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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. What is there not to love about fishing? With maybe the exception of the kids deserting me when it’s time to clean the boat. 😩

    I enjoy the entire journey. From the deciding to go, to making “the plan”, the preparation of rods, reels and gear. The sleepless night before hand and waking up two hours before my alarm buzzing at the possibilities 

    And then the actual time comes! Quick coffee, make lunches and off we go! Travelling out the heads in the pitch black of night and hoping I got the forecast right! 🤔 

    The only part I don’t like, that I become inpatient at, is the time it takes to hit my first mark before I can start casting. 
    The rest of the day is just pure pleasure. Casting, catching, chatting, observing my surrounds, watching dolphins, whales and what ever the ocean throws up! 

    cheers scratchie!!!

    • Like 5
  2. Giddy up!!! My favourite place in NSW to fish! Looks like an awesome trip. Congrats on the PB snapper. 
    Mate, you haven’t lived until you cross that bar at Wooli. Lol 😂 It’s actually not as bad as it looks but it does look very daunting. 
    Great report and I’m glad you got some arm stretching! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

  3. 39 minutes ago, kingie chaser said:

    Jeff, congrats to you & the missus on becoming a grandparents, Im sure like the rest of the family the new little one will be a chip off the old block because the apple didn't fall to far from the tree there :biggrinthumb:

    The family that plays together stays together 🙂


    Always family first! 👍

    3 minutes ago, big Neil said:

    Aah well done Scratchie. Great fun teaching somebody something that you're good at and seeing them succeed. Congratulations on becoming Grandparents. Another generation to teach as time presents. Thanks for the report. bn

    I love taking the kids with me at every opportunity when conditions present themselves! Their smile is enough reward for me! Cheers BN

    • Like 1
  4. Not sure about mobile but Nelson Bay Outboards on George rd is very good! Tell him scratchie sent you! Or there’s Ben at “All Mechanics” Soldiers point rd! 
    Both very good! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 5/31/2020 at 7:00 PM, Peter Nelson said:

    Unlucky mate but at least yourve been getting out there.

    Hopefully I'll get out Friday. Was there much bait at cabbage tree?


    Still plenty of bait at cabbage tree. Slimies were in the northern side of the bar. Heaps at the little gibber too! 

  6. 2 hours ago, Peter Nelson said:

    Nice one mate and congratulations on  becoming a pop.

    Hope  to see you up there soon, my reels are seizing up.


    Thanks mate! Oil those reels if your not using them! Your free to travel now 👍

    1 hour ago, GoingFishing said:

    So it seems triple congratulations are in order !

    #1 on the boat upgrades !

    #2 on the nice fish

    #3 best till last, on the baby girl. May she live long and prosper.

    #4 (extra) Congrats on having the best Mrs in the world to let you go out fishing two days in a row !

    Thanks Sam. Much appreciated! My Mrs lets me go whenever I want. It was the one condition that we get married! Lol 😝 

    49 minutes ago, Rebel said:

    Great report. Great to see the kids having a good time. Super PHOTOS.

    Thanks champ! The kids love it! 

    6 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    A nice bag of fish there, Grandpa Scratchie. 😴  and good work on taking the kids fishing.

    It always a pleasure to take them out! They just don’t get many Monday’s off! 🤣

    2 minutes ago, tobycb said:

    Well done again Scratchie, nice bag!

    Regards, Toby

    Cheers toby!!! 

  7. G’day raiders, 

    I’ve recently done a few upgrades to the boat and a few things I’m still working on but it has made me more keen than ever to take every opportunity I get to hit the water. 
    So yesterday, I finished work early. Had a quick sleep and hooked the boat up. I decided to take the three youngest out for a troll around the islands. The seas were calm so we decided to catch some live bait first and give them a troll before we switched to deep divers. You kind of forget how much fun it is for kids to catch bait fish, especially a good slimie! 


    Well, put the slimies to good use and after only a short while the line starts peeling off. The eldest at the time Brandon was running the deck and grabs the rod and brings in a huge bonito. Sweet! The bonito are around, so we switch to deep divers. Didn’t take long to hear another one screaming and the girl was up! Great fun watching their faces tangle with a tuna. Landed that one and then time for the youngest to have a go! Well he thought he’d hooked a whale but just another bonito! Gave them a few turns each then it was time to head home and watch the footy! I didn’t touch a rod or reel all day and I didn’t drive either as the second eldest now has his boat licence! 👍



    So today, was the eldest boys @Jnr Scratchie  turn after he became a father last week and made me feel older than ever by becoming a poppy!

    The plan was to go south and fish a few areas we haven’t tried before. But someone forgot to tell scratchie (boat) and she just turned left out the heads like usual and headed for Broughton Island. We didn’t stop for bait so we could get up there before first light and start casting. The seas were more than placid and no current to be seen although there was a little wind to help out drift. We both managed a few pannies and then the boy comes up tight. I set his drag and when I start to hear it sing I know he has a good fish. Well this fish kept singing and I thought it was whiskers until up comes a decent mid 70’s king. Nice! A few more drifts and a lot more casts, he comes up tight again And this time there is the telltale signs of a good snaps! Soon it was into the net and hi 5’s all round. Managed a few more at different spots and called it a day around 11. Cracking day on the water and we obviously did better than most as all the boats that came to the ramp, just hooked up and drove home! 
    Thanks for reading,

    Cheers scratchie!!! 


    The best catch ever.........


    I hope she likes fishing 🤔 

    • Like 19
  8. 5 hours ago, frankandfish said:

    @Scratchie wanted to pick your brain I’m heading up for a long weekend coming up and staying in salamander bay. Will be on the yak and depending on the conditions will head out around tomaree heads and fish the bombies for snapper etc. if the weather and swell isn’t the best though will stick to the bays. Do you know how the wreck has been fishing of late and do snapper hang around that structure? Have read reports Wanda heads is ok also would that be a good spot to drift?

    Any advice would be appreciated mainly using soft plastics and hard bodies.

    Cheers hopefully looking to land a few feeds this time around 👍

    The bay does hold snapper but not generally a specific area you can target them. They are usually a bycatch from people chasing Jew or just drifting around with bait. 
    I haven’t done much fishing in the bay of late as the open ocean always seems to draw me to it! But I’ve had good reports of Jew around middle island one hour either side of the high tide change. The snapper out the front are really hard work atm due to a lack of current. Really early mornings or late arvo are best. Fingal and the reefs surrounding are producing during these times. 
    Hope that helps! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

  9. 16 hours ago, Hoods said:

    Hi Scratchie, A big thank you for your article on snapper vs SP's. I needed an upgrade on my reel for a 10kg stick so read the articles hereabouts regarding best ones. Ended up with a Daiwa Kix 5000 with 20lb braid and headed out on Saturday to put your words of wisdom into practice.  Christened the outfit with an 85cm 8kg model. Thanks again. Hoods.


    I have no other words than.........

    That is just awesome! 👏👏👏👏

    Can you give us a report on that stonker? 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Drought Breaker said:

    Hi Scratchie. Unlucky mate. Are you still running the 20/20 Lb braid/leader from your pinned article?


    You win some you lose some! Makes me more determined. Yes mate, I still use that combination. Once the water cools down and the big girls move into the shallows I might up it to 30lb! 

    • Like 1
  11. Sorry Rummers, only just seen this post. Probably not worth it at the moment mate (hope you proved me wrong) But there’s no current atm and the snapper go off the bite as soon as the sun comes up! 
    Although those 15m reefs off the front of those areas are really productive early morning/late arvo! 
    Happy to head out with you when suitable. 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Thanks 1
  12. To know where to start,  it would help if you told us what your intended target species Is? 
    Fishing with soft plastics is a very active way of angling. Some species require a lot of thought and practise, and others are just cast and retrieve! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 1
  13. Mr Reliable you are yowie! Always guaranteed to come home with a feed. No wonder your always allowed to go! 🤣 Those red things are snapper? Thought they were different coloured bream 🤣🤣🤣

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Haha 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Mr Squidy said:

    Oh well? Oh well?!?! Most of us down here in Sydney would be close to tears loosing a 70cm red boat side haha. You guys sure have a great fishery up there. Shame to loose a couple of good fish but still a nice feed to come home with, top stuff as always.


    Cheers Rich! It was pretty devastating to lose two good fish especially when you have sight of them. It doesn’t happen often. Just one of those days! 

    2 hours ago, Rebel said:

    Win some, lose some. But you are still a Mile in front.


    Cheers Rebel. Time to let a few grow 🤣

    2 hours ago, Yowie said:

    You've got fish in the fish box, so better than no fish in the fish box.

    True yowie! We don’t mind losing one but two is a tragedy 😢

    2 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

    .....and a day on the water breathing the fresh salt air.  Can’t beat that. 
    cheers Zoran 

    Couldn’t agree more! 👍

    1 hour ago, flatheadluke said:

    Good to hear you didn’t catch much for once :1tongue:

    Haha 😂 we could have waited for the arvo bite and filled the box. 🤪

    48 minutes ago, back cruncher said:

    Hi all...Jeff lost a cracker of a snapper today...had the motor started ready to chase it.

    mite have been whiskers.lol.

    Definitely related to whiskers! At least my knots didn’t fail. Just one of those things! 
    Great day in the water all the same champ! And we scored to PB tuna birds 🤣

  15. Gday raiders, 

    Headed out today with Backcruncher and his mate and we hit the island. Hopes were high for a few good snapper especially with the sudden drop of the east coast low we’ve been enduring. First drift at first light and Micks line is screaming. Set the hook, set the hook. Well he did and after a good tussle up comes a 70 model, nice! Not in the net yet it takes a roll and pop! Gooooooooone! Oh well, at least we found something. Ended up changing locations and we managed a good size bonito on a livie and kept casting sps! Then I load up and boy did this thing pull string. After a decent scrap and a bit of manoeuvring I get a decent look at it boatside (80 plus) and can feel the crunching on the jig and with one more crunch, boom.... the leader gave way! Damn! 
    We moved a few spots due to either,  a lack of bait or lack of current, then decided to try for longtail. 
    Hit our mark and set the livies out! They looked good swimming perfectly. So much so that we couldn’t get away from the tuna birds diving on them at will. After hour we called it quits but managed to land two birds!! 🤔 

    Headed home at a leisurely pace with a beer in hand and a good day had by all. 

    cheers scratchie!!! 



    • Like 18
  16. 6 hours ago, blaxland said:

    I will have to come up soon. Seems the gods will do anything to stop an annual raider meeting at PS I was looking forward to it.


    Still might be on the cards yet! September is a good time of year to chase the big reds! Let’s see what restrictions are lifted on the next month or so! 

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