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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Generally smaller and no moveable parts. The ratings are also stronger from memory and just as easy to use! In saying that, I'm happy to tie all lures straight to leader. I only use them whilst bass fishing!
  2. Can't say I have! Will have to look into it!
  3. Yep! Good topic. Spiral decoys the way to go!
  4. Hey ya! Good to see you still around Mr Groper! Let me know when your up and I'll try catch for sure!
  5. Cheers Craig! Ive got fishing club weekend on then so I might be thirsty!
  6. It was full of sea urchins. Not sure if that makes a difference to colour but you are what you eat!
  7. Nice work yowie! Good to be home ay! cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Cheers. 45min drive to paradise! Cheers!
  9. Cheers. A few different types but zman shad 5inch and 7inch gulp shad.
  10. Great advice! I would never sit in the same spot using sps for 7hrs. Bait is different as you can berley up and bring the fish to you. What size jig are you using? Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Nice work! Great sporting fish the old salmon. Not many people like eating them but occasionally I keep one too! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Cheers rick! Mate not up at Broughton. To be honest spent no time looking for them either. We only use sps chasing snapper! Had a live bonito out all day for no takers! Still upset by the one I lost though! It was definitely a big bastard! So there up there mate!
  13. G'day raiders, Just a quick report from up here in Port Stephens . Went out this morning with mate Dom in pretty sloppy weather and expecting to get a little wet! We managed to find a few fish and I got completely smoked by a good snaps that made it back to the reef before I did and managed to pull the hook! Grrrrrrr! But I had the last laugh as we managed to bring a few of his brothers home! Water temp- 19.6 Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. My call is a brassy trevally! Ive caught a few and it's looks very similar. Great catch regardless! Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Your starting to work em out! So many beaches to target up there. It will be interesting to see your results in the warmer months! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  16. I target sand whiting on poppers in the warmer months. That size is definitely to big. I use between 45-55.
  17. That's a great little clip Jon! I wish I could use technology like that! Maybe one day cheers scratchie!!!
  18. They are in the bay in massive numbers. They taste exactly the same as sand whiting imo!
  19. Nice work Clay! Great fish there! cheers scratchie!!!
  20. An app you can use for your phone is navionics. It will record your entire trip (speed, heading, time,route etc) and if you enable photos you can even place a photo exactly where you caught the fish. It doesn't require the internet as it works via satellite. You can also add your gps co-od to it and down load to your computer etc! Have a look at it! Cheers scratchie!!!
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