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Posts posted by lostproperty

  1. They're taking metal blades or pillies on ganged hooks? I know there are def kings in the harbour having seen them with my own eyes, just being difficult to entice and on the weekend in particular was hard to get squid for us

  2. Mate we went offshore and there were a few boats hooking up to the odd king but we had fresh squid and yakkas and had no luck. When collecting bait we had a few kings swimming in our bread burley scaring off the yakkas, I chucked out a 100mm slick rig drop bear and just let it hang over the boat, a kingy took it in it's mouth and was swimming off with it I flipped up the bail arm so he could swallow it properly then flipped over the bail arm and just watched the slick rig slide out of its mouth to my dispair !!! You guessed it, in my excitement I forgot to cut off the tube that protects the hook point in the packet !!!! It was the begining of the end for us and I'm still dirty on myself

  3. Best way to find out the best weight is put some sinkers on and have a cast, start light and increase by 5-10 grams at a time until you can get your best cast that will make it easier for the future, one of my beach rods didn't have it on it either and I worked out I wasnt loading it up enough for a proper cast put more weight on and can get a really good cast on so it'll be a bit of trial and error

  4. Ahhhhhh I'll try the vibe one a faster retrieve I was just doing the lift and wind, but I understand how making it more more erratically might enduce a strike, cheers for the help.

    What jig head do you use on the critter and how do you rig it up?

  5. Ahhhhhh I'll try the vibe one a faster retrieve I was just doing the lift and wind, but I understand how making it more more erratically might enduce a strike, cheers for the help.

    What jig head do you use on the critter and how do you rig it up?

  6. Only problem with live worms on the yak in summer is stopping them from cooking haha, but maybe next time i head out ill have to try bring some with me anyway and see how they go, maybe a nipple type plastic with s-factor could be a winner ?

    I think squidy are developing one I saw some photo on the FB page a little while ago


    Anyone tried these out? They look good

  7. Cheers for all the info guys.

    Here is a spanner in the works:

    Shimano spheros or okuma salina ii?

    Both about same price online.....mmm

    Does the Salina 2 have the lifetime warranty as well as the Salin 3? Thats worth more than the Shimano 10 year, and apparently Okuma are being very generous with their warranty as well and fixing pretty much anything to help them build up their brand reputation, hence the reason I am going with the Salina 3, even if the reel gets destroyed by a big kingy I know I can get it fixed without any hassle, just have to make sure you buy it from an Australian Retailer otherwise no lifetime warranty.

    To be honest I don't know the difference between the Salina 2 & 3, I just prefer the look of them, and the handle on the 3 is nicer as well, and generally newer is better

  8. Went for a Kayak/Snorkel on the weekend. Had a 100mm bloodworm wriggler with S-factor and a small vibe, having a few casts didnt have much luck.

    Went for a quick snorkel and spotted heaps of schools of whiting in the shallows so went back and got the kayak and started flicking lures through the schools without any interest.

    Just wondering what are the best lures to use for the whiting? There were some monsters in the school as well they were on the bottom in about a 1 - 2 meters of water, would they still go for a surface popper if they are that deep? Or is there a soft plastic that you find works well for them? Im sure next time I head out I will encounter them again, but may have to bring some worms with me instead to try and coax them to strike

    Thanks in advance

  9. 80lb for extra abrasion resistance. I've had 50lb run through rocks and survived, other times busted off easily, so prefer the slightly thicker line for extra piece of mind. Leader varies from 80 to 100 lb. I'm land based so fish heavier gear, but use the same off the boat when out as casting towards shore or down rigging through drop offs. Have been drilled on heavy gear but prefer to not get avoidable bust offs and leave fish swimming with hooks and lines attached. You don't need as much capacity bless jigging so 80 works well. I use 50lb for spinning with on lighter combos. There is a limit to how much drag you can managed off the rocks, so it's not based on just drag ratings of lines.

    Fair call, I prefer to fish a bit lighter and havent had problems with my 30lb setup as of yet, although I dont think Ive hooked any monsters yet, the only times Ive been busted off on kings is on my light gear, then again my PB is only 72cms which is by no means massive.

    Im upgrading to 50lb line and reel to suit soon which I think should be enough for the majority of the fish I account for, however Im sure if I get smoked on the 50lb gear I will be wanting to get something more heavy duty and will eat my own words!

    Definitely for land based though is a different story you cant just lock up the drag like you can on a boat to try and turn its head, so in that case I would be going heavier for that.

  10. Hi Raiders

    Just wondering if anyone has fished the small beach north of the rock pool and caught anything? Not sure what it's called as it isn't named on Google Maps. Was there last night and decided to give it a flick for about 30 minutes before the wind and rain picked up.



    Hey mate the beach is called Turrimetta, used to be called Sheep Stations in the old days and referred to by surfers as Little Narrabeen or "Turri"

    Never seen anyone fish off the beach as its usually too crowded with surfers to be honest. Plenty of fish off the north headland which you can walk up to and is probably not the safest place to fish due to waves washing over the shelf unless its a really small NE swell.

  11. You'll get more hits on FC than you will with mono, for

    Jigging I find the jackets tend to be less of a hassle when using FC as well compared to mono too. I never use mono unless I'm spinning metals usually, FC all the way.

    50LB line should be sufficient for your braid but you want the line strength to be well matched to the max drag of the reel, the 30LB line you are running on your baitrunner is wasted with 7kgs of max drag

    On the 14000 reel 50LB line would be enough max drag is 20kgs so no point going heavier.

  12. Doesn 200 include line?

    I would go for a fin nor biscayne 50 series and a shimano blue water rod 6'6, I think they are called and put 50lb braid on it, rod an reel should be about 220 all up line will be extra but hunt around on fee bay I know they had some of the fin nors on special for $99 at the tackle shop on Victoria rd drummoyne, I was gona get one but have decided to wait til I can afford a okuma salina 10000 instead.

  13. 4500 bait runner is pretty small what's the drag rating for them? You'd want something with a decent amount of drag at least 15kgs and line to suit so you can keep enough pressure on to tire the fish and turn its head before it buggers off and busts you off on some nice structure. Just on a quick search the bait runner seems to have 7kg of drag which I think isn't enough for legal kings unless they are running wide and not down which rarely happens

  14. Mate if you have a saltist I think the kings may end up taking revenge on the reel instead, one of the members on here was bricked by a decent king on his saltist and completely destroyed it, his names sydangler (Ollie) if I remember correctly ?

    Good to hear there are some kings in close, had a frustrating squid session out there not long ago also

  15. Hey Paul, my reg boating mate is overseas over christmas for 6 weeks soon so Ill be looking to get out in the harbour on a yak I have access too. I think its a hobie ? its pedal powered anyway.

    Havent done alot of fishing from a yak before but keen to try a few spots for flattys and maybe kings in the harbour once summer is in full swing, shoot me a PM with your details and we can get it sorted.

    Just need to re-spool one of my old reels, accidently dunked my brand new sienna 2500 yesterday while on the yak yesterday so not very keen to do that again :thumbdown:

  16. Yep you definately can eat the trevs they are very nice, just bleed them straight away for best eating, plenty of different ways to cook them up i just prefect lemon garlic & chilli and baked in the oven.

    Legal limit is 30cm for them, good fighting fish !

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