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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. Gday raiders, 

    Hoping you smart people can help me out. With a few ISO projects under my belt and the Mrs happy with my efforts, it’s time to turn my attention to the big girl (boat). 

    Firstly, I have no idea where to start to attempt putting a new clear gloss on the boat which raises a couple of questions for me. 
    Secondly, I’m a working class man with a large family so unfortunately there is a budget. 
    So my questions are...........

    A. Is it worth attempting myself or pay someone to do it? 
    B. Where do I start? 
    C. How much roughly will it cost? 
    D. Has anyone done this themselves and what were the hurdles? (and results) 

    Obviously time is not an issue! 🤣
    Thanks in advance for any replies.

    cheers scratchie!!! 

  2. I’ve been doing a few home jobs myself. The wife picked up a free spa that was recessed into someone’s patio. Once removed we brought it home on the trailer. Just needed a frame for it. 
    It took a day! Thought it came up ok! 



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  3. 1 hour ago, JonD said:

    Funny I remember a discusion on here last year where someone claimed there to be no big tailor in NSW. 

    Nice fish JonD. 
    Yep I remember that post too! They are certainly out there if you find the right areas. 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 1
  4. Awesome frank! I’m sure we all have a few projects to accomplish. I know I do and a few I’ve done already. Isn’t it funny that it takes times like these to pull your finger out and do things around the house. What else would we be doing? Fishing? 🤔 Haha 😂 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

  5. Friggin how many times have I told you Rick??? 
    Leave my snapper ALONE!!! 🤬🤬🤬

    Haha 😂 Great collection there for a days fishing.! Yes mate I’m missing it too!! 😢

    Hopefully we are back up there soon enough! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 


    • Haha 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, noelm said:

    I don't know what happened, but there is people everywhere at my place, it's like a summers day, people swimming, a surf school operating, people walking and sitting on blankets and stuff, why are these people out?

    Wow! They must be all able to afford the fine 🤔 

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, rickmarlin62 said:

    Boat harbour empty  whoda thought

    It know ay! 
    Believe it or not these photos were taken the same day! 
    The first, the ocean was frothing at Noamunga headland and the second, the protection of a southerly! 

  8. Good thread. 👍👍👍👍

    I was fortunate enough to win 100k on a scratchie many years ago!  Money that I would never have again so I thought this is my opportunity to buy something I always wanted! It has taken me to where I live today and provided my family with many many memorable occasions not to mention a few fish! 
    Hence the name.....


    • Like 10
  9. 22 minutes ago, letsgocrabbing said:

    Hey Scratchie great advice but to make this relevant so no one breaks the law,, have you found the definition of local? Is it your nearest boat ramp, foreshore or wharf ?

    That definition will be determined by the authorities! 
    The main point of this post is that we are receiving lots of posts and PM’s asking if it’s legal or not,  in many different areas to go fishing! 
    Our position is, if it’s not essential travel then stay home! 
    It is for the individual to decide whether they take the trip or not! 

    Regards scratchie mod team 

    • Like 3
  10. 10 minutes ago, Berleyguts said:

    Yep, the first Easter in my 8 1/2 years at Bunnings that I haven’t had to work and I can’t go fishing! 😳😂 Oh well, I took the dog for a walk down to the beach the other day and watched the tuna smashing baitfish. That will have to do! There are definitely people flouting the laws. I heard a report today of (because Port Stephens ramps are closed) lots of boats putting in at Newcastle and cruising up to Port to fish - long haul for an “essential” feed! I’m respecting Marine Rescue’s request for us to stay off the water! Definitely a few holidaymakers in Woolies today while I ducked in to find some hot cross buns (been none on the last 3 visits) and a can of pineapple pieces (for whole crispy skin sweet and sour snapper tonight 😋). I also spotted a certain former rugby league player and TV sports presenter who lives on the central coast at the shops and he is no doubt in his (or his in-laws’) holiday home 300 metres down the street from me.

    What part of “STAY AT HOME” do people not understand?!!!

    Don’t piss me off Baz! I made over 800 packets off Hot Cross buns yesterday and it nearly killed me! So there should have been plenty. We normally don’t open Good Friday so think yourself lucky we did! 
    Mare if your struggling for essentials then send me a text. Lol 😝 

    • Haha 2
  11. To all fishraiders, 

    Whilst fishing is the passion that we all share, albeit a pass time, an activity or for the hunter gatherer inside us etc etc! 
    We are currently in the middle of a global pandemic of the likes we have never seen before. 
    I can tell you now,  there are so many frustrations that we all share and for us fishos the inability to go fishing is high on the list. Although, just because the State Government has said we can still fish as a “passive exercise”. Does not mean you are entitled to hook up your boat and travel to your usual ramp to go fishing! 
    You must stay local to your area, you must not leave your home for non essential travel and you can’t go to your holiday house! These rules are there to protect us all. 
    Please, stay at home, look after your family, practise social distancing, use clean hygiene and just wait until we have been given the all clear and the fish will be waiting for you! 
    Personally, I’m bored and can not wait to go fishing again BUT I look at my family and think is that the one extra trip that I take that  may have a significant impact on my family???? 


    Kind Regards, 

    Mod team, Community Manager and all responsible fishraiders!!! 


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  12. 21 minutes ago, LittleNipper said:

    Can anyone find any links to the different rules that apply over Easter as mentioned above? 
    I can only find the usually documentation stating reasons for leaving the house but I can’t find anything re: “local” only travel.

    need to forward it to some of my fishing mates. Don’t want any fishos getting fined over the long weekend 

    Just send them this........


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  13. 12 hours ago, Yowie said:

    Bloody hell Scratchie. You catch an oversize pannie, and you are treated like Robert Redford, or Brad Pitt, or Ozzie Ozbourne. 🤣😂

    Good work there, it's nice to have your mug shot gracing the fishing paper, you have shown them how to catch reddies.

    Your a funny man yowie! I actually did help the author with a few spots etc! 👍

    2 hours ago, Berleyguts said:

    Well done, Jeff! Well deserved! You know, if you smiled more often in your photos, you’d grace a few more magazines. 😉 Keep it up, mate!

    Thanks Baz! Trust me, I’m smiling on the inside 😉 

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