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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. heres a few basic marks..sound around and have a look..29.45.920  153.32.615..sambos   29.44.455  153.27.810..jew trag    29.43.350  153.24.880..reef    29.42.100  153.21.000..top of shoal sound in .out marine park cuts thru halfway down shoal    29.43.695   153.19.970..reef   29.49.755  153.18.495...top of reef sound in out and south  good reds also good soft plastic reef....all these shallower spots hold reds pearlies tusks  cobes etc etc  these are personal marks of mine  close but not quite exact   sound around and search as the fish move dependant on current and conditions....these are all good reef marks and should produce for you   .jealous I cant get up there sooner...rick

  2. you should have no dramas..have a good look in daylight and suss out lagoon...there is one shallow spot halfway from launch area to where you turn to head out..run a track on gps and follow in if coming or leaving in dark...get your launch retrieve downpat an be quik as you can..as I said closer to rocks in southern corner is best..cheers rick

  3. we mainly fish Minnie..heaps of good reefs ..from 6mtrs to 60mtrs..sandon shoals.minnie itself.diggers camp.wilsons..nth solitary...more reds trag an jews than you can poke a stick at..the island has reds jew kings mackerel an wahoo when warm..pearl perch are common and heaps of samsons in 60 mtrs..the shelfs not far and the canyons are awesome...il get into my mates gps and pull a few marks for you in the next few days....the beach launch at Minnie is usually good.stay close to rocks south end..only bad on high tide with large swell coming over front rocks...what boat do you have ??...we beach my vsea or mates milligan if swells coming over front then drag up the sand a few feet then winch trailer under boat...im planning a trip in sep or oct   the big reds make you drool...rick

  4. you can pin them thru lips  go from underneath up and out nose  they will then swim nicely in the smallest amount of current...if no current and using large sinker pin them between anal fin and tail then they swim up from bottom..rick

  5. if you look in from underneath in the gill opening ou will see a large bulb of bone at base of spine where it joins head..slice it open carefully and you will find the otoliths or jewels in there..rick

  6. wow  big question..beach ?  rock ?  estuary ?   more info would help us give you more info...I spent a lot of years fishing the breakwall at Stockton Newcastle..i caught jew on most moon phases tide being more important..that said  we caught more fish on quarter moon than full as the tides are smaller and less flow..the myth of full moon is bulls@#t as I caught bugger all on the full..four days before  four days after and mostly every night in between if you spend the time..an hour before dark till three after or same in morning..change of tide coinciding with dark is best...saying that I have caught 20kg jew in middle of afternoon while setting up and minding spot for evening..we used to fish livies exclusively..now we use whole dead squid and get more bites and better hookup ratios...this is for estuary breakwall..it might not be same for your choice of venue..but the basics are same....tackle is dependant on location..we use 50lb overheads and 6or 8oz leads..7/0 or 8/0 hooks 80lb trace...different sites different tackle...give more info to the other FR readers and im sure there will be more info forthcoming..hopefully my comments or others will help...rick

  7. yeah plenty all over the place at broughton..we bagged out on small reds 35/48 cm  couple of tailor bonnies and one mack tuna....got a few big bream from big island on the way home...hard fishing at broughton with wind against current again..lost two good reds to hooks pulling not impressed.but better than sitting at home wondering...rick

  8. thanks  mate  wanted slimies for snapper bait..just have to do the desperado bait run..tomaree .cabbage tree ..sisters..there was none at sisters coupla weeks ago..but it was big sea running..temp looks like 20.7 so might be there...rick

  9. hi to all  wondering if anybody fished out of port last weekend...im goin up fri arvo and don't have much time to waste lookin for slimies..did anybody catch any..scratchie do you have any news  ????...rick

  10. all this can change depending on what beach you are going to fish...some beaches are long and open to swell..some are shorter..some may face north.east.south..leaving them to completely different conditions on any given day...check weather..wind..swell then choose appropriate destination...rick

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