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Everything posted by harold

  1. harold


    Well, it is very wet out side at the moment. Took 3 inches off the pool today from the past two weeks of rain. I have started to build a very large boat and will shortly be looking for all sorts of animals if it keeps up.
  2. You can google how to track an iPhone. I know it works because we ran a trial at work.
  3. all's well that ends well as they say.
  4. There are early 4000 moorings in Pittwater, they are very easy to see, just turn left through the heads then left again and anywhere you see moored yachts is a good place.
  5. I can't even imagine how people in yaks catch big fish. You must be pulled around like crazy.
  6. Does she give fishing lessons? If so, I am in.
  7. It is amazing how many come up at 62 and 63 cms. I hate that.
  8. That is a great catch.
  9. Kings are everywhere in Pittwater at the moment. They are smashing up baitfish between the moorings. Great to see, we catch them off the front of our boat that is berthed at church point.
  10. I have never seen one of those.
  11. Great kingy, would have put up a great fight at that size.
  12. Pick your preferred street in your preferred suburb and park yourself there in your car over a Friday and Saturday evening, you will soon find out if it is a "quiet" neighbourhood or not. Our office is in north Sydney and we have several people that commute from the central coast daily by train. They say driving is quite trying as a single accident can destroy the journey and that happens with some regularity.
  13. You need to write to your local state member if you want to increase fines.
  14. Well, we have been on Hamilton for two days and it is hot but the family love swimming. I see at the marina they hire out fishing boats and gear. A 15 ft runabout is like $189 for half a day but beggars can't be choosers and our boat is berthed back at Pittwater. A question, has anyone been fishing up here and is it worth hiring a boat at that sort of cost?
  15. SP is our preferred method of fishing or should that be wishing? All the best.
  16. Didn't realize you could catch them this time of the year. Great catch
  17. harold

    dog and pfd

    I would die laughing sitting in court representing a defendant that was being prosecuted by Waterways for failing to have a life jacket on a dog. The Magistrate would fall of his/her chair in laughter too. At law an occupant is a human being. If we need jackets on dogs what about cats and pet rabbits and so it could go on. Now I really am laughing. Happy catching and don't worry too much about being in strife about your dog.
  18. I go to the basin a lot as we have a mooring there. I assure you I have never seen a public buoy there. I reckon 90% of the boats are on moorings they have no right to be on so it is fine to pick up one. As one of the previous posts says, just vacate when asked. Having said that it is a bit funny, we have had several boats over the years come up to us and tell us we are on their mooring. They bank on the fact that most are there "illegally" and will move when challenged. It is a bit funny when I tell them we own the thing so they should go away. They invariably say something like "oh, I am sorry, I have picked the wrong mooring, our one is over there"
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