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Everything posted by inhlanzi

  1. 4 stoke for me no question... Quiet no smoke no oil
  2. G'day Raiders Just some replies to a few questions... pk-fishn In gear and a hand tight drag. I was holding the rod when it went off. It took off like a steam train. Jaybee No mate across the river near Gunyah Roosterman Juno was a car park at high tide and then the weather came in and there was a little bit more room!! Yup there are a lot of small sharks of all kinds around. Makes you wonder where the moms are? cheers inhlanzi
  3. G'day Raiders Braved the weather this morning and went out on the Hawkesbury with two good mates. We managed to catch most of the usual suspects - tailor / yakka / shovelnose / bronzie / port jackson / flathead and then I had the good fortune of catching this nice little Jewie. Caught on a Baitrunner 3500 using large strip of tailor He went 8.5 kg and is now in cutlets and chilling in the freezer! Happy Easter to you all. Cheers inhlanzi
  4. G'day Red Thanks for sharing the sad news with us. I hope the guys make a full and speedy recovery. They will be needing a fair bit of help and support in the future. I think we all take a lot for granted on the water. This will make me a lot more carefull. There was a similar accident 2 weeks ago , somebody also hit a channel marker in the Hawkesbury - shocking indeed. Red look after youself and tell your mates we are thinking of them. cheers inhlanzi
  5. Thanks for that Reely Owwwwww!! Hope they are OK Do you know whhat time it happened? Mate they left a lot of stuff in the water!!! Do you know if they were goin to or away from Parsley Bay? Flattieman - yea I need a cannon for those frigates ...they move real fast and I reckon they are a bit gun shy at the moment...they seem to be in groups of 3 to 5 and surfae once or twice and then they are gone. I hope to go shopping sometime tomorrow cheers inhlanzi
  6. inhlanzi

    Driving Goggles

    Greg check these out http://www.savephace.com/ cheers inhlanzi
  7. G'day raiders Went for a Jewie session early this moning. On the way to my spot I came a cross a lot of debris in the water (as is quite usual after big rains) in amongst it was a petrol tank floating on the water. Looked in good nick so picked it up and there was still petrol in it! Thought it must have been washed down with the rain last night. Anyway parked at Juno waitng for the tide and the Police launch pulls up and asks If I saw the boating accident earlier!!! No I said but I showed the fellows the petrol tank I found and told them about all the debris I had seen up the river. They took the tank and headed off to ask the blokes in the next boat some questions and motored back up the river. So has anyone heard about a boating accident near Brooklyn this morning? Got a shovelnose and a Port Jackson hour before the tide. At the top of the tide a big cut bait takes off and for a few secodns there I thought I may just be on to a big Jewie but alas as is so often the case a very large Bull Ray. Pulled him in removed the hook and away he went to torment some other poor fisho. Lots of chopper tailor pecking the baits to pieces and the odd school of frigates tearing around after white bait. Good to be out there again. cheers inhlanzi
  8. Gees guys thanks for all the responses I really appreciate them The diawas seem to be the go and the certate 4000 looks like the one. Any suggestions on good dealers / stores? I know we can't post non-sponsors so if you can pm me that would be great cheers and thanks inhlanzi
  9. Good going on the yak there southerly...nothing like a king powered yak!
  10. Thanks for the replies and views raiders Lots of food for thought... Yea all good this side Flattieman (still after that biggun) caught everything but the kitchen sink Seriously saw some blokes pull up an armchair on heir anchor the other day!!!! I have 4500s and yep they are great for bait fishing but have used some of my mates gear and for spinning I think they are a lot smoother and retrieve faster. I want something reliable I an fire off at the pelagics and rip the lure / spoon / popper at a rate of knotts. cheers inhlanzi
  11. Oh boy here we go ... 4 repiles and four different opinions!!! Thanks for the advce guys I have heard said Diawas tend to be more smooth than the equivalent Shimanos. True or false Cheers inhlanzi
  12. G'day Kingsrule Spend the extra and save youself the hassle - buying cheap will cost you in the end... Go for a Shimano Baitrunner 6500 and a Wilson Live Fibre 6 foot 10 to 15 kg (+_ $500 ) Baitrunner mode is really good when using livies. I learned the hard way had all kinds of other stuf and now I have a few of these. Tough strong and reliable. I use braid and mono 50 and 80 lb set ups and have not been busted by anything big yet! Cheers inhlanzi
  13. Netic sorry to hear of your losses. You must have the s&^#% at the moment. What kind of knots are you using? What kind and make of leader and line are you using? Are you using a swivel and if so what kind is it? cheers inhlanzi
  14. G'day Raiders I know there are some gun spin fishos on this site and I hope I could pick your brains on a good quality spinning reel. My smaller spin reels are not standing up to constant fishing and I want something tough that will last. I reckon by talking to fishos who actually use (not fishing shop salesmen) the stuff what works and what doesnt ...so don't hold back. Stella 4000 is what I really want but the price is over budget. I have a few spin rods in ths category but will get a rod to fit the reel if necessary. It must be smooth. It must last a few seasons. It must be good quality. Budget around $450 4 to 8 kg range. I want to use it for Smaller Kings / Tailor / Frigate Mackerel / Salmon / Bonito / Stripey Tuna / Squidding / Livie jigging / Flathead and Bream. I fish at least twice a week - sometimes more My rods and reels get a good washdown after every session and then a bit of inox for good measure. cheers inhlanzi
  15. G'day namesay Great to read another report from you on your success on the harbour Kings. Just to let you know I followed your rig recipes you had in on one of your earlier posts and tied a few of your Kingie rigs. They work really well. Thanks. Whilst getting a stock of yellowtail for the big jewie outings I thought I might just throw out an unweighted fresh Hawkesbury squid ( only one I had ) an see what happens ... 2 mins later and BANG - managed to bag a nice Pittwater kingie using your rig...but here is the thing next cast I lost my rig to a rope on fish trap!!!! Reading all the reports from the harbour there seems to be a BIG BIG difference in the two systems and this year it has become more evident. I wonder how the gun harbour fishos would do if they were to come up to the Pittwater / Hawkesbury and try their luck on the kings - just a thought! I think the alarm bells are ringing...what do you all think? cheers inlanzi
  16. Gday offtap1 Thanks for taking us through the build stages of your new boat. She sure looks a beauty . May you have many happy hours on her! Cheers inhlanzi
  17. G'day Netic Yup somtimes you get those days - best I had so far is 3 over 5kgs in 15 mins at one spot. Were not allowed to name pros names hey? But I think I know who you mean and if it is he really does know his stuff. How you donig on the Kings? Have you started on the dollies yet? Cheers inhlanzi
  18. G'day Luringbream In my humble opinion I would suggest that a big part of jewie fishing is discovering the spots and how to fish them for yourself in your style and with your gear. Juno and Flint are both excellent spots but I have seen hundreds pull up to Juno and have no idea, thousands pull up to Flint and have even less of an idea. I would suggest to you to go and pull up near Juno or Flint and sit and watch at a distance what the diehard Jewfishos do. They have spent long long hours perfecting their different methods. It will take a lot of time and effort to get the nack of it but once you have learned the how-tos you will need to put in the time... a lot of it. I know blokes who fish for 4 days at a time and may well go without a decent bite. The same blokes will tell you they have got a big fish in 10 to 20 minutes. Think like a Jewie - where and when would you go for a feed? Watch the flow of the water. I would say find yourself a spot in the system and fish it on the run in and the run out. Learn it. Fish it in different winds and at different phases of the moon. Keep a journal of what happens and what you have learned. Be aware that it is a very dynamic environment and there is something on the change all the time. Get really good at the one spot and then move on to the others. There are fish everwhere and they move aroud too! I will say to you - to see that rod really buckle hard and that reel rip scream as you get stripped of 50 to 150m of line and you can do jack about it is a really fantastic experience, to feel the massive head shakes and then hopefully to stop the run before somethng gives or breaks is a great feeling. If you are lucky enough to still have the fish on and turn it you will know that every minute you have spent fishing for them has been well well worth it. When you see the big bronze shape appear near the boat your heart will be thudding in your chest and if, and only if, you don't stuff the gaffing and you manage to boat one of these great fish, I bet you will be shaking like a leaf. - one of the best fishing feelings you will ever get. Have a good go mate and enjoy it! You may just turn into one of those secretive bunch!!! cheers inhlanzi
  19. Many thanks Owzat Just what I needed cheers inhlanzi
  20. Another great report Mako Glad you got that blue eye in the end. Well done to you and your dad. cheers inhlanzi
  21. Do a bit of begging and see if I can get some "quality time" with a big jewie or two...
  22. Thanks for the update she looks real good ...you must be very happy Please keep the pics and the info coming cheers inhlanzi
  23. Nice one Donna works a treat good addition! cheers inhlanzi
  24. Good one dreamo - especially off the beach. i know a beach Jewfisho mate will be very envious!!! Do you have a lenght and weight? If you don't mind me asking was the reel a shimano baitrunner and was it in the baitrunner mode? cheers inhlanzi
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