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Everything posted by harold

  1. good catch of sambos, dont they go hard when they are big.
  2. we dont eat Pike either, back they go.
  3. harold

    Help Needed.

    Paul, i have owned most makes and the last 2 engines i have bought have been 200 EFI Mercury and 225 EFI Mercury. Never had a problem with either of them although the 225 is a bit thirsty over 4300 rpm.
  4. i too have seen the result of boaters who do not heed the warnings. It is too easy to say "the BOM is never right". Invariably when they forecast Gales, they are right. Do you know that some insurance companies will not cover you if you go out when a Gale is forecast? (over 33knots).
  5. good on you for the patience. I am still a virgin but i dont put the hard yards in that you need to to catch the elusive Jews. slack as
  6. sorry to hear of your strife. Bloody boats, they can cost a fortune and when you least expect it-bang they hit you right in the wallet. I know the hard way. Better luck next time.
  7. i have found the same, if they are there its great, if not, you might as well turn around. They move around so much and so fast and, like women, they are unpredictable
  8. sounds like everyone had a great time and you guys got in before the gale hit. Many boats would have had huge problems today as they tried to berth.
  9. hmm, work saturday morning, assembling my 3 year olds new bed on sat afternoon, buy the wife a new car on sunday morning (probably new RAV4) then rest on sunday afternoon by watching Bathurst. Good luck to all the fisho's on the Hawkesbury.
  10. thats a big school and its hungry. Sounds like a great day.
  11. great report by a bloke who knows his stuff.
  12. i am lucky, my boat has the inboard flushing system from the fresh water supply on board. I feel for everyone. I thought not flushing out the outboard allowed salt to build up on the water pump impeller and that in turn would cause failure. I also thought the salt corrodes the walls of the water vanes in the motor that provide the heat exchange and thus the cooling effect. I know that when i visited the Tohatsu factory in Japan, each outboard was run in a 44 gallon drum for 10 minutes but i guess if you can't fill up an external drum thats useless information.
  13. how good is that look on his face.
  14. harold

    Nrl Grand Final

    i am like most of you guys, dont go for either team but as a NSW guy if Saddam's home team were playing the Bronco's i would have a hard choice to make. I also think the ref's decisions were off. Maybe you needed to be there or some thing but it sure seems like the video ref might have been sucking on a few tinnys.
  15. harold


    it was a great game with 2 great teams. Could have gone either way in the last 10 minutes.
  16. i sure dont mind seeing great pics of large fish. Good luck to you and thanks for sharing them with us.
  17. havent seen one of those for years. Congratulations to you.
  18. harold

    Service Manuals

    James, mercury over at milperra will be able to help you out. also some minicipal ibraries have them to loan out.
  19. great fish and i agree with your comments re the camera. My wife convinced me to buy 1 a couple of years ago so $850 and we have never used it. Waste of money in our house.
  20. i think you are very controlled when you think about the misrepresentation of the service. I guess we have all wasted a few hundred dollars at times but at least we end up with memories of good times, not like this "Trippus Horribilus". Better luck next time.
  21. harold


    now thats a fighting fish. Great shot.
  22. they had it in their hands and let it go. shame
  23. great catch but i feel sorry for you being crook for 50% of the time. It is the pits.
  24. i have been in the boiling cauldron a few times and there is nothing like it. Good on you.
  25. when you think about the number of man hours you put in to get 1 fish, its no wonder blokes like me dont succeed when we rock up for an hour at any time of the day. Dedication, good on you.
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