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Everything posted by seasponge

  1. Read the notice from Sydney Water https://www.sydneywater.com.au/SW/water-the-environment/what-we-re-doing/water-restrictions/index.htm You can wash your boat (and trailer bearings and brakes) with hose (at ramp or at home) after it's been in salt water, as long as it's with a trigger nozzle and on a 10min timer. Washing down trailer needs to be done with bucket and sponge.
  2. The Hawkesbury Jewfish facebook page recently ran a catch and release Hawkesbury Jewfish Competition in September. I wasn't able to participate, but from all accounts there were quite a few boats involved and plenty of prizes, presentations down at Parsley Bay. They're looking at having it yearly (possibly every 6months).
  3. Here's the link to permitted fishing methods https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/perm-prohib-saltwater As noelm suggests, get used to finding the answers from the real source, not relying on random advice form the internet 😉 Hmmm, I couldn't answer whether a witches hat (or hoop net) is considered a net or a trap by fisheries. Might be worth giving the local fisheries a call to clarify.
  4. Here's the link to DPI https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/closures/location-closures/hawkesbury-river
  5. Does the heart keep pumping after the brain spike??
  6. How do you use em for bait. Fresh oysters are very soft, particularly the size you find growing naturally. I'd imagine they'd be very hard to keep on the hook and get a hook up.
  7. Happened to me last it me I took the boat out. The thing is, the towball was all the way in, and the locking pin secured. No idea how she came off. Luckily it was only at the end of the street. Made a hell of a noise at 5am in the morning though.
  8. You in a boat? Assuming you are, drifting between Juno Point and Flint & Steel. Or closer to Wobby, the eastern side of Dangar Island.
  9. I suspect it'd be as Green Hornet said - might get a few but they'd be low on meat
  10. Refuge Bay would be nice and close to Juno. Plenty of moorings there.
  11. Thanks Dean. Thanks for that. Looks like a good spot.
  12. Thanks. I had a crack there last year, but the current was flowing so fast it was hard to work any lures or plastics there. I'll target the dead of the tide if I go there.
  13. Have driven past there previously. Might give it a shot
  14. Thanks for the reply granddad. Are you talking from experience, and have caught fish there? Only asking because I've fished that stretch of settlement drive before, and area near the ferry, and have never caught anything. Happy to persist there if there are catches to be made.
  15. I am heading up to Port Macquarie for a few days next weekend and am looking for some tips for good land based locations. Intending to flick plastics or lures for flathead and whiting. Any suggestions would be helpful. Cheers
  16. not sure of the name, but a type of catfish. Abundant in the Hawkesbury. Don't go anywhere near the spines - extremely painful if spiked. I normally don't take any chances and just cut the line off.
  17. Well, I'm convinced! Bought one of those jigs on friday. Yesterday I used it on the bottom of my paternoster rig. I've never had success on the paternoster rig before, but yesterday, the flatties were onto it all day. Never hooked up on the jig, but there was definitely more interested in the first baited hook. Don't think i'll ever use a snapper lead again. I went back this morning to grab a few more while they're on special
  18. That was my thought initially. I ended up getting 1 of each of the rod holders, and with the rods in, out on the water, I just didn't feel confident. I ended up tethering the rods to the holders just in case.
  19. I am looking to get some rod holders similar to those pictured below. The one on the left sits the rod quite flat. The one on the right is adjustable and the angle can be changed. Would the angle of the rods for drifting be the same as when anchored up? Or would you normally have a slightly higher angle when on the drift? I like the stainless steel option on the left but will be wanting to use them whilst anchored as well as drifting.
  20. I noticed recently the gulps being marketed with a new and improved seal on the packet. I'm not sure if they're any better as I still don't used them. Would be good to hear if other people have noticed an improvement in the packet recently.
  21. I went from gulps to z-mans to avoid the mess of leaking packets. I prefer zmans as there is no juice to leak, and you don't have to worry about them drying out. I just keep em in their packets in a zip up wallet that holds quite a few packs. If you're using cheap plastic containers, they can melt the SP's. Also, different types of SPs (or any other plastic lures for that matter) can melt together. I've lost many a brand new soft vibe and cranka crabs because they've been left in contact with an SP and melted together.
  22. Great catch. Sounds like a fantastic couple of days. I've never targeted black fish in the Hawkesbury but would love to give it a crack. Roughly which part of the Hawkesbury were you fishing in?
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