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Everything posted by Linc

  1. I love it when the Mrs catches some good fish as it means more chance she'll come out again sometime which results in me getting more fishing time Bad luck on the Jew, how big do you reckon he was?
  2. Nice way to draw the attention of surrounding boats to tangle their nets if it was a trawler... Hopefully it wasn't a fisho in trouble.
  3. Very nice Snapper there mate, reminds me of Melbourne, catching such big reds in close to the city, we used to catch them up in the Docklands in May, biggest was 60cm or so though, this is a real beast.
  4. King's have been hard to find in the bay lately, I've got no doubt there are still large fish holding up in there but you'll have to work for them. best chance is to downrig some live squid.
  5. Linc

    Australia Post

    Well Said boattart. i work for a company that unfortunately had to close down local manufacturing a few years ago in order to keep afloat, many people decided to boycott the brand which actually only put the remaining 1500 or so of us that still work for the company in Aus at risk... then go and buy from another company that already imported all of their products... senseless!
  6. Linc

    Australia Post

    Suits me, who posts letters these days? I probably buy fishing gear online at least once every 2 months if not more.
  7. What makes them inedible? I've heard that before but probably wouldn't think about it at the time if I caught one amongst a bunch of other flatties. Is it that they taste bad, are full or bones, poisonous or a combination of the above?
  8. Linc

    Australia Post

    I'm surprised Aussie Post isn't booming along with online retail...
  9. Sounds like there's a bit of action on the surface, hope they're still around tomorrow, I'll be out rain hail or shine.
  10. If you have never done any rob building before I'd suggest to buy one of the many rod building kits available which include the blank, guides, reel seat, grips, tip, everything you need to make the whole rod (minus thread and rod finish). This takes a lot of the work out of decided how many guides, how to space them etc. Also I find the heavier the rod, the easier to bind, just something to keep in mind for your first one, I'm not sure if others feel the same, but ultra light rods can be very fiddly at the thin end, especially with inexperienced hands.
  11. I've been making and repairing rods for myself and friends on and off for 7 years now, learned all I know from my father, the internet, DVDs and the book Advanced Custom Rod Building by Dale P. Clemens. I find video one of the easiest ways to learn as it's nice to see how its done. Doc Ski and even our fellow Aussie, Ian Miller have some great DVDs out.
  12. That sounds good, I wonder if Simrad has a similar thing, off to check their site now.
  13. Great Report, Great Fish and Awesome pics, well done mate.
  14. Very nice fish, pity he didn't enjoy the fight thinking it was a ray
  15. Just make sure it's edible, if its something you're not sure of it's identity, post a pic up here before serving it up for dinner and you'll get a response pretty quickly as to what it is and whether it's any good to eat.
  16. Linc

    The Addiction

    That's half the fun too! I spend a lot more time prepping and planning that I actually do fishing, the Mrs can keep me off the water (to an extent) but she can't keep me away from my gear haha
  17. That's right, and there's also no size limit if it's not in the guide.
  18. This is from the book 'Australian FIsh Guide' http://books.google.com.au/books?id=JmN0rfM0V4IC&pg=PT83&lpg=PT83&dq=rock+cale+sea+carp&source=bl&ots=7pe6-_Q0BM&sig=ulrV9sSI6SImsr9zh6F39Qx7gcs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Pt-GU5rxFMWolAWAtIGQCw&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=rock%20cale%20sea%20carp&f=false
  19. that'll teach 'em :-) Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk
  20. The Yakkas have been a bit on the large side in Botany lately, better for thai fish cakes than live bait unfortunately. There are the odd smaller one in near the tugs but they seem to get beaten by the bigger mdoels.
  21. That's a massive bluenose, well done mate
  22. haha thats nuts, where is that? They sound like Aussies, or Kiwis perhaps
  23. Rock Cale, also known as sea carp, wirrah or stinky groper. Hooray I was right and yeah, they taste about as good as their freshwater friends.
  24. Linc

    The Addiction

    Yep I know the feeling, have only taken a couple of sicky's to go fishing, the guilt usually does get to me, but it well and truly goes away while on the water... then back to the office to do 2 days work in one day the next day. Yes that is the worst part!
  25. Caught off the rocks? Looks a bit like a Southern Sea Carp, but I'm not sure, it's darker than sea carp I've seen.
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