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Everything posted by harold

  1. I agree, tip it out and replace it. Most on water fuel servos only sell non E10 petrol.
  2. As the owner of a large boat, I assure you your clears will act like a sail.
  3. My body never was what it used to be.
  4. Great catch and I love the power comment re the outboard!
  5. I am always amazed at the fish people catch out of a Yak. I take my hat off to you.
  6. Old is at law, a relative term.
  7. Hey Mike, it can happen to anyone, anytime. Sounds like the motor is fine and if you are a mechanic I am sure you would have noticed any problems. Good learning experience. All the best
  8. Phone up one of the many dealers, they will give you a quote over the phone.
  9. Persona Ly I would change the impeller and give it a very big flush. The cost of an impeller is peanuts compared to what the overheating of an engine can cost to repair. No brainier to me.
  10. We were out three weeks ago and were moored at little shark point bay. On the Saturday morning I was sitting on the back of the boat reading the paper when I noticed an asian family who were in a 40ft houseboat that was also on one of the moorings. I saw them cast of the mooring line and I could not hear the outboards. I noticed the boat drift in the light wind towards the rocks, all of a sudden it was stuck on the rocks side ways. I jumped into the dinghy and motored over there to see a very worried dad with about 4 or 5 very little children and his wife and friends on board. He explained that he could not get the motors started and was in trouble. He passed me a rope that was only about two meters long and I attached it to the back of our 3.4 meter rubber dinghy and then attempted to pull his nose off the rocks. Given my dinghy only has a 30 HP 4 stroke Mercury on it and the houseboat was made of wood, it was a tough job. After 10 or so attempts I finally dragged the nose off the rocks and inched my way into deeper water. At this point in time his mate got one engine started and commenced to run me and my dinghy over! Finally I managed to untie the rope and told him to either moor again or head back to where he hired it from and get them to fix the engine. The staggering thing to me was how could someone cast off a fixed line and then try to start the engines? Amazing really and fortunately no one was hurt. Stay safe and keep tight lines.
  11. That's great to hear. Subject to the wretched wind which is forecast to be circa 30 knots on Thursday, we will go out and drift of palm beach, hopefully we can attract a couple of nice fighting fish.
  12. Hi Silvo, I have sent it from my iPhone. Thanks for your help and advice.
  13. I have a poor pic on my iPhone of it but don't know how to post it. If anyone has an email address I can send it to maybe you can tell me if it is a pike or not.
  14. They are great fighters but I have never worked out how to cook them so they taste nice.
  15. We were out on the water for a few days last week and one night we picked up our club buoy at The Basin. My son was, as usual, out the back fishing as my wife cooked dinner and I watched TV (that is a fair distribution of the workload I reckon) and all of a sudden my son asks me to look and tell him what sort of fish he had caught. Got out there and lo and behold he had caught a circa 30cm Barracouta. Even though it was small it had nasty looking teeth. Took the little fellow off the hook and sent him back to his school. Never heard of these fish being in Pittwater. Caught on a prawn off the back of a Riviera 47 enclosed.
  16. We have 14 days there at Christmas and I am looking forward to it.
  17. I prefer to eat them. Good catch
  18. Haven't ever caught a cuttle fish. Good on you
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