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Everything posted by harold

  1. I am so over this weather that i am going to take a sickie from my own business tomorrow and go out and see if there are any hungry fish in the Bay. If anyones out there call on channel 96.
  2. the only additional advice i can offer is to check the back of the Trade A Boat magazine, they have all sorts of stuff for sale and many marine engineers advertise their services. Might be a waste of time but you just never know.
  3. welcome to the site guys, best place in cyber space.
  4. harold


    thanks for the advice. I hope we never need it but if we do, i have learnt something today that is of value.
  5. i often leave my boat without using it for 2 months and i have never had any trouble with the fuel in the tank.
  6. great game and dont you just love to see the look on the Qld'rs faces!! Mind you, as a long time Roosters supporter, i have nothing to smile about!!!!!!!
  7. good on you for having the kahoona's to go out on such a windy day.
  8. harold

    Steve Irwin

    How good was Steve Irwin? To hear he has 500 million followers around the world is mind boggling. There was a man who believed in life. Rest in peace to a good man.
  9. The jelly Bean is better than zippo. Congratulations to you
  10. Ross, it sure beat my day which was working! At least you guys were out there enjoying life.
  11. hope the young blokes head is all ok. You guys are keen, it looked so windy yesterday i didnt even bother thinking about fishing.
  12. congratulations to you. The smile on your face says it all.
  13. glad someone is getting out on the water. I am jinxed, every time i plan to go out, something comes up and i have to cancel.
  14. my understanding is, according to nautical history, once a boat is named it is bad luck to change the name unless you retain the name somewhere on the boat. Many rename and have a plaque made they place in the cabin. Still have not named mine after 18 months. Apathetic would be appropriate.
  15. love it! ALthough to his credit i read of his 10 or 12 rules for kids about to leave uni and enter the work force. It was spot on advice. In my books, anyone who gives away billions to help the impoverished and underprivilleged in the world is ok.
  16. a face that only a mother could love!
  17. great day. congrats to you all. I am envious!
  18. Am going to go and chase the salmon on thusday 31/8/06 in broken bay, if you are out there say hi!
  19. sounds like there was a meeting held of Fishraiders. WIsh i had been there, was baby sitting my 83 year old father, would rather have been----anywhere!
  20. mine went a couple of months ago, on a 225 Mercury. Cost $2,000 to fix!
  21. sounds like a great day to me. Beats the day i had!!!
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