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Posts posted by krause

  1. Hi all, another trip out and some fish in the yak. Safe to say i dont regret my decision. But now im shore bound for a while because of "responsabilities".... pfftttt

    So now im just thinking and planning. I've bought some add on and done a bit of an upgrade. Ive also added removable false walls in the body of my yak to stop things sliding out of reach. Ive made a floating anchor line spool. Etc.... ive kept myself busy. And now im thinking of where to go and all the rules. I bought a pfd 50 as it suites my needs well abs that's all the safety great ill need (excl. Night trips). I was looking at what input people had about water way rules. In particular the harbor, the hawksbury/pittwater area and port kembla. Things like no anchor zones or no go zones. Or any where i can find a book explaining it all!

    Also any other modifications people have made to there kayaks? Im just trying to scratch the itch because i cant wet it [emoji14]

    Cheers guys

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  2. We like a challenge! So why not try. Brooklyn or stick to cowan creek? If in cowan, can you get to illawong bay or do they close the gates at night? Or maybe even bobbin head might be the go. Any input appreciated. Cheers guys

  3. I haven't been fishing much in the past month or so, but ive heard that is been hard lately. And man i have to agree!

    A whole day out there for nothing but a few hookups on lures, all of which i failed to land! Pleasant enough day though. I optimistically trolled a live mullet around, it only attracted a sea eagle. It had a few gashes in its tail so i guess it was harassed by something

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  4. Hi guys, some great advise. Just small things that will help greatly. Its safe to say i have the bug!!!

    Tomorrow I have to go to the airport, so why not kayak! Port hacking is slow at the moment but does anyone have any ideas, ill probably launch at qallys wharf. Only because i know is possible to load the kayak solo there. Ill stay west of the sand bar as i dont want to be anywhere near that current. I might just cruise around with done pillies and see what goes. Cheers guys

    Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

  5. I was originally going to buy a set (rhino) second hand, but now im afraid i cant lift the kayak into them. I can get it on the riff but no higher. I know rhino make kaysk loaders that i could make an imitation of...

    The paddle has inbuilt stoppers. But the problem isn't the "drip" of water, the paddle throws half a cup of water across the kayak with each scoop. It's poorly designed, ill send some images through. It has ribbing which holds alot of water

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  6. Also, more questions. Sorry guys. Transporting kayaks, i have mine inverted on on a set of roof racks, but the racks are about 1m apart and the yak is 4m long, is this healthy. Should i create a frame to support its length.

    And... because i have a cheap kayak, which goes briliantly might i add, the paddle is.... less than desirable. ITS C#@&!!!! I think it's to short (2220mm) and it empties sooo much water into the yak. I ended up soaked. So what makes a good paddle and where can i get a decently proceed one?

    Cheers once again

    Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

  7. Cheers guys. I do have a 1.5kg anchor and an anchor trolley which i used yesterday, deffinately worth having.

    I flipped a coin and went with scratchies advise and drove to bobbin head. I have never understood why all you boating people complain about jackets... untill now. THEY ARE A PAIN!!! That's all i could catch, but i did find some sand flats with about a metre of water on them. I was cruising along just watching the world go by when j saw the biggest flathead ive ever seen! Easily pushing 1m and a good 200mm across the shoulders. It was simply majestic, and with the clarity of the water i just followed it, casting everything i had. But it simply want hungry. Deffinately would have had to release it, but would have loved the challenge!

    Other than that it was more jackets. This trip made me realise how much i now have to learn, lure fishing in deaper water is something ive never done. Time to learn. Im intrigued by the words of some fellow kayak fishermen, who talked of jews on blades! Im very excited, thankyou all for the advise, and if you've got anymore if love to hear it!


    Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

  8. Hi all, i know have a kayak. It's nothing flash, but it's a start. Its a 3.7m long model and im keen to try it out. (I put it in the pool and had great fun moving back and forth) so i gues now its a question of now what?

    Forget offshore, im not interested. Im looking at fishing the hacking, or pittwater, spots like that. I have a couple of free days coming up, tomorrow being one, and im keen to try it out. Only problem is the 10-15kn winds from the SW. Thoughts? I dont want to rush into it and be unsafe. I thought maybe audley, wallys wharf or maybe narabeen lakes? And just go for a paddle to test the waters. But how will wind affect me. Any current in these spots? Any warnings or alerts? All advise welcome, about anythinf and everything, i wish to learn. Am i better launching with the wind and finding shelter along that bank, or launching into the wind so if i get blown back ill be on the right back? And is 15kn winds hard to paddle in?


  9. Yer there are 2.8 and 3.8m options for 400 and 600 respectively. Our 2nd hand 3.8m models that look alittle fancier for 500ish. All have a rudder and standard features. Can't find any with the foot powered drove system

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  10. Hi all, looking at purchasing a fishing kayak, just wondering what i should be looking for, or if there is anything i should avoid.

    Im looking at using it inshore and at worst ill be at the mouth of port kembla or the hawkesbury (with time and experience of course). Looking at 2nd hand kayaks to keep costs low, but im finding new ones for $500-600 bucks. All advice welcome, thanks guys.

  11. Hi all, bogged down in work and itching to get out. Hoping to leave work at 5 on the dot and head down to a spot somewhere in the harbor/middle harbor/northern beaches etc.

    Just wondering if anyone has news of what's fishing where? Are the beaches any good at the moment for salmon and tailor, or any advise on where to go? Any news is appreciated!

    Thanks guys

  12. I tried the north during summer, saw and fed a nice king or two, but saw none landed. There are a few spots you can get down the bottom where you could land fish. But yer it is a bugger to fish

    Nothing happening on the north wall. It was just me and two other young guys. I fed tailor but didn't land any, and the other blokes had no flipping idea what they were doing. After showing them how to put a sp on a jig head properly and explaining that they weren't going to catch anything fishing were they where, i redirrected the down the breakwall to a spot less tricky and where they were less likely to hurt themselves.... so in sumation, no one was out there to gauge if the fish were about

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  13. I was down for the first time in a month. I fished the north wall but south still looks closed. Deffinately looks like theyre doing work at about the 700m mark, two cement trucks and two mobile cranes. Maybe theyre resurfacing it? Only thinner i can think they'd need such a volume of concrete for...

    The fishing was nothing special, 8 livies all eaten but no hookups


  14. Mine gets dunked, wet, sandy etc, the whole lot. And all despite my best efforts to keep it in good nick. Havent had an issue with it, love it off the beach, so much so my mate bought one as well.

    Its like any other sub-quality reel, look after it and service it a bit and itll last longer than you will. Or you can buy a gold plated, chemically inert, fully sealed, 48 bearing beast for the price of a small morgage and not have to take care of it. Just a matter of how much $$$ you want to spend. I will admit that after not washing the salt off of it and leaving it sit for a month did make the drag switch a little stiff, but a little grease and tlc and its back running smooth.

    Youre overthinking it. Buy the damn thing :P


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