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Posts posted by krause

  1. Hi all,

    Is this a go out no go. Relative to my recent report, i had trouble hooking into jews with circle hooks. I have been doing really well with the circle hooks against kings/salmon/taylor etc, just found that they weren't getting the jewies in the corner of the jaw.

    Thoughts? Keen to get down there and try again.


  2. Lots of guys in the illawarra hit the main squid spots with spiked fresh yakka. They always produce a few nice squid amongst them. They just throw them out and slowly retrieve. Theyre always singing their praises because they are dirt cheap

    They're not designed to keep the bait alive, and use salted pillies as standard obesity won't last long. And make sure the bait is on the right way, theres always that one guy using it with the bait upside down haha

  3. Cheers fellas, on topic...

    I wouldn't say the rod is that stiff, but it's a heavier set up. I was so soft on that last fish though...

    What i did notice with the jew i did land, was the circle hook was in the flesh of the roof of its mouth as apposed to the corner of the jaw. This combined with allot of spat baits and the last fish, im questioning if circles plus jews are a no go? Or maybe i need bigger hooks? I stopped using straight hook as i was killing (by accident) to many rat kings. The circles have been slaying on the salmon and kings, so maybe it's a jew only thing. I want to persist as i don't want to be killing these guys.

    And good pointer with checking lines, always do it when the flaties are about

  4. Hi all,

    Thought I’d continue my narration of my kayak fishing adventures. Once again I hit Port Kembla yesterday, with nice wind and swell predictions. Got down there and on the water first light and made my way out for some bait. 20 minutes and I had a bucket full smallish yakka, all about 150-200mm long. With some nice fish showing on the sounder I was hopefully for a few kingies, and about 3 minutes after the bait got to the bottom it got smacked. No hook up. Balls I say, so the next bait goes out but survived without incident. Lost a few more livies, finally landing a small 45cm salmon. Murmuring under my breath I put him back and moved elsewhere in hopes of a jewfish…..

    Fast forward to about 12.00pm. Nothing but a few flathead and a thousand-and-one damn little tailor that have demolished my plastic and livie stocks. It had been a slow trip but I had my eye on the low tide and with the evening wind staying low, I decided to make the best of it.

    I moved back to where I chase jewfish, and tentatively lowered a livie to the bottom… after all this spot was crawling with tailor earlier. Nothing, the livie survived, finally a break I think, so I start to drift with the live yakka out whilst flicking a plastic around. A few flatties here and there, then the livie starts to walk. Few minutes later I have a little jew on board and a smile on my face. Next fish is on the plastic, nice fight, big head shakes, and I’m still smiling. It takes off for another run and pop! The 10lb leader is done. The smile is still there but diminishes a little.

    Next it’s the livies turn. The yakka starts to panic so I pay attention. Next thing I know it’s ever so subtly being walked off, so I let the circle hook do its thing. A few shakes and then nothing, it spat the yakka… so I just, let it sit. Bang it came back for seconds. This time I think I’ve got it, 40lb leader and a big 8/0 hook. It felt like a really nice fish until a nice big run and pop! Gone, the smile is now pretty much gone.

    2 livies left, first one out gets hit, but again is spat out, gets hit, spat again, so I retrieve it. Safe to say it wasn’t so alive and very, err… not good, so off it came and the last one goes out and simply disappears. Balls I think, so I get the chewed up dead yakka, butterfly it and find somewhere to pin it that isn’t… broken? And down it goes. I set up my drift to take me through what I’m now calling a hot spot and sure enough it works. Ok, attempt 3 I think, again it felt like a nice fish, I backed the drag down and played it easy, letting the fish tow me about 100m. I get it up so I have leader, a little more and I can see that silver fish hanging about 2m under me. I’m happy, the smile is back. And just like that it shakes its head once, pulls the hook and just… swims off. There was no extra force, no teeth, no slack line, it was just like ‘ok bye’.

    The smile is now dead and words of profanity are yelled loud enough that I hear them echo twice. I paddle back and cry a lot. The last fish, that I got to about 2m under the yak, would have been high 80’s, maybe 90. It was a really nice fish and like nothing I’ve seen before… and it’ll be there next trip. Sigh, so that was my day, pretty miserable, but a damn good day in hind sight.

    Now that ive typed this I realise its mamoth length, sorry guys.

    Cheers for the read.

  5. I did ok, but not great. The good in the trip was out-shadowed by the losses. Picked up a salmon, heaps of little tailor, 8 or so flaties to 58cm and a small jew. Lost 3 much more sizeable jewies >:( i saw the last one, would have been pushing 90cm, really nice fish...

    Ill put up a report tomorrow and link it here :)

  6. Cheers guys, got to admit i also believe it's petroleum based. I normally keep my hooks in good nick, just these ones have rusted anyway. Ive gotten rid of the worst/useless ones and see how they go from here on in. Good to hear sunscreen doesn't hurt haha

  7. Oh dear, this might be a can of worms we regret opening. WD40, dis it deter fish.... what to clean some corrosion off of done of my hooks that saw some rain.


    Cheers all

  8. My 2 cents :)

    I pulled mine apart. Holy #### it was not unstuck. Infact quite the opposite to it, it was held in like nothing ive ever seen. Anyway an hour and a bit later it was out, massive air bubble under the bloody thing, don't know why it ever worked.

    So if you want to know how to get it stick with all clear i know how, you've just got to avoid the bubble i entrapped....

    Ive now reapplied the transducer using the sika product, looks good. Reading well in the pool, though so did the all clear first time round.

    I think any delaminating with any of these products is purely down to hull flex and a lack of flex in the adhesive. All clear isn't solid but it is rather ridgid. I think high heat adds to natural hull flex or creep, which might cause it to debond. But i don't think the heat messes directly with the all clear.

    So yer, awaiting a chance to properly test it :)

  9. Hi all,

    Damn transducer delamonated off the kayak. Need to remount. Shellys all clear hasn't held against the hull flex of transport. Looking for a substitute to goop as i cant find it (western sydney). Thoughts on sikaflex 291? Anyone familiar with the product?post-31570-1456439369291_thumb.jpg

    Cheers guys

  10. The grubs and worms and other thin tail plastics i can sort of understand the tangle. But it takes a fair bit too bend a jerkshad that's all. Maybe I'm just optimistic. Btw give them a go, im not using anything else! :) they're not bream catchers, but they do the rest

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