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Posts posted by Blackfish

  1. 1 hour ago, Scratchie said:

    Bloody oath I am! I’ve never caught a koala on a $10 rod! Haha ? 

    Nice work Jon. Love the challenge, the photos, the variety of fish and the big smiles! Well done :) 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    I'm with Scratchie on the Koala. Never casted to one but have thrown plenty of lures up into trees.

    Oh and great photos again.

  2. Quote

    Oh so it isn’t a estuary COD?

    That is correct mate.

    Now this is where it gets confusing. Queensland Government calls this one and the Goldspotted a "Estuary Cod"

    Its a Malabar Grouper/ Blackspotted Rockcod. So is it a Grouper or a Rockcod, buggered if I know but at the end of the day its a "Epinephelus malabarricus".

    Bloody common names.


    The one that it could be "Longspine Flathead (Platycephalus grandispinis)" Thats where my money is going, though I don't have a lot so that must mean something.
    Next time I go out and catch one or some one who does. Please get a couple of good photos, Head, Tail fanned out and a whole body shot and we can ID it.
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