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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. 2 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

    Well you already had celebrity status here scratchie, now its out there in the wider community :biggrinthumb: 

    Haha! Fishraider has the status! I just enjoy the fishing part! 

    1 hour ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    changing your name to InstaInfluencer

    I double checked. I know the powers you have Mrs Swordy 🤔

    1 hour ago, zmk1962 said:

    When’s the movie coming out ?

    cheers Zoran 

    Haha 😂 not with my head!!! 

    1 hour ago, Squ!rt said:

    @Scratchie the Famous fishing star. haha good on ya mate, celebrity status now, whats next? tv series???

    I’d love to do a tv series! It would be called “scratchies world tour” and they could pay for everything! 😝😝😝

    45 minutes ago, big Neil said:

    Good onya Scratchie, well deserved mate. Your capabilities certainly warrant your inclusion in the magazine. bn

    Thanks BN. 

    31 minutes ago, 61 crusher said:

    Told you it was a handsome photo, you’re  already well known around the traps with your snapper & now you’re a real celebrity, of the month 😎 well done scratchie 👍

    Cheers Deiter! Will get you all back up here for another crack at it when things return to normal 👍👍👍

    • Like 2
  2. Gday raiders, 

    For those of you that may subscribe to the “fishing monthly” magazine you might just see a familiar face there! Lol 😂 

    But you guys have seen it first in here as always! 


    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 16
  3. I always apply the “6P theory” to my fishing. So I haven’t really done any dumb things. Except for leave the rods in the car and realised when I stop to collect bait. To eager to get out there 🤣🤣

    And was heading north one day for a full day fishing with my son and woodsy. My son left all our food and drinks at home! He had “one job”! 
    We got over that quickly as we didn’t have time to eat! Managed over 100 snapper that day 🤔 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, JonD said:

    Can't believe the recklessness of some people. After landing such a rare catch remove it well away from the water, preferably netted and gaffed.

    It was well under control Jon. There was no chaffe on the leader and was well hooked. The action shot didn’t really do justice to comfort that this species provided 🤣🤣🤣

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  5. 38 minutes ago, Rock&Beach said:

    Like a few others me and boats did not used to mix well so I was landed based person and mostly beach until I found the courage to fish the rocks.

    My favorite was my first jew off the beach in reality only small at 14kg but so much fun and seeing that big silver side in the moonlight. I will never forget. Can't find the photos of it anymore such a pity. 

    This 82cm snapper off the rocks is my best recent considering I was fishing for bream.


    That is a cracking snapper off the rocks! My best is 76cm and went like a train! I was very nervous lifting it with 20lb leader! Top effort 👍👍👍

    • Like 4
  6. 43 minutes ago, Yowie said:


    My old photos were taken on a box brownie camera, then a newer camera, then on an instamatic camera (I think) that developed it's own photos.

    All of those photos have have faded like my hair colour to a pale grey, or nothing at all.  😂

    It is a good post, but I cannot help with anything now, other than what I post on this forum. Fishraider can be a good laugh at times, especially with what is happening this year - fires, floods and now corona virus.

    By the way, Influenza A had already started in Australia, not many cases but it is early according to my doc.

    Gees Yowie, were you around with the dinosaurs? 🤣🤣🤣

    I actually don’t have a photo of my most memorable fish that got me addicted. I was at Stewart house when I was a young boy and they took us fishing at Narrabeen Lakes. I cast out a prawn on a hand line and next minute the line took off. After the fight of my life, with me chasing this thing up and down the bank, I landed the biggest bream I’ve ever caught to date. It went 46cm. What a rush that was and it started my fishing journey! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 2
  7. One of my favourite setups that I’ve caught probably 500 plus snapper on is a stradic Fk 4000 (which was not that cheap) but paired with a 7ft sonic pro series shimano rod that is probably the cheapest in their range! I’ve had it for 5 years now and every time I hook up it still gives me confidence of landing a good fish! The rod itself was part of a combo that cost $69. I still use this rod on nearly every trip! Love it!!! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 1
  8. G’day raiders, 

    Well the title says it all. Show us the best fish you ever caught and tell us why! It doesn’t have to be a monster, nor a game fish (It can be)  but just a fish you’ve always wanted to catch and what effort you put in to catch it!!! 

    I’ll start.......

    As you know I love chasing snapper! On this very day I took my son out and we caught a couple of nice pannies! The wind started to kick up and it had been a long morning and the boy wanted to go home! I made the call for one more drift and made it a long one. The boy just cast out and let his soft plastic drift behind the boat. But I “just kept casting“. We were soon in zone after a fast drift. Then I get a hit that nearly rips the rod out my hand! Boom...... but no hook up, damn so I thought to tea bag the lure! Next minute, zzzzzzzz I was on, and on hard! After a good fight and landed in 6-8m of water up cones my PB snapper at 95cms! I could have given up and gone home but no, I “just kept casting”. I’ve had some very special moments when fishing from GT’s, Spanish Mackeral to Marlin but this is truly one I will never forget!!! 


    So what’s your best capture???? 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 19
  9. Thanks for all the comments guys! It was a fun day with my son and conditions were awesome! 
    @Yowie if you think you can take out whiskers with a 12lb handline, then come on step on up! Haha 😂 

    @Berleyguts Baz it was good to see you out on the water! However, I did notice you drove up your drift a few times 🤔 by avoiding this will increase your chances of catching snapper! And you didn’t hear me yell because you were too busy undoing tangles! Lol 😝 Mate, I’ll get you out there soon especially knowing we have the same day off! 👍

    • Like 2
  10. Gday raiders, 

    Headed out with the young fella this morning after @tyrone07 pulled the pin due to work. Got to the ramp and pulled up next to @Berleyguts. Quick chat and off we went. Loaded up with a few slimies and headed for the island. Hit our mark and first cast I’m on to a decent fish. Two casts later the boy loads up! Another respectable Broughton snapper. Worked the area for a while and I lost a ripper after a short fight. Changed locations and could see Baz a few hundred meters away. Set the drift and after a few casts get a screaming run. Fight the fish for 5 minutes and not far from the boat, pop!!! There goes another one! In the meantime the boy has landed a few just legal ones that are returned. We do a few more drifts in the area and landed a couple more for the box. Waved bye to baz and changed locations again to which we land a few more just legals. Then we thought we’d try one last location at the sisters to which there were bait balls everywhere! I cast in an area we call “whiskers” and sure enough I load up hard and fight this fish for sometime until it chews through the leader! Damn, I’m positive it’s whiskers! Same area, same fight and he’s done me 5 times now. Grrrr. 
    Kept working the bait schools for a few more pannies, some bonito and another lost brut! 
    Decided to call it quits and headed home at 30 knots. What another great day in the beautiful Port Stephens! 

    Cheers scratchie!!! 



    • Like 19
  11. Fellow raiders, 

    The reason for this post is simply due to the magnitude of this situation. We will ALL have to deal with this crisis either directly or indirectly for an unknown period of time. 
    It is not to single out anyone for undue comments or someone trying to make light of the situation. I’m sure we all have a good joke or comment. (I know I do) Although, Let’s save them for 6 months time when we can all look back and laugh! 
    But reality right now is that people are sick, people are finding it hard to cope with bills, food, employment as well as the general struggles of life. 
    So let this time be a reminder to ourselves, be kind to each other, embrace your family and friends, don’t be selfish, sharing is caring and the fact that there is always someone worse off than you! 

    From a personal level....... I’m a baker at Woolworths. Today I watched 300-400 elderly and disabled people come through our doors in a frantic state. So me and my fellow baker went down to the front door to welcome them. Why??? Because they are the vulnerable, we are a familiar face to them and that made the mood remain calm and welcoming. 

    As we are a strong community here, let’s also be strong for the community around us. 
    Keep fishing when you can, keep sharing your knowledge on this site and remember that this is our happy place! 

    Kind regards 


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