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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. as I said before the bakers and red rockies are on the reef try workin the south side of reefs onto the sand edge..the reds will lay up out of the current waiting for food to wash off reef.....maybe psddle north up towards foggies..rick

  2. nice work  at least you got a feed...the reds will be there if your hittin bakers..ive caught heaps of reds in the past casting wide off the rocks at avoca and Winnie bay..keep tryin mate you will find them..rick

  3. yeah mate  bastards of things..bite thru 2/0 hooks..thought we were getting bit off by hairtail as theres heaps in the harbor at the moment...but    they were the biteys doin the damage..rick

  4. hey neil..horrendous sea conditions..we went out of the harbor into the bight and fished a wreck for a while to get livies...it was pretty ordinary with 4.5mtr seas..no one else was out...just heard two guys got rescued south of Sydney...rick

  5. fished yesterday in harbor out near Stockton wall..had jew baits livies and squid out all day for zero touches..we caught 8 bream some tailor and flathead as well...was a bit surprised to catch 6 large red rock cod in harbor..once the tide changed we moved back up near the docks and proceeded to get bitten off on every line we put in.even 60lb trace was being bitten off as easy as..we finally caught the culprits after numerous guesses at who...green toads about 60cm long with the nastiest teeth you have ever seen.we gave up after that..no jew but at least we had a day on the water...rick

  6. Fished two seasons chasin marlin out of port stephens in a 7000 with twin150 hondas  bit underpowered but worked well cheap to run and we caught plenty of fish..the people who have trouble with there handling need to learn how to drive a cat hull ..rick

  7. I fish strictly 15lb nylon only for floating bait  for reds..if you go heavier they seem to go harder and smut you..lighter and you cant stop them..balancing act...years of trial have lead me to this balance and im stickin to it..rick

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