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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. 32 minutes ago, Isaac Ct said:

    Nice job Fab, at least you caught more fish than Yowie yesterday. As long as @Yowie didn't get out for a fish🤣, because then you would be in trouble.

    I'm sure the young fella had a bit of fun, well done.

    Thanks.The guy certainly deserves the fish he catches mate.Always fun mate.

    25 minutes ago, Squidless said:

    8am?! Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Sounds like a blast none the less, glad to hear you were finally able to get some time to get out there.

    I think the fish heard @Yowie was back and went into hiding...that's what I'm chalking my donut on Monday to.

    As Arnie famously said…I lied.i Itwas actually 8:10 am we were on the water.Left home at 6:40. An hour and a half later we got there.
       The benefit of living in the MacArthur and doing 10km/h down the M5 from Campbelltown to Moorebank.I’m sure we would of got there quicker hitching the boat up to a sleepy koala and going by tree top.

      As for blaming Yowie it’s always his fault.😂

    34 minutes ago, Isaac Ct said:

    Nice job Fab, at least you caught more fish than Yowie yesterday. As long as @Yowie didn't get out for a fish🤣, because then you would be in trouble.

    I'm sure the young fella had a bit of fun, well done.


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  2. 33 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    If you can see the fish in the shallows, they can see you. Also applies to whiting at times in clear water.

    I know mate.Some big ones lurking in the shallows.I could see bream,whiting,a flat head,trevally and a stingray all from swallow rock ramp to grays point.Some bloody big ones.Windangs the same as you know.

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  3. I thought about going from my 30hp 2 stroke Yamaha to a 40hp 4 stroke.I would do my homework on all the different outboards like the guys have said.Last time I looked Yamaha were on the expensive side compared to etecs and mercury especially.I nearly went a 40hp etec but I can’t justify getting rid of my as new 30 clunker.

  4. 2 hours ago, Yowie said:

    At least you managed to get out and have a fish. Better than staying at home.

    It sure does mate.Fish or no fish we always have a blast mate.On a side note coming out of grays point ramp through the shallows I could see big bream,a trevally,a flat head scoot off and a stingray.I guess if you can see them they can see you applies.

    2 hours ago, Bluebenbomb said:

    It's good to see you getting out, @Fab1. Hope you enjoyed the time on the water. Don't blame @Yowie! He hasn't fished the hacking for 5 weeks (well, he got out a few days ago). The fish would have had plenty of time to grow 😁

    Always enjoy our time out mate no matter what.

    1 hour ago, Little_Flatty said:

    I'd take a few undersize pinkes over the day I've had!

    Keep at it Fab!

    I note that Yowie regularly pumps nippers and catches slimeys and tailor to salt for bait. Maybe give that a shot sometime. At worst, it will keep it interesting 😎

    I’ve had my share of the days you had mate.

    I know that’s what Yowie does.I had pillies, only small fish not bothering to photograph other than the small pinkie I posted.It was very quiet and the couple of fisherman I came across and asked(They looked like they knew what they were doing) said they had no luck too.

      I watched guys set up on kayaks flicking plastics with no luck too.

    it sounds like the best time of day is early morning before sunrise and knowing your baits/spots and putting the hours in too.

    50 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

    Living the dream !   That’s what all boaties say when the motor is running!


    cheers Z

    I say it just when I’m not at work mate which is every third day.😂😂😂I’ll try to get out their more often as I have plenty of more bait to feed the fish.

  5. Hit the hacking today around 8am (Would have liked to be their at sunrise).Launched the boat at grays and beached it on the sand like usual then went to park the car only to come back to a guy struggling to push his boat off the trailer.

     After asking him if he needed a hand, I helped him push his boat off the trailer ( pearler of a boat mate if you’re a raider).

     We fired my boat up and decided to toss a hard body lure out the back and have a troll hoping to pick up a flatly maybe or a bream or something.(One less fish for bloody @Yowie
     While the boy held onto the lure rod I putted along until we got past grays point.I told him to wind in as I was going to accelerate only to put the throttle down and nothing.

     The throttle was moving and I looked back at the motor and the throttle lever on motor was moving but no acceleration.

      Back to the ramp we went to investigate further at the light speed of idling back.

     Beached boat and in my head driving back I was thinking something broke on the carburettor linkages under the cowl.

    Popped the cowl and to my amazement some brain dead idiot forgot to put the linkage back on the carby after servicing(Greasing things).I blame bloody Yowie for that too.

     Anyway we head back off from ramp and we agree we are going to not let this trip excite us at all(The video shows we didn’t get excited).

     In short fishing wasn’t a surprise.A few places fished like swa,lilli pilli using various baits for all undersized fish mainly pinkies.

      We had a great time out there for a few hours and it certainly beat being at work and sitting around at home.

      We weren’t excited at all!!!

    Thanks for reading.


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  6. 2 hours ago, Crabstar said:

    Does anyone know why port hacking boat ramps down have any cleaning tables? Or am I blind???

    The only cleaning table in the port is at @Yowieplace because no one catches fish except him.In 1874 just before @Yowiewas born there was cleaning tables everywhere in the port as people caught fish then.

    • Haha 9
  7. 15 hours ago, noelm said:

    According to the Police who attended, a few places with big boats in the yard got done, they seem to think it was an organised gang that hit a certain suburb, then move on, never saw any of the gear again, and a few bits and pieces I would pay double their worth, one rod built for me by a good mate who has since passed away, you can never replace that!

    That is the part that sucks mate.Someone pretty much always sees or hears something mate.How many times do we hear neighbours dogs barking,alarms going off,people talking etc and don’t investigate?It happens a lot and I’m certainly guilty too.

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  8. 2 hours ago, noelm said:

    Real experienced thieves are very good at being bad.....I once had my garage broken into, they took off the architrave around a window, cut the nails holding the window in, removed it and took all my fishing gear, they knew exactly what was there and what they wanted, specific gear was taken, I didn't hear a thing.

    Only one way to know what you had.They’ve been there or they’ve seen it.

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  9. It’s not hard with social media these days and people going to shows to follow someone home or work out where they live.

      My old boss lived rural and got broken into at night and they tied up the family apparently and they took his cars and Harley.

     Sister and law discovered them when she rocked up the next morning to go out shopping with the wife.

      Be careful and DTA.

  10. 53 minutes ago, Mullatt said:

    Years ago, when I was a lot younger I took my Torana XU-1 to a Mechanic that i hadn't used before as there was a clunk that I just couldn't find. His answer to the problem was actually "turn up the radio, then you won't hear it". Needless to say I never went back to him again.

    And yes, its a miracle how that ballpoint stayed together @Fab1

    And no, I can't remember what the clunk turned out to be on my Torana

    Probably that 3/8 spanner you lost rattling around in the engine bay.

    • Haha 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, slothparade said:

    In wood tech we watched our teachers finger get eaten by a ban saw, was a bit of an eye open. Ive also had drills go through my hand and come out the other side, wire brushes go into me. The one to top it all was my boss got a bar of metal go in one side of him and come out the other, part of the drilling rig. And yes he's ok, narrowly escaped. 

    Sounds like scenes out of the Friday the 13th movies.

  12. As the title says don’t ignore noises,clunks,squeals etc with anything mechanical guys because sooner or later something will fail.

     Luckily I jumped in my mrs ute to find the ball joints shot before tradgedy occurred.

      When the ball in a ball joint pops out of its housing it’s time for a nappy change if you’re still alive to change it.

     My mrs is terrible with cars.

    how this ball joint stayed in its housing is beyond me.



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  13. I’m an ex spray painter by trade..Anyway we use to use old 20 litre empty drums to paint small items on and paint strip them.

     At smoko you’d pull up a drum and sit down to chow down on your tucker.

    One day I grabbed a drum (We always have a quick look to see the paint is dry first) and sat down to eat.

    After probably 30 sec or so I felt a weird sensation on the family jewels which was getting worse and starting to burn.

    I discreetly get up and look at touching the drum to see if I sat on something to discover in horror I sat on a drum that had previously been used to paint strip parts!!!!!

      I must of taken off to that sink without my arse touching the ground, ripped off my over alls and had the dangle berries hanging over the sink giving them a good soak and scrub to wash the paint stripper off my crotch goblin factory workers.

       The look on someone’s face if they had come in would have been priceless seeing me from behind with both hands working a million miles an hour to get the bloody stripper off.😅😅😅 That wasn’t a nice feeling as I reckon it would of hurt less sitting them on the bbq hot plate.I had red, succulent cherries for days.😅😅

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  14. It’s not just power tools that cause accidents.I just had a few hours of fun changing out my steering and had 2 casualties..The hammer and my fist😂😂I feel my age today.That Pitman arm wasn’t beating me being on there the last 20 yrs.😂😂





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  15. 3 hours ago, Rebel said:

    A Mate of mine worked as a 4wd mechanic.

    He use to fit them all the time.

    Any tobar mechanic can fit them

    They are legal.

    Surely I can fit it myself as you can buy them yourself?It ain’t rocket science to cut the drawbar,slide the coupling on,drill and bolt them up.

    i already shortened my jockey wheel 5 inches as I moved the mounting bracket 5 inches up to clear the trailer where I wanted it mounted.

     It’s a bit rough as I have a bung hand but strong.


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