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Everything posted by harold

  1. i had to pick up my boat at Church Point and take it back to Akuna Bay yesterday afternoon and as i went past Scotland Island the water was alive with Taylor and perhaps something a little more exciting down deeper. Why not go the extra couple of kilometres and spend some time down there? Might produce you some fun and you dont need an anchor for that style of fishing. All the best
  2. Hi Mike, i hope you find some locals up there. I just noticed the time you posted, man you got to take some sleeping tablets (lol). Good luck
  3. true professionals and what terriffic rewards for the combination of patience and knowledge. What an experience that would have been. Congratulations.
  4. glad to have you on board
  5. harold


    years ago i was in a 16 foot boat off Port Stephens and i saw this shadow in the water, like a mug i put on the biggest hook i had on 80lb mono, slapped on a whole mullet and let it over the side, worst mistake i ever made, i couldnt get rid of this thing and it just hauled me and the boat wherever it wanted us to go, i eventually cut the line with my knife. This thing was as big as the boat, wouldnt do that again i asure you. Sharks dont nibble.
  6. harold

    Discrimination Law

    ok that is a different situation. You have several choices, either cop it on the chin and forget it, find another job, or discuss it with a higher authority. I still say it is most unlikely to be discrimination, if you are convinced it is, given the number of employees in your company they are at risk, so get on the phone to the Anti discrimination Board, they are sympathetic and will genuinely try to help you. Mind you this is just about equal to the "Find another job" option. All the best solving the conundrum.
  7. harold

    Discrimination Law

    I suggest you need to chat to your boss a bit about this (mind you if it is just you are you your own boss?).
  8. I was wondering what you all thought of a proper Fish Raider Xmas party this year. Last year was a beer in the pub at chatswood but i am thinking about a dinner with our partners? I am not thninking the Ritz Carlton but somewhere were we can be ourselves and get to know each other. I would be prepared to organise the thing (groan). So how many would be in? Lets assume we were thinking something like North Ryde which is pretty central for most. The date would have to be determined by the availability, but now is the time to plan it. How much would you be prepared to spend a head for dinner?
  9. harold

    Discrimination Law

    Is it discrimination? I doubt it, sounds like a breach of a documented company policy. If you were not aware of the policy i would certainly be writing to your Managing Director. How many people in your company?
  10. just had a look at the wind report: Saturday: Wind:W/NW 15/20 knots reaching 20/25 knots at times in the afternoon and evening chiefly offshore. Sea:1.5 to 2 metres. Swell:E about 1 metre. Sunday Outlook: Wind: S/SW 20/30 knots. Why is it we have zero wind during the week and strong winds at the weekend? Some sort of conspiracy to keep people from fishing for sure.
  11. good on you mate, whilst some don't like to eat them, everyone loves the fight they give on light gear.
  12. i didnt know they grew that big. Congratulations to you and welcome to the site.
  13. check the wind and sea but "if in doubt, dont go out"! Err on the side of caution.
  14. excellent to read of your success.
  15. I will pray for your little man tonight. I have seen the results of the power of prayer so everyone, join in for this worthy cause.
  16. i heard about it on 2GB on the way home this afternoon. It is true although i have not seen it myself.
  17. harold


    Trouble is, we wont get a break, look at who else is in final 16, they are all the worlds best teams Brazil, Argentina, England etc. Gee our blokes have done us proud. Oz Vs Italy oh oh, my 14 year old son was born to an Italian mother and sees himself as Italian, family fued coming up Tuesday. Go you blokes and kick that ball straight in that goal. As for our goalie, well he may be tall, but thats the best thing i can say about his game, what a shocker.
  18. Dogs of the street, thats all they are. I firmly believe what goes round comes round. They will get theirs, trouble is you will never have the satisfaction of knowing when it happens to them!
  19. Wayne, you are right, the reputation of F&S is much greater than its ability to produce fish.
  20. 2 to 1, our way. Go the roo's.
  21. harold


    i should be so lucky
  22. harold

    Phone Scam

    Guys, my accountant sent me this today, could be worth remembering "if you get a missed call from one of the following numbers, don't call it back. if you do, you will be charged $50 as it is an internet number...it says you have won $40 and to call another number....then you will get slapped with another $50 amount. The list of phone numbers you may be pranked from: (02) 8219 0500 (02) 8303 8320 (02) 8303 8321 (02) 8404 2201 (02) 8404 2203 <- Updated 22nd May 2006 (02) 8404 2213 (02) 8404 2215 (02) 8404 2235 (02) 8404 2236 (02) 8404 2245 <- Updated 23rd May 2006 (02) 8404 2296 <- Updated 22nd May 2006 (02) 8404 2298 (03) 8102 9565 (03) 8558 0556 (03) 8558 1441 (03) 8558 1442 (03) 8558 1443 (03) 8558 1444 (03) 8558 1445 (03) 8558 1446 (03) 8558 1447 (03) 9540 2950 (03) 9540 5100 <- 24th May 2006 (03) 9540 5101 (03) 9540 5187 (03) 9540 5189 (03) 9855 2913 "
  23. harold

    Big Lizard

    i reckon, stick a green and gold jumper on him and put him in the forwards for the Brazil game. Go big fella.
  24. The Aussies to go all the way! I heard today 18% of us think the Socceroos will win, unashamedly i am one of them.
  25. hmmm, well saturday morning sounds like it isnt going to rain so i will throw a line in and see if there is a fish that wants to come to dinner at my house. Sunday sounds like it is going to be very wet so i guess the wife will most likely drag my sorry ass down to Chatswood to go shopping at David Jones for things we dont really need nor can we afford.
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