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Posts posted by lostproperty

  1. I might just be really stupid but I can't get tap talk to show me what I want to see in the forums. IE the layout and format that I see in safari, I have to go through different menus to get there. I might just be fussy but Im used to browsing in this way.

    If I went and posted in all the treads "educating" the newbies ill just come across as a nazi and no one will like me, that's the job of an admin haha

  2. Agreed John

    @DownToFish - I don't recall you ever "raising this with admin" before. We work our slots off trying to maintain this forum in our spare time. If you had raised it I would have explained to you and other members that you CAN flag any post with us at ANY time. This may be an offensive post, a post that needs moving etc

    See the pics below where you can press the button "report" under any post and type the issue into the text box

    post-869-013687000 1344419689_thumb.jpg post-869-035789000 1344419690_thumb.jpeg

    Put your hand up to help us anytime members!

    My post regarding this is here http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=60567

    Im not saying you dont do a good job, quite the opposite actually, obviously its a tireless task going through every post to make sure they are a report or not and wouldn't expect admin to be able to do this.

    I browse the forums on my iPhone in safari - I dont like the layout of TapTalk as much as safari and if I need to post a photo on the odd occasion I will use my computer, however unfortunately there is no way to report a post without reloading the forum in full site mode and going back in again which is pretty painful on the small phone screen.

    Like I said admin were moving the posts for a little while however I havent seen many get moved as of late and alot of newer ppl posting in the wrong section again

  3. Mack Tuna off Sydney in Winter??? Sure they weren't big frigates? Even frigates are unusualt at this time of year.. How big were the mack tuna? Nice haul of bonnies though :thumbup:

    We caught a frigate off north head a few weekends ago, huge schools of salmon around as well, looking like its going to be a good summer of fishing coming up!

  4. I bought cheap braid off online shop and was pretty unhappy with it over all.

    Strength was good and I never had it break however the dye they used was terrible and rubbed off on my rod and guides. the line also stuck on the spool which was bad for casting and it faded really quickly too (I bought orange) and when casting it wouldnt come off the spool cleanly and would end up getting really tangled, ended up losing about 50m worth due to knotting.

    Ive got my kingy rod with 30lb Power Pro braid in green - very tough but a little bit rough, fine for bottom bashing

    My mid sized spinning rod has Tuffline 15lb yellow braid and its beautiful, so smooth excellent for casting and never gets knots

    My break rod has 6lb Fins in orange and is also pretty good, not as smooth as the tuffline but still very good. I hooked something big out at longy last weekend and my 10lb leader broke before my braid did, just had to lock up the drag in the end because I was about to get spooled and wasnt showing any sign of stopping :(

    In short, the cheap stuff isnt worth it to be honest. your better off using mono or flurocarbon. I had 8lb fluro perform better overall than the 15lb online shop braid.

  5. Basically what they have done is spent $1m on changes that will decrease revenue for the park. Considering that the park generates money from people who enter the park and pay to enter, most consistent of those people who use the ramp facilities, it's a poor investment and will definately not gain any returns either

  6. Damn man the difference a few days makes !?!?

    Might head down tomorrow arvo

    For the trevs, best way to cook em is chop up garlic, chilli and grate lemon rind and cover it over the fish, slice up the lemon and rest the fillet and bake in the oven with foil over the top and for the last few mins take off the foil. Usually do this with the whole fish but will def work on the fillet as well

  7. I've just bought a Sambo menace 7ft 2-4 kg rod and matched it up with a 2500 sienna and 6lb fins. Rod feels really good and reel is nice too. Best part was the whole setup cost me $120 so I can't complain with that, might be overkill for bream though I'll probably use it to tackle some sambos and Bonnie's and trevs from the boat, my other sambo rod is a 6-12kg and used it for trolling alot caught plenty of big Bonnie's and tailor without problems

  8. At 67cm they are the best sashimi you can get ! So that's a good start.

    I actually bought the kikoman honey sesame sweet chilli and ginger marinade and pan fried fillets after marinating in that at they were awesome, most importantly don't over cook it, just a little under is fine so long as its warm through but if you over cook it it'll be all tough and chewy.

    If your game you can do the rest ceviche, haven't tried it myself but apparently the best way to have it with a nice salad, but we are in winter after all :)

  9. Hey mate I was actually fishing on the other side near the bridge, wish I'd come over to the ramp side first, went there on my way out the the 2 Chinese girls showed me the photo they took for you, unbelievable mate especially considering you had more than 1 crack at it ! You fishing tomorrow man ? I just got a new sienna 2500 with 6lb fins spooled on it and was having a flick with a blade but no luck for me

  10. If your jigging in very deep water and very heavy jigs say 150-200 grams plus, the Saragosa will be a better bet only because with the higher gear ratio you will start to feel the difference, i was fishing off a cliff yesterday with a lower gear ratio reel and i caught a eel i was lifting it up around 50 meters up i didnt even feel it on the rod the reel was doing alot of nice work for me. But ive fished the same cliff with a higher gear ratio and i can feel the extra pressure on the gears with the same size fish. But having said that for jigging i only use around 80-100 grams small jig i still use my higer gear ratio reel as i only mini jig in around 50-60 meters of water and it does the job fine.

    That makes alot of sense, thanks for pointing that out. 12 mile is about 100m deep and jigs we use are usually 250 - 300g.

    I would rather use a reel that WONT break when I take it jigging as apposed to a reel that MIGHT break but be marginally better for everything else.

    I don't do any popping with the reel so would still be fine for live baiting from what I can see.

  11. I've heard good reviews about both reels being good reels in learning more towards the stradic only thing is people have said its not as good for jigging. However I won't be jigging majority of the time which is why I think the stradic might be better just wanted some feedback about the retrieve ratios on both reels, from what I can see both have similar performance as far as bearings and both water proof drag systems and no on/off anti reverse so sturdy construction.

    Anyone got the stradic ?

  12. Saragosa had a few probs and its heavy as i would be looking at the stradic but the finnor is a tuff reel my dad has had one and he puts his reels though hell and its still working

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2

    What kind of problems have u had with the Saragosa? Weight feels fine for me with the one I've used before so not a problem in my eyes

  13. Looking at purchasing a new reel in the next few months.

    Main uses will be Live Baiting for Kings in and around the Sydney Harbour area, drifting for flat head wide off Deewhy and the occasional jigging at 12 mile during winter.

    I currently have a Penn Silver Signature Series (Cheap ***** Reel) which has 30lb Power Pro Braid. I have been using this for all the above purposes successfully however after my first outing jigging I get the feeling with the abuse I intend to throw at it, it probably wont last very long!

    I've read that the Stradic has a higher retrieve ratio than the Saragosa however I don't understand how this would be less beneficial for jigging? I found while I was using my Penn reel on the weekend that I couldn't retrieve quickly enough in-between "jigs" on some occasions. I did land 2 big barracudas (no kings to be found and no one else around on the reef hooked up to any either) so Im guessing my technique must be ok?

    Price for the Shimano's are about the same, the Fin Nor seems like it might a bit overkill for what I want to be using it for, and I plan on using 30lb braid with a 10-15kg rod for the new set up (will keep the Penn reel until it falls apart) However the Fin Nor Offshore series have received some pretty good reviews and are also alot cheaper than the Shimano reels in comparison, only thing is I prefer the power grip handle of the shimano reels, not sure if these are available on the Fin Nor?

    I have used a Saragosa in the past and feels like a good reel (in comparison to the Penn I have been using, it probably isn't hard to beat it!)

    Dont plan on heading any further offshore than 12 mile either so not looking to be chasing tuna marlin or sharks. Ive read some people have matched up these reels with a 7-12kg rod as well but I was thinking maybe it might be on the light side for kings but I could be wrong?

    Cheers for the help guys!

  14. Just wondering if anyone has been able to hook up some kind of camera off the back of their boat in the same way a reversing camera works on a car.

    I have an underwater camera which is great for dropping over the side of the boat but thought its be awesome to have some kind of a permanent stream so can see what's happening under the water real time ? Normally visibility is alot better once you are under the waters surface even when compared to wearing polarized sunnies.

    Any thoughts?

  15. Good report mate, good to hear your finding some good marks as well, me and a mate went offshore Sydney yesterday jigging for kings an only managed 2 barracudas. Came back in around the harbour and only caught big yakkas but there was plenty showing on the sounder.

    Not a very good weekend fish wise so don't be disheartened by ur results, the pressure cells we have been copping has probably shut the fish down.

    Wats the water temp down you way? It was 19 deg offshore and 17 in the harbour.

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