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Everything posted by Camo1808

  1. Bloody love the video!!!! Congrats on it mate. Well done hey Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  2. Hey raiders. First of all i just wanna say happy new year to you all. So was meant to be going fishing this weekend but unfortunately have to work over the whole weekend now!!! Grrrr. So anyway took the yak out this morning for the first time off the beach in a bay to try for a squid. And anywau long story short i finally got one!!! After many attempts nkw i finally netted one. I am so chuffed to tick it off the list and if my first session of the year is already knocking one target soecies off my list then hooefully its a sign of things to come haha Cheers Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks mate!!!Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  4. Hey mate. Absolutely shattered i cant tag along. Instead they have me travelling from the north end of central coast to hurstville both sat and sun :/ sooo gutted hey. Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  5. Hey everyone. Does anyone know when the next best time is to prawn. I know its early jan? Cheers Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  6. Are you fishing lures or bait? Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  7. Old bar beach goes off. Plenty of jewies from the beach. One of the best ive been to. Also if the lagoon is open (or has recently been opened) thathas some great fisbing to be had with the yaks. Good luck mate Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  8. Great fish mate. No need fpr the net. The beautiful green trees in the back do it for ya Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  9. Hey everyone. So last friday my mate and i hit the entrance in our yaks to try to adventure down a feed pf flatties. We tried a few spots that we know produce but wind picked up around 6ish so we thought lets call it an arvo head home have some tinnies and watch the a league. As we were paddling back to the car we notice a small somethint smacking some baitfish on the surface. So as we all do we stop and quickly tie on some surface lures. Now hookiny a fish on a surface lure is something my mate and i have been trying to nail for a few months now. Anyway my mates 1st cast something has a craxk at it on the retrieve. This instantly got the blood boiling and casts pumpint. 2nd cast he hooks up to a nice little tailor. As i finish tying mine on 1st cast and i was on aswell. A massove achievement for both of us and were grinning ear to ear. I ended up landing 4 and my mate 2. All just under legal but we were so happy to finally get into some surface action. Made those drinks all the more greater )) Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  10. Hahah great report mate. Alot of people think fishing is boring but there is never a dull moment no matter the session hahah Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  11. That is golden steve!!! Haha once again merry xmas to all and i hope santa is good to you all (the wife buys you lots of fishing gear)Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  12. Hey everyone. This will probably be the last time im on FR till after xmas and even the new year possibly. So just wanna say a massive thank you to everyone for contributing to this site and thank you all for the knowledge that you have shared and i have gained. Merry christmas to all and a very happy new year. Hope you alk stay safe on and off the water and look forward to a much better 2016 )) Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  13. Just stunning!!!Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  14. Although im a jet skier myself and 3 in total in the family i think yhis is bloody brilliant and absolutly about time. However as oreviously stated in the comments above its not just the hacking and also as mentioned its not just jet skiers. I personally belive they jusy need to have more patrols on the water plain and simple. Not just target jet skiers but every water user. I know this debate has been had before and yes funding is tight but even maybe just start on public holidays and school holidays and im sure with the fines they will be handing out left right and centre maybe a few more funds to increase their time on the water patrolling. This is jist my personal opinion and im sure others have their own in which i respect. Cheers Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  15. Hey steve if you google map dobinson drive. As your heading north on dobinson drive there in a street that runs off the left of that. Turn left onto that little road and follow it all the way to the end there is a carpark. That is by far the best swimming spot in lake macquarie. Only a max of 1m or so deep for ages out and water is crystal clear constantly. It is absolutely beautiful on nice hot summer days you see nice cruisers and all sorts of boats pull up and anchor up about 100m off the shore as its shallow enougj. Best part is there is a ban on jetskis on most of the area. It is beautful mate and you wont regret gping there. Thats based on my 22 years of growing up locally Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  16. Definitely will be mate. Been dying to tick the jew off the list for ages. HahaSent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  17. Hey ryder thanks for the reply. This is just the info i was after. I realised cast nets werent available so will take your advice and get the jig and try for a livie. We are predomently wanting to float a livie whilst throwing plastics so that tip on casting is fantastic. Thanks mate. You have clearly fished the pier before?Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  18. Mate i am so sorry for your loss and condolences to your friends and their fanily. I quite like that suggestion of making it mandatory however in this day and age kids wont follow those rules they will find a quiet spot and just take them off. Very unfortunate and as you said it only take one small mistake ; ( rip young manSent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  19. Hi nathan. Those wires your talking about how far south are they from the ramp? CheersSent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  20. Oh wow thats a great haul over 10 litres between you. Great results and yeah your right as it also depends on tides and stuff so different locations can definitely alter from time to time. Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  21. Hey everyone dont wanna give up too many secrest but if anyone if interested in prawning on the coast hit me a pm. I have caught in excess of 3kilos this whole weekend and im taking 2 fri night 3 kilo both sat and sun and then 1 or 2 kilo on monday. No offence but its soo much better than the entrance. We hit it up sun night got probably abiut 15 prawns in an hour then decided to go yo our spot and got 3 kilo in 4 hours. Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  22. Nice photos mate. What type of camera was it. Cheers Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  23. Hey everyone. Does anyone have any info or reports on how the urangan pier fishing in hervey bay. Cheers Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  24. Hey mate thats great. Congrats on yhe promo. I two am doing the same come march/april next year moving to goldcoast for a promo. I am following this topic as i will want to do the same jew fishing plus also get out in my yak as much as possible might be able to tee up a session to explore together haha. Cheers Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  25. This is not a personal dig at you and please dont take it the wrong way but anyone who says their being safe by wearing a lift jacket at night in an area with current whilst under the influence isnt aw smart as they think they are as it is simple. Do not go swimmint if under the influence jacket or not. Current or not. Day or nighr!!! SimpleSent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
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