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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. So over this weather as every time I’m off work(I work a 7day fortnight) and have a chance to go for a fish,play golf,do things around the yard etc……The weather is crap!!!!

    I’m itching to get out there to catch Yowies fish and sink his boat.

    I have my boat ready and myself but this darn weather doesn’t like me I tell you.

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, frankS said:

    I would prefer one of the above but I am a pensioner and it's hard enough raking up enough to scrape through for the Watersnake price.

    And my time is limited and the electric will be lucky to be used 1/2 dozen times with what's left of my boating days.


    Is ask myself if it’s even worth it for half a dozen times?Personally I wouldn’t bother mate and keep your money.

  3. 20 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

    I'm a bit late to this chat, but I'm very much with @Fab1 on the commentary. I would also add, that removing all that superstructure will change the weight distribution and hence ride of the hull.  You will need to consider that in the layout and fitout of the resulting centre console.

    Having owned a half cab Haines 635L for many years I faced the same problems/options/dilemma as you.  Here's how I waded through that:

    1) Walking up front through painful hatch: I doubt you fish off the front on your rig, so the two reasons to go there would be:

    a) for anchoring - a real PITA with that type of cabin/hatch set up. Solution: install an anchor drum winch and do all your anchoring from the helm. I've posted technique and video in workshop. Or use a bridle system and anchor from stern using your bowline.

    b) to launch or retrieve if you're fishing solo. Solution: install boat catch system on your hull and trailer.

    2) Windscreen at eye level: I hated mine. I'm a short fella, so first thing I made was a removable platform below helm to stand on. At least I wasn't ducking or standing on my toes for km's on end, but the raked screen always threatened to rearrange my teeth. Solution: Reslope that screen and use plate glass (your plexiglass has probs crazed anyway) and while at it, get rid of the bimini and go hardtop. It absolutely transformed my boat in terms of space, visibility and sheer comfort. Here's a few shots as pictures speak 1000 words:

    Original: 1990 design raked screen, crazy low bimini .. looks fast BUT you couldn't sit and drive (too much reflection on screen), couldn't stand due to bimini...  had to fold it down to look over the top....bleh! 


    First iteration: Pretty much where you are at - clears above screen so at least you can stand... I opted for fixed bimini (not foldable)


    Final Solution: ... most fishriaders know the big 6ft model shown there he usually holds a banana 🤣... alloy hardtop, plate glass front and wings. Clears on side. 


    The angle of the photo makes it look as if a lot of rear deck has been lost, so here's a photo showing the remaining deck space still in play (on a 6m boat). Plenty of fishing space left. Side clears are rolled up for ventilation.


    And heres a view that shows the uncluttered visibility. 


    So in summary I opted to clean my rig up and retain the dry storage area - which meant we could overnight in comfort etc. It certainly made the boat more comfortable and feel safer. I have had many green waves over the bow and up the glass screen, many rain squalls pass by - and all was good and dry inside!  I recently sold this boat, but all these considerations have been carried forward to the new boat we bought - cabin, hard top, plate glass, drum winch, boat catch.... all were mandatory. 

    Anyway, as Fab said, it's your boat and your decision ultimately. Only you know how you want to use the boat. In my view, everything I have suggested above would cost a fraction of the cost of reworking your rig into a centre console.

    If boating in a centre console is what you want, sell your rig and go negotiate on one .... BUT if what you really want is a hands on "project boat" that you can truly call your own ... then get the jig saw out !  @TK01 did that with a boat built from scratch. 

    All the best with your decision.

    Cheers Zoran

    Excellent reply as always mate.Sounds like your new boats going to be a pearler and well worth the wait.Let’s hope you get as many happy years out of her as you did with your previous one.

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  4. I’d pick out of the be happy with what you got option or sell it and buy something else to your liking.Nice boat.

      Personally I think you’re mad hacking into it and getting rid of all that protection/Dry storage space to be exposed to all the elements.Your boat do as you please at the end of the day.

    • Like 3
  5. 4 hours ago, Larkin said:

    Haha, I see what you mean with the bottom photo.  
    Wife complains when I lay my catches on the kitchen bench top - hate to think what she’d say if I tried to create some sort of squid wall art 😂.

    The largest one was a good little fight - these arrows tend to pull a bit harder than the calamari - but once they’re on the surface that’s it.

    Both of them make great bait - the most important is the freshness. I put them straight on ice when caught and as soon as I get home I’ll vac seal them whole (individually) and freeze. Can’t buy fresh or frozen squid anywhere as good as ones you catch and do yourself. When defrosted, they look like they just came out of the water.

    thanks masterfisho. 
    I know some people will only eat the southern calamari. I’ve eaten both and really can’t tell the difference. Although I do tenderise them all the same way.

    haha, Hacking’s waiting for you Fab!

    Bet you’d out fish us all …gotta watch out for the modest ones.

    I bet I’ll catch the smallest ones out of the lot of us.Anything over 15cm will wear me out.

    • Haha 2
  6. 23 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

    Gday Raiders, have been a bit slack with my reports so though I would put together a couple of trips from the last week or so.

    Last Monday I decided to head down to the local jetty with my mate and try for some leatherjackets and trevally. Started of with a size 0 ball sinker and a leader of about 50cm down to a size 12 long shank hook. Small pieces of peeled prawns did the damage pulling in 2 nice sized fan bellies and 1 nice Yellowfin Jacket. The bonus was the Trev, measuring at 36cm. Water was clear this time last week in Yowie Bay and we didn't even get bothered by the small bream, snapper or trumpeters that are usually frequent under the jetty. A lovely person next to us managed to catch a quite a decent sized blue swimmer and he generously gave it to us. My mate took the crab and Trev and the leatherjacket went to the neighbours. Fairly certain it is not common for a crab to be caught at this time of year, can anyone confirm? No photos as the files wouldn't upload 😡.

    On Saturday headed out for a morning fish with a different mate and we went up South West Arm where the water was clear. Immediately we saw plenty of fish busting up but they would take a bait. We followed them for a couple of hours out of the arm, lost one on an unweighted pilly tail, and eventually we decided to have a drift around Costen's Point and when my mate's bait hit the bottom it got taken and the fish took of for the deep water, the Salmon jumped a few times and we were surprised the hook stayed in as he had a very small hook on, measured 51cm and I took it home for a feed after bleeding it and putting it on ice. I was very surprised by the taste and would rate it quite highly. The stomach also had a couple of 1-2 inch whitebait, for anyone who is in the hacking, this must be what they are eating at the moment. Yowie, you already know this don't you😂


    Yesterday I decided to head out to the Sand flats the south of Mansion Bay as I have fished it once a couple of weeks ago and it looked prime for some flatties. Started to flick around a 2.5inch ZmaSlim Swimzmz in Watermelon red on a 1/12 jig head and it didn't take long for me to land a flattie, only small probably 33cm and was released, not worthy of a photo. After a couple of casts around the channel marker I hooked another fish, slightly better but still not massive. Tied on a 2 inch orange grub on a 1/16 jig head and flicked it around the shallow water, something had a solid go at it but no hook up, pulled the plastic of the jig head, maybe a bream.



    Really enjoyed the read and photos mate!! Keep up the great work.

    14 hours ago, Yowie said:

    Make that the last 60 years. :fisher:

    ^ Legend has it this man is the Hackings fish whisperer.No wonder the hackings fished out!!! That’s what I say to myself to justify being a terrible fisherman anyway.😂😂

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Crabstar said:

    Better then nothing mate. Tough this time of year. I myself was thinking about heading down to the hacking but I can’t seem to find any motivation this time of year…

    I struggle to find motivation only between the months of January and December.The rest of the year I’m ok I think.🤔

    • Haha 3
  8. 1 hour ago, zmk1962 said:

    Didn't realise Fab you were so multilingual ... thanks mate !!!

    But from my humble perspective 🤔,  regarding the Hacking fish,  I know @Yowie wakes up at sparrows and launches regardless of temperature or conditions, in a tinnie that has some dings and a few leaks that he is still searching for ...but regardless does the job .... ie he makes a serious piscatorial effort. 🎣

    But then I also observe our dear Fab, likes to stay snug and warm in his bed until the sun is over the yard arm, and then when he finally launches his boat it is so damn clean and shiny that the flashy bling scares off not only his....but everyones's fish for miles around ... leaving him with no fish in the esky and all the time in the world to dream up excuses and stories about Yowie overfishing.  😳😬

    Cheers Z

    😂😂😂Love it!!!In all seriousness Yowie deserves all his fish mate for the time and effort he puts in.I’m from Uruguay mate and we eat huge amounts of meat.When I’m digging into an asado sometimes I pretend the beef spare rib is a succulent whiting fillet.


    • Haha 3
  9. 2 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

    Hey Raiders 

    A buddy sent me this link. Can anyone translate the gist of what the guy is saying- construction material, specs etc

    cheers Zoran 

    He’s saying Fab1 if you buy this boat it will sit in the garage like your other one.If you take it fishing Fab you still will come home empty handed.Finally he says I can’t stand that bloody Yowie too showing off catching all the hackings fish and that silly suit he wears.

    in all seriousness your guess is as good as mine.


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  10. 1 hour ago, Rebel said:

    @Fab1Mate you have the wrong costume on !!!

    Sorry mate.I’m here at the ranp looking for Yowie for my first lesson and he hasn’t showed up.He must have misplaced his falsies and he’ll be here soon.I look like a dill in this and hope he gets here soon.


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  11. If you are interested in becoming a pro at getting no bites and catching nothing give me a buzz and I’ll share all my knowledge.

      All the best with the fishing mate and if the son gives you any more cheek leave him at home so he misses out on all the usual fishing action.That will teach him not to get smart.😂All the best mate.If you can take anything from my reply try to enjoy your time out on the water regardless with your boy mate as they grow up so quickly and you’ll miss not being able to fish together spending quality time with him.


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  12. 6 hours ago, 61 crusher said:

    I’ve changed my mind I don’t want to be part of your family, I’d hate to know what you’d do to your son Inlaw if that’s how you treat your son 😂

    I tell my son in-law to hold the gaff.😜

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