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Posts posted by lostproperty

  1. Thanks for the feedback! Was a little apprehensive posting at first but glad I did!

    Mate great catch and awesome report ! No need to worry about posting it up it's perfectly legal.

    As a surfer I couldn't live with the karma of killing and eating a shark myself but each to their own. I have heard that cutting off the fins as soon as you kill it helps with the taste of the fish as they contain large amounts of ammonia.

  2. Can't help with the glue , 2 holes & 20 cents worth of SS screws is a more permenant solution.

    For interest , when mounting , the correct position is to have the pick up pipe as close as possible to the bottom , not protruding so when on the plane it's protected from damage from anything passing under the boat or when parked on a beach.

    Have tried to attach a photo but no luck. Will try to post the photo seperatly


    You might need to post up a pic explaining what you mean mate ? or you can email to to me furiousangles@hotmail.com if that helps

  3. If he's not keen on drilling there is always the method used on timber boats-drill oversize holes,fill them with marine grade epoxy,and scew into the epoxy when it's cured.



    Haha sorry to laugh but that just sounds funny, Im not too sure if he'd be keen on drilling an even bigger hole even if it was going to be filled.

    I suggested we drill, then glue & screw with washers which would seal it but still not keen to do it.

    Thinking about making a bracket that is similar to my broom pole but is sturdy enough to hold the pump at all times and sits a bit more flush to the back of the transom, we'll see how it goes.

    Was considering also mounting the bracket to a piece of wood/aluminum and gluing that to the transom as the larger surface area would help hold it, but still trying to find good enough adhesive

  4. We have been playing around building a live bait tank for my mates boat and we have got the whole thing set up, currently with a temporary "mounting solution" which involves "doms dodgy repairs" zip tying the bilge pump to a broom pole which is zip tied to the boat. This was only supposed to be for 1 outing but it's managed to last a few while we are working out how to secure the bilge pump to the transom.


    We don't want to screw into the Transom, there is already a bracket that has been screwed into he transom, the bracket is old and broken, and not too keep to keep screwing stuff into the transom over and over again

    We glued a pickup bracket to the transom and it fell off while we were out in the water (lucky we tested it before mounting the pump to it!) The idea of the pickup is it pushes water into the bait tank while we are moving without the need to run the bilge pump. I cant remember the name of the glue we used but we got it from the local boat supply shop and he reckons its the best - clearly not though because it didn't stand up for 5 hours in the water.

    We have a bracket that the transducer is mounted to however we dont want the bilge pump operating right next to the transducer as it might cause interference

    Anyone got any ideas? Worst case scenario we will need to get another mount welded on the other side of the boat and screw into that but I dont think were keen to go down that path. Does anyone know of any amazing glue's out there

    Once we have everything completed I will post up a quick build thread, we are trying to do it on a bit of a budget, using a beer barrel I got of feebay for 30 bucks and the bilge pump was only about 20, the bracket we lost was about 40 bucks tho and the waste of time glue so far was 30 bucks as well.

    Any help much appreciated, if anything unclear ask away and I will try explain/take photos if necessary

  5. Last time I caught any squid was before I lost my live series, got a new one ready for kingy season so here's hoping it comes through with the goods again. I used to get hookups instantly sometimes with it, amazing ! Great haul of squid by the way, what colours did you get?

  6. There is no way I could eat Aussie salmon sashimi I think I would vomit. Last time I caught one it was bled straight away and the meat still stank and tasted bad, looked after it perfectly. Best bet would be to smoke it. Apparently deep dried beer battered are OK if bled properly but you'll get sick of that eventually too.

    Bonito sashimi is better than kingfish if you ask me, so much softer and more delicate, you have to eat it within 2 days tho and u can't freeze it

  7. There are kings in middle harbour but I think they are starting to be fussy already, we had schools of them all around us while we were collecting bait, we sent a yakka back out and it got taken by a big tailor, but there were plenty of kings swimming right up on the surface, weren't interested in the livie, a yakka flick bait, metal lure, anything really. I reckon squid would have been the go but there's no point wasting good squid on rats !!

  8. As above have said you do not need to strike with a circle, apply pressure but it should be slow and gradual, if you want to fully understand how the circles set put it In a bucket and drag it out slowly to the side (pulling the line) it should catch on the lip of the bucket of you do it slowly enough, of you do it really fast it'll jist skip past, exactly same thing happens with the fish's mouth. You strike with offset hooks because they usually set in the gills of the fish however it damage the fish, they can die from deep hooking (waste of an undersized fish if u catch a rat) and isn't as strong for fighting the fish.

    Good luck next time mate hopefully you land one next time they're a hoot !

  9. They weren't liking plastics at all, had a flickbait with Sfactor on it and didn't even get looked at, either did an octojig off the side of the boat bobbing in the relatively calm conditions.

    What they were taking though was a 3 inch gillies baitfish metal slug in a blue colour I was casting out and reeling back in through the schools, had about 6 hookups and the first one I though was a Bonnie until my Siena 2500 with 6lb braid almost spooled itself with the drag locked right up, luckily managed to get it back to the boat after it took me on about 5 runs and did a complete 360 of the boat I was stoked to have a 72cm king on board! Casted straight back out and hooked up again, weirdest king behaviour I have even seen but also the best days fishing I've ever had fr sure !

  10. Was out on Sunday to Roseville for an undersized snapper, bluefish for a sargeant baker and back to the harbour for nothing either, trolled the heads both north and south for nothing, saw all the dolphins around everywhere, most exciting part of the day was getting 2 decent squid following my flickbait up to the boat but didn't manage to get them on a jig we threw in, and in the harbour had the same thing happen in the harbour but managed to catch a perfec kingy bait sized arrow head. Heaps of yakkas around caught one on a 6 inch flickbait as well swallowed the entire thing !

  11. My brother has a spyderco sharpener and it is very very good. I normally use a global steel I found in vinnies years ago as paid $2 for it, turns out they are over $100 each and still works a charm! I find knives with a cheaper blade will generally stay sharp for a shorter time period than more expensive ones. I usually just sharpen up the knives before every outing and im all good for the day!

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