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Capt Hook

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Everything posted by Capt Hook

  1. What a catch...that's bloody huge...well done and also good on you for releasing her as she'll fill the bay up with flattie babies going by her size...
  2. I'd be collecting some weed/cabbage and targeting Blackfish ... Cross over to the dark side...
  3. I fished just after the low tide...as I had to collect the cabbage first just on the full low tide...as far as how deep I set my rig to hang in the water...dunno...2 metres or so maybe...I didn't adjust it at all...just berleyed near my float... Stopped off at my local tackle shop on my way back home to get some more floats...and boast...and they said the blackfish are everywhere...off the rocks near the wash...around wharfs...every where...all year round as well...just that not many fishos target them...which I hope stays that way...more for me then... I'm going again today...my kid has chucked a sicky to cross over to the dark side and join dad...lol...her mum already is suspicious...but no matter what...we're going for Blackies for a couple of hours... Very addictive...
  4. 1st time post as far as fishing reports go.... 1st time Blackfish attempt as well ( sorry roosterman...couldn't wait till next weekend ) Big thanks firstly to Roosterman and Roberta for their priceless tips and knowledge in the other section re Ludderick fishing... I hit Harbord early this morning to collect sea cabbage/weed...and found it real easy... Then hit my local tackle store for some floats and also bought a Blackfish rod in the end... Got to my usual fishing wharf I frequent with my fishing mad daughter ( she was at school today but has already intimated she will be sick tomorrow and join me hunting these fish ).... After rigging up pretty similar to Roosterman's diagram...I baited up and cast out...not far off the wharf I was at...followed this up by quickly chopping some of this cabbage and mixing it with sand and berleying out close to my 2 floats... Within a minute...even before I had a chance to light up a smoke...one floats started to sink and kept going...I pull the rod up and start turning the reel...bugger me...I'm on...after targetting Bream/Trevally etc off the wharf in the couple of years I've been fishing...this was much more fun...these blackfish really have a go...great fight for a little fish...got him up to the surface and with one hand on the rod and the other trying to net him I finally managed to get it right...1st ever Blackie landed... The bugger swallowed the hook and while I tried to get the hook out amongst all his thrashing and wiggling...I remembered my other line and when I turned to look...no float...I realised that was on a fish as well and just dumped the fish in the bucket and grabbed the other rod...this one was even better...turned out to be 1 fine 44cm specimen and went like the clappers... I wasted 10 minutes or so re hooking both my rods as the buggers swallowed both right down to their butts...but landed another quickly as well...an old regular at the wharf came round and proceeded to tell me how to kill them but I think he just wanted to stab something with my knife and cut flesh to see blood... ... By now I've had enough and am on a high after being revved up by Roberta's and Roostermans Blackie posts..start cleaning the fish and getting ready to pack up after just on an hours of fishing...took photos etc...left rods till last though... What happens ? 1 floats gone whilst I was cleaning the fish and yapping away...another Blackie on...eddie the expert grabs my net and expertly hits the trace and bye bye Blackie... I did land another couple quickly after that and was over the moon with my first attempt and results... I didn't take more pics after my first shots...meh... One thing I'll say though...and it's true...once you've had black...you can't go back...
  5. Sensational thread...top stuff Roberta & Roosterman... I can't wait for next comp weekend to come around and go for the Ludderick...
  6. Sorry Roberta...but where's the breakwall ? Nice catch by the way...
  7. Well done Joe...too wet for me...at first I thought you were taking your missus as you usually do so to leve the rods out while you stayed in the car would have been a good night still...
  8. Your squid seem to be doing as well as the Roosters... Wall User ?
  9. Actually I'm sure it's only 1 over 70 that you're allowed to keep...that's the rules in our fishing club which is based on NSW Fisheries Rules re size limits and bag limits... Refer Here
  10. Well done Joe... Next time ring me...I'm 5 minutes away...don't ring me after the event and make me jeolous... PS....you know who I am...and it was Sth Curl Curl where you were...
  11. Last time I was at balmoral with the kid fishing I noticed alot of alage on the bottom and every time you bought the line up the sinker and bati were covered in fine algae/weed... has it cleared up ? Did you find it still like that...planning on going there next weekend but don't want to if it's still like that...
  12. Bastard Trumpeters...are they so rare to catch ? Sometime last year I was fishing with a couple of mates off Manly Wharf and first thing we pulled out was a huge Bastard Trumpeter...it was easily close to 50-60 cm fish...we didn't know what it was...even a local old guy who fished there for years said he hadn't seen that fish before in his life...we determined the species the next day...the fellow who caught it also claimed it to was delicious to eat and one of the best tasting fish he'd ever eaten... Why aren't more caught or seen ?
  13. My 10 yr old daughter got me hooked on fishing...we went up to Nelsons bay with another family a few years before that and the other dad was a mad fisho...he bought up some rods and the kids had a fish...I just plodded along and didn't take much notice or get into it...late in 2005 when they started their holidays she bugged me to go fishing...we went out and bought some cheap crap and had a top day...even though I was clueless...ofcourse she caught more fish and a thumper of a bream...I was hooked then...I finally joined my local pub's fishing club and entered us both mainly at her insistence and we had a ball in 2006 competing in the comp which she won the Junior category plus the Ladies category...overall estuary she placed 3rd...even beat me... I now have learnt alot and have good gear to fish with and she's up for a fish anytime...we struggle to get her up for schooldays yet I tap her on the shoulder at 5 am and she's out of bed in a jiffy... Fishes better than me...jumps on the rod when it gets a strike...bloody hog...but I love it...other fisho's have been surprised at her knowledge and also when she reels it in she's got great technique... pic of Cassie's flattie she entered last month Presentation night...collecting her trophies and plaques... Yes I'm a proud dad and saeeing as I don't have any boys...she more than fills that space for me...
  14. Sensational eating...fillet them....garlic and butter and lemon...on the barbie...superb...and it does taste like lobster...
  15. Bloody sensational looking fish I'm still chasing my first Jewey... Which beach were you fishing on up the Northern Beaches ? I'm from up that way and love beach fishing, especially night's during the summer.
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