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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. 7 hours ago, Yowie said:

    Headed out to Bate Bay early this morning in a mate's boat. A few other boats also heading out into a N/E swell. The wind picked up about 8.30am, increasing the drift speed and also the wind chop. Most of the smaller boats then headed back in or moved to near Kurnell.

    13 Blue Spots between us, the biggest only at 40cm, with most not a lot past the size limit. Also threw back more under sized ones, plus the usual spikies. Spikey fillets for bait. Flattie fillets make a change to ham.

    Mate built a nice fish cleaning table under a shady tree.

    Headed back in about 10am, and the Hacking was jam packed with boats, kayaks, jet skis, water skiers. :angry2:

    Fab, don't bother heading out this week if you like quiet time fishing.


    Great report and fish like usual mate.I knew it would be hectic out there and will wait until people are back at work etc.The only thing that won't change with all the hoards,noise etc if i went know i would think is coming home with an empty esky.

    Enjoy your catch mate and ill wait until the chaos clears thank you very much.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, JonD said:

    Personally I go off the 100hrs but for me these come around very quickly. My mechanic claims genuine Yam impellers are good for 200hrs which also coresponds with Yamaha's latest service intervals. My plugs are replaced but still look like new every 600hrs and as for fuel and water fliters these are replaced at 100hrs for the oil and checked for the fuel.

    Genuine Yam gearbox oil normally comes out at 100hrs looking like the day it went in. 

    For me I would still go 100hrs even if it took me longer to reach that time.

    Beauty about your engines is you actually use them often mate which will preserve them longer

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  3. 11 hours ago, richard2234 said:

    Back in January 2017 I purchased a second hand boat (1999 Cruise Craft Rival 500) with a 1999 115 HP 2 stroke Yamaha. At purchase the motor had  170 hours and I immediately had it given the once over with a 100 hour service by a Yamaha dealer up on the mid north coast of NSW, cost a bomb but it was all done, spark plugs, impeller and water pump housing, gear oil, fuel filter, etc.) Since that service I've only added about 50 hours (total engine hours of 220 now) in 2 years. I'm about to go on our regular annual holiday for a few weeks up to Forster where the boat gets most its use from year to year  (about 25-30 hours in 3 weeks thru January, not much at other times in the year).

    Should I get the motor serviced again in early January 2019 prior to our 3 week holiday up at Forster or is okay to defer a service until after I come back from holidays in late January 2019? Is time elapsed or hours more critical in these circumstances, particularly where my use profile only sees me predominantly using the boat each January? During the year when the boat is not in use I tend to run the motor every few months just to keep things lubricated.

    Interested in your thoughts on how to manage this.


    For peace of mind service it before you go especially if you go offshore.As you know servicing is based on time and hours due too things deterioting/wearing at different times/hours.

    Servicing them every 50,100hrs,yearly whatever is good for dealers/Mechanics but not so much for you the customer spending all those $$$ for peace of mind protecting your investment.

    I've had impellors go for years on boats,spark plugs years aswell,gear oil the same etc with no ill effects.

    The worse thing for boats,cars,anything mechanical is lack of use so get out there and enjoy your boat. 

    Saying that if it is still running good and fluids etc are topped up and it was my boat I'd just go and save myself the coin if im confident in it.

    No matter what anyone says on here including me your the one that has to make the ultimate decision as if anything goes wrong,breaks or your left stranded it will be up to you to resolve them.


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  4. That's the problem mate,kids get that many presents that you could take 80% off them when they aren't looking and they wouldn't even realize. They just rip the wrapping off as quick as they can placing the gift beside them waiting for the next hundred to do the same with.

      Our nieces and nephews are the same and i see it as a real shame as the gifts have lost all meaning when it turns to that.They will be lucky if they play with some gifts for a couple of hours before they're never seen again.

    As for knot tying they would probably forget the knots you taught them by the time they got out to practice them.

    Glad you enjoyed your time with them mate and if next year goes by as quick as this year you'll blink twice and be doing it all over again.


    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Sea Ranger said:

    Merry Christmas Fab,,   We gotta get out this new year and do some fishing!!!



    Merry xmas to you and your family too Bear and your not wrong mate.The biggest killer for me is finding time amongst being a shiftworker and doing 10 million other jobs around home and with our horses when im not working.

    But ill try to work on it and let you know mate.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, MikeTan said:

    Thanks Anthony.

    i still would like to know what everyone uses to hold the wires against the internal fibreglass ... dob of silicon?

    Anthony,theres 10 million different ways to hold wire up along your gunwhales etc if you dont want to put holes in your boat ranging from a dob of silicon to the various clip on clips to self adhesive ones to home made ideas like a length of conduit split and glued in place etc.

    I've used pretty much all of them over the years for different applications in boats,trailers,cars etc.


    On my old glass boat i had stainless clips clipped on to the underside edge of the gunwhales like these.Willone-500pcs-cable-clips-holding-4-wires-stainless-steel-pv-cable-clips-free-shipping.jpg_220x220.jpg.d3febfe616e55d0947e631a1aa3065e5.jpg

    Go on google and type in wire clips etc and a million different possibilities will come up.


  7. 1 hour ago, Yowie said:

    Was there any fishing in that 34 hours Fab?  Probably not.  :beersmile:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    No mate unfortunately. I want to go out tonight or tomorrow night to feed the fish like usual but am scared of what awaits me at the ramp .

    Im guessing your like me and try to avoid the crowds/idiots like the plague and won't be out for a bit too?

    If anyones been out I'd like to hear what the madness is like out there?

    Merry xmas and Happy New Year to you too mate.


    • Haha 1
  8. Merry xmas/Feliz Navidad to all raiders and family.Hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones and stay safe over the xmas/new year period.

    Being from Uruguay myself im on my second day of xmas as we start celebrating on xmas eve and currently running on Asado,Cerveza,Whisky and Vino (Bbq,beer,whisky and wine)since around 4pm yesterday arvo.

    I won't want to look at meat and grog until next xmas when its done and dusted.

    Hope all the kiddies and big kiddies get/got the presents they wished for.

    Take care everyone.


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  9. 19 minutes ago, Koalaboi said:


    Have thought about buying a boat to fish Tuggerah Lakes.

    Not knowing much about boats I would love some advice:

    1. Aluminium or fibreglass?I would go aluminium all the way in tiller steer or side console depending on budget.

    2. Length? (I'm thinking around 14 foot)Length will depend on amount of people and gear carried on a trip but 14ft is a practical size.

    3. Motor? (I'm thinking around 15hp) on a 14ft id go minimum 25-30 hp as you'll find a 15hp underpowered most likely again depending on hull,people and gear.

    4. What would be a reasonable 2nd hand price?Depends on Boat,make,year,engine,condition,trailer etc.There's too many variables to say.

    My advice look at boats within your budget you set and compare features,layout,engines,condition etc 

    5. Any pitfalls i should look out for?Plenty,ranging from complete lemons to boats that need minimal work but still will cost some extra $$$ to get up to scratch.

    Do a search on here and google for some great advice as which boat to buy etc subjects have been done to death over the years.

    Most importantly try to get someone that knows a bit about boats to go and inspect the boats your considering buying and make sure you do a water test BEFORE handing your hard earned money checking EVERYTHING works as it should and performs to your liking.

    Thanks in advance,




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  10. 16 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

    As long as everybody is safe- all is good

    I read somewhere - some say that’s a fart in the windstorm of life !

     Puts it into perspective.

    cheers Z

    Sure does mate.Materialistic things are way down the bottom on my importance scale.After xmad ill start popping the 5000 dents out.

    • Haha 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    That's a bummer Fab.

    About this time last year I was towing the van to Victoria in southern NSW when a big hailstorm hit. Nowhere to hide. The van had every panel replaced under insurance. The car had a couple of tiny dents only on the roof. The van was 6 months old.

    No big deal in the scheme of things mate. 

  12. 1 minute ago, GoingFishing said:

    Hey Fab just curious why wouldnt you put it through insurance and let them deal with the headache and cost.

    I don't let anyone except me work on my things and don't like giving insurance companies more money than they deserve.

  13. 5 hours ago, Hateanchors said:

    Geez mate, that IS a lot of work. Are you sure it’s worth doing all that? What car is it?

    I haven’t tried hail damage but Ive used the dent removal guys on small dents and they are brilliant. As long as they can access the dent from the inside, it isnt really big and the metal is not stretched, they bring it back to normal. 

    Its worth it to me.It's my 3 yr old kia cerato and my hilux coped it a bit too as my mrs and son where in our paddock when it happened. Yeah,i know how to do pdr as i use to do it back in the 90's when i was a spraypainter and its useful for small dents but not large ones or creases. 

    Like i said will see how i go for time etc.

    The passenger side dents on the roof.20181217_061133.thumb.jpg.486d15b60acc33df490bd1221112b76d.jpg

  14. 2 hours ago, Welster said:

    Looks like a lot of work 

    Yeah,it is.If i repair it ill put new bonnet,door skins and guards.Then its a matter of taping out the dents on roof and quarter panels.

    Not looking fwd to it to be honest but will see.

    • Sad 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Fab1 said:

    Who else coped it in last nights storms?Hail damaged cars,trees/fences down,roofs damaged etc around here.

    Both my cars look like golf balls.


    Speaking of golf balls,thinking of playing putt putt on the bonnet when the weather clears up.

    20181216_212743.thumb.jpg.95b42de01fdd8f2d0fc016f6185ce3f0.jpgLooks like my painting gear will be coming out of retirement soon.😂

  16. 10 minutes ago, Welster said:


     Usually all my cars and toys are undercover.    But for the last few months the boat has been in the front garage taking two of the three spots.   My old fairlaine has been in the boats spot in the back garage so my work van sits outside.  

    Yesterday though my L plater daughter was driving when the storm hit.   

    We had an extended black out the other night and it put the pool timer out.   The filter came on during the night and my daughter woke me to tell me it didn’t sound right.  I must of switched it off without looking because when I did today the case of the pump had split open.  I haven’t really got the time or inclination to look into it myself so will be dropping it in for repair.  Dad gave me the “where is your sense of adventure look” 😂


    Yeah,i went out to check pool too and other than debris everything ok.20181216_162800.thumb.jpg.2d1ad300eb86945cd11916520360e256.jpg

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  17. 3 minutes ago, Welster said:

    Ouch.   We didn’t get hail but trees blew down all around the suburb. I was just happy the massive tree behind my place didn’t fall and take out my garage and car after working on it for weeks.   Now if the boat was in there....

    My boat is dent free in garage.

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