bottom which floats on the surface. when the warm currents run down the coast pelagics and species like dolphin fish follow and they are attracted to floating objects and congregate around them as do bait fish, kings etc. people usually troll the vacinty, cast lures and baits and come up with fish its a very simple way to get dolphin fish and other species (not at the moment in sydney though as the warmer currents havent arrived and stayed around, the 22 degree mark water temp is ideal while the water is approx 18-20 in some areas so not warm enough.) hope this helped oh and the coordintes for fads are on fisheries websites , usually the wider fads hold the better quality fish and there are also many private fads around for you to find (just floating objects really). hope this helps cheers pk
  20. mate thats a top quality combo you have there you should be very pleased with it , charter specials are a very versatile reel which are tops for bottom bashing. cheers pk
  21. well done mate nice king and good to see you got it on a lure!! cheers pk
  22. nice work mate heres a link to help with resizing pics.. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...showtopic=11144 just resize it then save it and add it as an attachment cheers pk
  23. pk-fishn

    Whats This Fish

    im not 100% but i think it is a species of cardinal fish. this actually took quite a while to find think its a Apogon quadrifasciatus. very hard to distinguish between the species but the horizonal stripe running right through the tail and the two white lines through the eyes gave it away as it was very very close to other species of cardinal fish. (they vary only the slightesT) heres a link to the pic for verification, and just checked and found it is distributed across australia. http://www.fishbase.org/Photos/PicturesSum...mp;what=species and heres another http://habitatnews.nus.edu.sg/guidebooks/m...sh/text/276.htm cheers pk
  24. gday randal, as burnsy said its a little different with hardbodies as the action is already in built ( created by the bib thus you dont have to really impart as much action as you would with an sp). with a lure like an sx40 it is a floating lure that rises when you stop winding the reel this is what the bream love!! so as previously stated fish slow a couple of cranks then pauses and dont be afraid to let it sit there a bit as some timid fish will play around a bit before smashing your lure. Its a tricky bussiness but very rewarding., hope this helps. cheers pk.
  25. great work to get a top feed in poor conditions!! the crab nets were very affective as well i might have to invest in some myself... cheers pk
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