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Posts posted by krause

  1. My favorite spot to paddle. Don't assume the swell will be low. Hill60 protects it in a southerly, but anything else and the swell will roll in. Just be smart. Regardless if swell there's heaps of good fishing inside the harbor to be had. Play by the rules as maritime, rescue, the water police and the harbor pilot all berth there and will hassle you if your being a dumb ass or not wearing a lifejacket

  2. Bitch to fish landbased, it's a whole lot bigger in person. But if you can find a spot it does fish well at times. It's a bugger conditions won't let you fish the wall.

    You can get to a point up the back of it though and fish. People talk of catching nice fish there but ive not had much luck at that spot, though id like to try again

  3. Seriously? We can't get a break. If the swell is 2m or more then i deffinately recommend not going, however they do close the breakwall in such conditions anyway.

    It's hard to find i spot down south when the swell is up. Your limited to inside pkh (not off the beakwall) and the lake really :/

  4. Fish the area often, but with uni exams just gone i haven't fished in over a month :(

    Id say you'll find your salmon and tailor of the beaches and the port kembla (PKH) breakwall, with the tailor more prevalent in the twilight/night. Metals are always an option, by off PKH its hard to beat a livie. There's a few spots you can pick them up.

    Can't say for sure, but i think it's safe to say the bonnies won't be around anymore. Might, MIGHT, be an odd king around. Avoid wollongong harbor, it's not worth fishing unless you're there for squid


  5. Common guys, no sense of adventure haha. It would be a challenge, though most fish over 750mm are in the yak.

    Unless you're in rods battletank. That PA could hold all the hairtail in the world, am i right rod?

  6. Hill 60 really relies on the pelagics to be there at the time. It's so fished there's no resident fish left...

    I hit port kembla this morning in the yak, very quiet. Lots of yakka around but they were very relaxed and cruizy and not easy to catch.... not a good sign. Lots of people saying they got very little, most blaming the water clarity :) i ended up with a meal of flaties and a salmon. Had a few rats chase my plastic to the yak, but no hits

  7. Hey all, hit kembla again in search of more kings, with this trip being the second in a row with no landed kings... it's time to accept its cooling down :(

    Filled up with livies, with 2 in every 3 getting eaten on the way up. Eventually lost all the hooks on both my bait jigs. With hope i threw out a livie, but apparently fish only eat them if theyre still on the bait jig...

    No takers on the livies, but a few salmon on squid strips, and a trevaly on a plastic.

    I decided that kings were not going to happen, so moved for a jew. Ended up with 3 jews, all between 55-60cm, and another very aerobatic salmon. Packed it up and headed home. Good day but the kingie fever lingers! I know they're still there, but they are thinning... missed 2 hookups on the previous trip and landed a few to 80cm before that.

    Owell, dont the big ones come out to play in the cold? Not that i could keep them off the bottom if they did.....

    Cheers guys

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