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Everything posted by harold

  1. am i the onlyone who has to work mon day to friday????? Great report
  2. sunday on the Hawkesbury for sure. Forecast (which is at best a guess) says a good day. Catch some big 'uns everyone.
  3. thanks for the tip, will give it a go!
  4. harold


    I fought for 5 years in the ring and we knew the rules and the penalties for breaching the rules. Sometimes you would get a bit "upset" when a decision went against you and you would have liked to have said or done something to remonstrate but you didn't because you know the rules before you touched gloves. I have never played footy but i reckon it is probably similar. I am a huge Joey Johns fan-the best football player i have seen or am likely to see in this lifetime.
  5. your day was much better than my day at work. Glad you and the boys caught some fish.
  6. i am with you, how could you think a Toad looks like a fish thats worth eating? Mind you i am aware of what the Japanese do to them as i lived in Japan for a year. Never tried it myself as i just couldn't possible put my mouth near the stinking things. Yuk!
  7. congratulations on a fantastic report and a wonderful catch. They sure are a wonderful creature. Having never caught a Marlin, i am unsure whether i would keep it nevertheless congratulations once again.
  8. what a great fish. Can you imagine the steaks on the barbque? Wonder if they make a plate big enough?
  9. thats fantastic. Cant wait to see the monster.
  10. it sure seems like Browns is the place to go. Congrats to you for a great days out and for bagging 2 fantastic YFT
  11. great story and what a fabulous rush that would be. There is always a next time.
  12. wonder what Fisheries would say if i had a go at that in The Hawkesbury? Would be unbelievable about 2am when it is quiet and the Jews are swimming around the bait!!
  13. what about their share price? I bought in at $7, today they are worth about half what i paid. Their CEO comes across as arrogance personified, he is doing us a favour running Telstra (into the ground).
  14. Guys, i took it upon myself to have a chat to a close friend of mine (he helped me launch Tohatsu in 1978 or thereabouts) at the boat show. He is a very senior person in the Brunswick organisation and i relayed the trouble our members are having. I asked him what redress you could/should take and he has given me some contact details in Tohatsu Japan that might prove to be of value to you. I cant say whether anything will come of your complaints but i can tell you Brunswick is very serious about companies they own or part own and they are now aware of the problems here. I will ask his permission to post the contact details on this thread (sorry i forgot to do that) and then, if you so choose, you can send a letter. Hostorically Brunswick has always moved to majority ownership of its investments and it is hard to believe they will be content to be the minor partners in Tohatsu. regards to you all
  15. you will never please everyone with a date so just pick one and you will find the majority will work to the date.
  16. Ilk, seems a bit of a hard response to a perfectly normal person who was really just telling us of his experience and his thoughts. You will find the people here are nice guys and their prime interest is in fishing, not fighting. Good luck to you Ilk.
  17. well, as i said earlier in this thread, i am the guy who is responsile for introducing Tohatsu to this country all those years ago and i am dismayed to hear of the problems the motors now have. All i can say is give the brand a wide berth and the Tohatsu managers will investigate why their market share is dropping. From personal experiece i can tell you Mercury make a damn good engine and it is backed up by service and warranty that does not look for any excuses. Mind you, i have had a 200hp and a 225hp over the past 3 years and havent had any strife with either of them. Guess i havent had to test the warranty. Guys, cut your losses and trade out of the things.
  18. harold

    New Dvd

    i intend to buy the I fish collection. I have heard it is terriffic value.
  19. congratulations again. Must be a great feeling to get your first Jew (i am still waiting).
  20. thats the first thing i have seen that is uglier than my ex---it is a close call though!
  21. congratulations to you guys. A real memory for life!
  22. Can you imagine the plight of us long term Easts supporters???? Very bad year and we have no excuses, we are just playing poorly. Excuse me while i go and have another cry.
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