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Everything posted by harold

  1. poor bloke, sounds like he was lucky to have such minor injuries.
  2. lets hope it is very wrong! Merry Christmas to all
  3. it looks like a gale so i reckon you will have the pick of the ocean to your self. Good luck to you and Merry Christmas on the water.
  4. nice looking fish! Congratulations to you.
  5. never seen those before, maybe i ate the damn things without looking! Will surely look closer from now on. I too am looking for the worm tablets this morning.
  6. wheres all of our invites to the barby? congratulations, great fish.
  7. that is great, way better than my day at work i assure you
  8. what a great day. Good on you
  9. i was sitting on my boat at Akuna bay yesterday looking at the gear i own and a thought came to me. I wondered how much i had spent on fishing gear. I did some quick mental addition and blow me down if i didnt come up with about $3,500 worth of stuff on board. Now i am just an amateur compared to some of you guys, i wonder, how much have you got invested in trying to catch that next elusive fish?
  10. everyone must help everyone else on the water.
  11. great catch. Perhaps you could put a suit on it and get it to stand for premier at the next election.
  12. now thats fishing. Congratulations
  13. good on you mate, that is a great fish, now go and get its big brother!
  14. good catch, look forward to the next report.
  15. great fish and if it was only about catching fish, well, i would have given up years ago. Enjoy.
  16. now thats a fishing trip! good on you. Were you at all worried about the political mess over there?
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