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Everything posted by harold

  1. great fish but the dam possum!! Those things drive me mad each night at home!!!!!
  2. harold


    sorry to hear of your accident. I think the thongs might have added to the injury. Good news is you will heal and go on to catch a truck load of fish!
  3. i am like that with wives having been married 4 times.
  4. just beats the Hawkesbury salmon-just. Great catch
  5. harold

    Boat Names?

    my memory tells me it is not bad luck to change the name of a boat but you should keep a name plate showing its original name somewhere on board. Not sure what you do with a boat that has no name, maybe a blank plate? lol.
  6. wonder how he set up the camera?
  7. harold


    go where the trawlers don't and at least you will have a fighting chance.
  8. whats the old saying? "it is better to have fished and lost than never to have fished at all!" or something like that.
  9. great fish, i have caught a couple of similar sized ones just off Quarantine Beach in years gone past. Now go and get its old man!
  10. see a couple of days ago, a Qantas plane was landing without its landing gear down. If the on board computer had not warned them disaster would have followed.
  11. what a great catch. Congratulations.
  12. whatever it was, it was fun and that is what fishing is about for most of us.
  13. and congratulations for letting the old girl swim away to breed and live another day.
  14. Your day was better than what most of us had. I stared at a computer all day at work. Would have happily changed positions with you any time, fish or no fish. You will clean up next time out there.
  15. congratulations to you and your wonderful son.
  16. makes the Hawkesbury look a bit second rate! Congratulations to you.
  17. it is a funny story and i am guessing we can all relate to it, even if it hasn't happened to us---yet!
  18. great report and congratulations to you and your friends.
  19. good day i would say. I have to get that boat out of the berth and go fishing!!!
  20. good catch mate, look forward to reading about your next encounter.
  21. congratulations, that is a wonderful story and i look forward to catching Kingy's again very soon.
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