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Posts posted by lostproperty

  1. It probably sounds glorious however think about this, after all week on the water pulling up 38cm flatheads and 28cm bream all week are you gona want to go out and chase kings on the weekend? Probably not I'd say. I would advise keep fishing and do a degree in marketing while fishing everyday, build yourself up as a brand using online media and create yourself as a tv personality and hope that Paul W decides to retire in 5 years time and take over iFish :)

    If you love fishing, find a job that will allow you to do it as much as possible. Go ask the bloke down at the local tackleshop about his recent fishing events, the last guy who spooked up my reel was pretty envious of the kingies I'd been getting into while he hardly had time to chase tiny bream

    All the best to you mate. If you don't have any family go wok in the mines for 12 months $$$$ then fish as much as you like, they need plenty of fitters over there

  2. Easiest way I go braid albright to leader generally put on about 1.5m of leader then uni knot on the knife jig. Defending on what type of jig I use I either tide direct to the O right (the solid one that's on the cord not the split ring) but I've also got some cheap jigs that don't use split rings do I just tie direct to the jig. I usually use a long leader because if you get smashed by jackets ur leader will get short pretty quick so its easier than having to tie a new leader on

  3. I bought mine for the Australian warranty, some overseas models aren't covered by the warranty, I got my pretty damn cheap plus add a $100 Christmas gift card I hardly paid for it at all. If your going to go over 50LB braid I would go for the 16000 series, but for $160 you could buy 2 and would last much longer than a Saragossa. You could even keep them both just in case one breaks an ull always have a reel ;)

    Have you considered a stradic? Similar price range and probably better suited to spinning than the Saragossa

  4. Hi guys, I'm about to buy a new reel for the rocks, can anyone tell me the good and the bad for the following reels.

    Okuma Salina 3 5000 and 10000, Daiwa Saltist 6500 and Shimano Saragosa 6000/8000.

    As I have previously said, mainly for use off the rocks chasing jew, salmon tailor etc and some beach work thrown in. Maximum $300 spending money.

    Any help would be appreciated. Tim

    The Salina 5000 won't fit much line on it, what line do you want to run on the reel? I only just managed to get 300yrds of 50LB powerpro on my 10000 Salina 3 that I just bought and that was without any backing.

    Saragosa 6000/8000 are the same reel I believe, just the spool on the 8000 is much deeper so can take more line. Theyre usually a bit over $300 but a very solid reel and has held up to jigging out at 12 mile on the off occasion and live baiting kings at longy and in the harbour (up to 80cm).

    A mate had a Saltist but hooked up to something big and the bearings got destroyed.

    For the harsh environment of off the rocks I would go for a Salina due to their lifetime warranty and very high corrosion resistance (the user guide says to wipe with a damp cloth after fishing and not to hose as it pushes water into the bearings) this is why lots of people use them for kayaking, but like I said you won't get alot of line on the 5000. The 10000 and 16000 versions both come in a high speed if you want to use it for spinning which is good, look online you can get them for under $300 from R4Y & 4NNEs :)

  5. Mate, curious to know have you even thrown out a whiting head on a big hook as bait while cubing up for snapper? Ive heard they love them and seems like a good idea seeing as you can catch good whiting off the beach atm, still seems to be some good snapper around based on your reports as well

  6. Im looking for a jigging rod to suit my Salina 10000 I have just bought with 50LB braid in it.

    Thinking minimum rating would be best to go with would be 15kg but im not sure on the brands available.

    I know silstar make a 6" version in 15-24kgs but I was hoping to get something a bit shorter if possible. I already have a 6" rod that can handle smaller fish but just wanted something a bit tougher an easier to jig with.

    Budget not a major problem I can sus that out once I can weigh up all the options

    Will be using it for jigging kings @ 12 mile during winter

  7. The shorter the Better for a jigging rod think about how a lever works on a longer rod your loading yourself up which is making you tired. What fish are you chasing? To be honest you can get away with cheap braid but you'd be best to spend some more dollars on better quality line and a reel with decent drag to tackle the solid fish like kings ect

  8. I just got my 10000 spooled with 50lb powerpro super 8 slick braid and we put on 90m of mono backing after calculating the line cap (390m of 0.37 dia line) long story short we ended up using no backing had to take It off so the line cap quoted by the reel was pretty far off. Worked out ok tho as I only wanted 300yrds spooled up anyway

  9. Obviously you will need to check to see how deep you want to drop it to and make sure that the camera is capable of being that deep in water. The new HD hero is 60m depth capabilities combine that with a wifi setup you can monitor with an iPad provided the wifi signal can travel that far through the water, keen to see footage if you get it hooked up!

  10. 140mm Squidgy Pro Flick Bait in the yakka colour worked well for me as well, just gotta put S-Factor on and itll get smashed first cast, without S-Factor they wouldn't hit it. This year Im also going to try out the Slick Rigs in the Yakka colour too.

  11. wow, that was pretty cool of him.

    Bad luck with the bustoffs.

    Maybe loosen your drag off a bit?

    Better to let em run a bit more if you can than snap ya off.

    Opposite mate if it's kings tighten it up haha don't give them an inch, but maybe need to bolt yourself to the boat haha.

    Good to hear there's some solid kings around and I'm thinking my 50lb setup I've just bought won't be enough by the sounds of the reports lately haha

  12. Well if you bought the Brag Mat to "Brag" about your catches then the fishing gods were always going to shut you down. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/biggrin2.gif

    Having a Brag Mat will put an end to your stories where you go

    "I caught a fish and it was Thiiiiiiisssssss big"

    The second time you tell the story it will go

    "I caught a fish and it was Thhhhhiiiiiiissssssssss big"

    A Brag Mat puts correct facts into a story.

    "I caught a fish and it was 37cm big"

    Doesn't sound as good a story as the originals http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/thumbdown.gif

    So toss out that cursed Brag Mat (just start calling it a Mat) and the Gods of Fishing will forgive you for trying to take the Bragging out of Fishing http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/thumbup.gif

    Have you considered perhaps the ruler might have been faulty and your catching the same

    Sized fish as always? ;)

  13. now our life jackets were at our feet and being a small boat it really makes fishing difficult with our bulky jackets to be worn at all times. (as I'm not the best swimmer and just in case one doesn't inflate I'm screwed!)

    This is a serious thing I guess which I need to get rectified and enjoy more fishing!Tight lines,Shakeel

    No offence mate but if you aren't a very good swimmer you should wear one all the time. Its not going to do any good sitting on the floor of your boat when you capsize and all of a sudden your in the water. The reason the rules are there and are enforced is to prevent accidents becoming tragedys.

    If you can afford a boat and to go fishing and you find regular PFDs too bulky, you can afford to buy one that suits your needs. No fish is worth a life and Im sure your friends and family would feel the same way.

    I consider myself a very competent swimmer but even I don't wear shoes on the boat if possible because it's a hell of alot easier to swim without them. When I was in scouts we had to swim

    50m out into the bay fully clothed with shoes one and tread water for 10 mins then swim back, if you cant do that then you definately need to wear one at all times. Sorry to tell you off but sounds like the fine was justified for your own safety

  14. Definately squid, they wont touch a squid spike - tried many times before and no luck, best advice is to try bring it up slowly if your lucky you will get it to the boat, and get a net behind it and bring it in, much harder than it sounds, only managed to get 1 this way before, just try keep the yakka off the bottom. Perhaps THE BUTCH might be able to shed some light on how he gets his squids @ LR down deep when he's out there ? I think he drops down a paternoster rig with jigs on it

  15. Spooling up my new Salina 3 10000 and was originally going to go with the Powerpro Superslick but the green they make it in is a light green and more suited to freshwater, so I was thinking about going with the Marine Blue instead.

    I have also had a quick look at the Fins Original PRT braid as it comes in dark green which I quite like, have been using Powerpro in Moss Green in 30lb on my other reel but I want something a bit smoother for this setup, the 6lb Fins I have on my Sienna is great and no knotting great casting, but I have heard some people complain about the PRT getting wind knots ect. Mainly going to be used for live baiting, some stickbait and plastics casting (on a 7ft rod) and some jigging on a shorter rod, do you think I should go with either options or just high vis yellow in the super slick?

    I can get them all online for good prices and they are all about the same, the Fins is cheaper locally but I don't mind waiting for stuff to come from the US either so not a drama.

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