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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. 13 minutes ago, rickmarlin62 said:

    I have oring kit but its in storage  was quiker to buy one

    Yeah,sometimes it is.The other day i was looking for one of many Stanley knives i have and couldn't find them so bought one.

    A few days laterthey magically appeared.lol.20181028_112351.thumb.jpg.f069b7671f6cdb34f566f54a21183249.jpg

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

    Case in point. Yesterday. Towed the boat home. Reversed in driveway. Unhitched. Drove car 1m forward. Unpacked and washed boat and gear. Jumped back in car to move it. Dead battery !!!!  It’s still sitting in front of boat.

    i'm so lucky it started at ramp and broke down in my driveway. 



    Surprised no charge light didn't come on.Well,i guess your up for a new alternator or battery.

    31 minutes ago, rickmarlin62 said:

    I had problem with bulb goin soft  bought new end for fuel line where it attached to motor  the o ring in the connector was stuffed  6 bucks for new connector  problem solved

    Those o-rings take 2 sec to replace with a new one. I replaced mine the other day with a stash i have just for that purpose as well as others in the shed.I keep spares of everything as i hate stuffing around going to shops ordering online20181028_110321.thumb.jpg.494f305a42e1649ce0e897fdbcafd2ce.jpg etc.lol

  3. 7 hours ago, Noo2OzFish said:

    Hope you catch heaps mate!!!  ohh and your motor keeps running too lol

    Well,i do too.As  for fishing this mission has been aborted this morning due to the crap weather.Ill go out wed night,thur morning or thurs night depending on weather. 

      Did i mention i love shift work.It's one step down from retirement on the fishing front i guess.lol.

    2 hours ago, big Neil said:

    Hi Fab, thanks for the very interesting post. I hope that your troubles are over and you can get some quality time spent on the water. One thing your post has done for me is this. The Cod season is fast approaching and I've not used my boat for quite some time. Your post has jolted me back to reality...a reality where I assume that everything will be ok on day one. Today I'm going to give the boat a once over and check that the motor is running well and everything is where it's supposed to be. I know how meticulous you are with your gear, and yet you were caught unawares. Reason enough for me to take nothing for granted and check everything out. Cheers mate, bn

    Cheers mate.Anything can and will break down at anytime mate.Even brand new cars,boats,etc.Looking after them just lessons the chances.

  4. 13 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

    Thanks mate ! You would think thats alot of fish but we had most of the fish for dinner and with 8 of us at the table i only ended up putting 3 flatties in the freezer. 

    Cheers Zoran

    Im glad u got out ! Looking forward to the report. 

    I know.They don,t last long with a crowd of people devouring them.Looking forward to Zorans report too.

  5. 3 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

    Gday Raiders

    Wanted to fish last saturday but the forecast was for 16 knot winds and circa 1.4m waves so stayed home. Woke up and checked real time winds were between 5 and 7 knots from 6am to 12pm which is the time i usually fish..kicking myself. 

    Finally got out today for a joint expedition with a mate who recently bought a new boat but wants to do his initial trips with another boat in company just in case. I was more than happy to spend the day together and show him some new spots and how to fish them. So we headed out me and dad on one boat and my mate and his two brothers in his boat. It provided some friendly competition but the plan was to keep each other informed when we come across a good patch and wed both move to drift over it and that we did the whole day. 

    One thing that we consistently encountered today.....slimies...they were literally everywhere sitting over every reef we fished and whilst it got annoying at one point i was uplifted by the thought of the summer pelagics who are on their way for the slimies. 

    I kept a few slimies which i filleted and salted for the next trip but i am saving my freezer space for the bonnie fillets when they arrive.

    The 60-70m line off the northern beaches is really producing, we found 90% of our catch in that depth. Flathead, whiting snapper and the odd gurnard including mowies and pigfish. In the end we both managed a nice mixed bag each.

    We all bagged out on flatties, me and dad kept one legal red and 7 whiting. The other photo is my mates mixed bag 

    Thx for reading



    Looks like you caught a couple.You can open up your own fish shop with that haul.Well done fellas!

  6. 29 minutes ago, frankS said:

    Sorry mate, no reference just memory from when I used to issue blue and white slips.

    It was some time back so quiet possible for the rules to have changed, but seems as how it was a safety factor I can't see the rule being changed.


    So im guessing hitch helmuts are illegal too even though they promote them as being suitable for driving with them on and stoping your trailer from unhitching in an accident?20181027_183115.jpg.d4f2b2ef09278138f027570c90cc3b7e.jpg

  7. Ok,fired her up first kick in drum,checked/set ignition timing,carburetor pilot screw,and idle and seems to be running like this model engine runs from new.

    Only thing to do now is go fishing tonight and test her out.

    Heres a short video of her running. 


  8. 4 hours ago, jeffb5.8 said:

    Have you pumped some fuel into a glass jar to make sure it doesn’t have any water?


    im just guessing easy things to check especially after all the rain we have had.

    Yeah mate,no water in both fuel or garage.Draining the carby into a clean container was the first thing i did to check for water. 

    3 hours ago, Hateanchors said:

    Plugs being wet does not necessarily mean it’s running rich/ overfueled.

    Fab keeps his stuff in top condition and his engine isn’t that old or well used. I reckon it’s something simple like bad fuel or obstructed air/ leak maybe. 

    Yes,running rich can be caused by many things.


  9. 3 minutes ago, Noo2OzFish said:

    You should start your own repair service Fab..  Your attention to detail far exceeds most shops I imagine

    Cheers mate,I Take pride in doing a good job and have a never give up attitude until ive exhausted all avenues.

  10. 32 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

    News to me mate !  Welcome any insight. 

    Mine specifically said to not be used while towing and is the same as yours pretty much.I accidently left mine on at the ramp and it does bind up when its a tight fit.



  11. 1 minute ago, zmk1962 said:

    Time to reassemble. Grab a cold one to steady the nerves and fire her up!

    Already assembled an hr ago mate.Ill run it tomorrow because I've been up since 2pm yesterday,worked  12hrs last night and my brain is fried.?

  12. 3 minutes ago, back cruncher said:

    Hi all...did you blow thru the fuel line to check the float level ?

    Yes,the float height is/already was udjusted to specs.

    Everything on the carby is as should be and the only thing i could find wrong with it was that leaky needle and seat which has been fixed.

    The bore after polishing.20181026_161603.thumb.jpg.9516404d76240ad02f03d0e8580e677a.jpg

  13. Ok,pressure tested the needle and seat in the closed position with my finger lightly pressing on the needle with compressed air and i could hear air leaking past a little.

       I polished the seats bore along with the needle tip to a mirror finish and re-tried above and no more leaks.The seat and needle looked like new with no worn ring around the rubber tipped needle at all before i even did ththis.

    Choke etc is all good and carby is clean as a whistle(Like brand new).

    This is the needle seats bore before i polished it.20181026_152518.thumb.jpg.fc67e96e96d86fe2c988bc4e1e19c156.jpg


  14. 19 minutes ago, jeffb5.8 said:

    I even Tow with that lock on my trailer, only time it’s had issue is whe. Reversing and I have to almost Jack Knife the trailer it bend the bar on the lock a little.

    Otherwise it is fine when towing and reversing at the ramp.

    The thieves bring their own tow hitch and a portable drill and just swap your out for theirs.

    They better swap that drill for an angle grinder for mine.

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