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Posts posted by krause

  1. Only had the yak for a short while, but i just find a nice spot like a drop off and through the livie out to swim freely. They stess out and make alot of noise. Bigger fish will find them, no need to be technical. Ive had luck with this method, but can't catch whilst trolling (i use a sinker to keep the bait under the surface)

  2. Cheers greynurse. Thanks for the info, and as a broke student i wont be spending much on rods either!

    I was pretty happy with the king, damn good fun. The few others ive caught have been off rocks with swell and big rods etc, so you don't feel the fish that well. But this was just a great example of the power of these fish. Can't wait to hunt something a wee bit larger. Can't complain about the gear too much, it does the job for the time being, and im grateful for it

  3. Hi all, thankyou to everyone who's helped me out so far. I have to warn though that this is a long post, but any info really is appreciated.

    So i went out on the hacking chasing my kingfish (admittedly a major reason i got a yak) on saturday, and i got him! 60cm rat that went back, but hell that was fun. However this capture has highlighted some problems i have with my rods....

    I mainly beach/rock fish, so the only 7 foot rods i have are like steel poles! However I have a 2-4kg catana that i like in the yak, i run it with a 3000 stradic. Im also chasing a rod for a 4000 stradic with 10lb line. Any thoughts?

    I was also using a shimano System S 10kg-ish 7ft rod which i don't love. It has a long but which is a pain, and has a weird profile. It also now has a secerly damaged guide that will need replacing. So i want to know if this rod is worth repairing, or worth replacing. It will be paired with a baitrunner oc 6000 with 30lb braid.

    I guess what im asking is advice for kayak friendly rods. So in my limited experience, i think a yak rod would have a practical rod butt, and have a good profile that can handle the bend of vertically pumping a fish up. But still have enough reach to get the tip over the end of the yak if need be whilst fighting a fish. Im blabbling now, but you all know the idea :)

    So any discussion, ideas or recommendations would be awesome! Looking for a few new rods for the above reels, not looking to spent 100's though

    Cheers guys, and thanks again

  4. I look at building one but i don't get the use. Sure you load up the yak and trundle off to the water. But how do you get it off and back on? Im surely overlooking something simple.

    Ive had my kayak for a month or so and a big thing i did which i love is i enclosed a section of the hull. I have a hatch between my legs, but if i put anything in there it slid away never to be seen again. Do i made removable internal walls to compartmentalise it. They were a pain to make but they are worth it. All my gear stays in the yak, dry, and won't get lost if i flip it :)

  5. Nice, i heard that was on. Haven't been out in the georges because of that sewerage spill months back. Might be the go. Also looking at trying for bass or maybe even the waal at port kembla. Haha so i really have no idea! :)

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