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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. have any raiders been to shark bay wa ..my mate and I are trying to plan a road trip next year...any advice on time of year/actual destinations/gear needed/tips to take heed of....cheers rick

  2. I mostly fish the rocks and always use two traces..one 80cm one 50cm...known as Newcastle rig..by the way I get plenty of double hookups and u have the luxury on long drifts to leave your rig out there if u miss one down as u usually still have second bait still attached..i fish cabbage with a hitch round weed...rick

  3. between speers pt and warners bay is a good area for bream..anywhere round lake you will find flatties...up the creek at speers pt park holds good numbers of flatties..top end of cockle ck has bass..above weir..if you like rock fishin paddle out to moon island at the heads and fish off the island...endless options..rick

  4. hi ant we fish lake Macquarie often and some days we can get upwards of fifty flatties..some days we can get donuts no matter where and how hard we try..things to look at are tide phase moon phase barometer and luck factor can play a big part ...advise is to stick at it as weather is warming bait will start moving and fishing will improve..good luck..rick

  5. piece of cake...remove top screw which is oil level..remove bottom screw..drain old oil..oil bottle should have tapered nozzle on it..insert tightly into bottom hole and squeeze until oil runs out of top hole..remove bottle quickly and put bottom screw in topup a little if u spill a bit then install top screw...takes bout same time to do as to read ...cheers rick

  6. there wont be a prob with your mixture its just a fact that oil in fuel remains when the fuel evapourates...if you take carbies off you will find brownish green residue in the fuel bowl...I have had to clean my carbies a few times...you can use many different greases for prop shaft ..any of the major brands have marine grease in their range..i use blue Valvoline grease..never had a prob ..it goes in all grease nipples on steering and motor bracket...rick

  7. if it only appeared after you ran it it will be excess unburnt oil from exhaust in your propeeler ..if you didn't put it in gear the prop shaft wont have been spinning to allow oil to leak from shaft seal...if the seal was bad enough to leak you would have a puddle of honey coloured oil on the ground....fuel evapourates in your carbies but the oil remains so when you pump new fuel in your mixture could be as thick as 15 to 1...instead of fifty or 100..thus smoke thus excess crap coming out exhaust....rick

  8. three years ago I got on ebay looked up coarse fishing reels and got one from Russia for $29.00 delivered ..steel backing plate alloy spool sealed bearings 5 inch diameter its awesome...my avon died on me and they are getting too expensive for the simple design they are......threadlines don't have the easy in and out control of a good freespinning centrepin......I fished norah head on sunday in the rain and a lumpy sea 50 mtr drifts were still controllable with centrepin but a spinning reel you have to feed line through your fingers then flick bailarm over to pik up line..centrepin is all done by spinning spool with your fingers ..much faster

  9. the area you refer to as texas is actually the perch grounds ,texas reef is half way out to the kingie reefsin 55mtrs..the perch grounds are 90/100 mtrs...there are heaps of shallow reefs to fish within two miles of bird island..500mtrs nth east of the island is broken ground and small pinnacles..just sound around and im sure u will find some fish..rick

  10. yep...the latest two holes have a black ring round them.....we are thinkin the engine is earthing to hull and creating these holes in the forward section of the hull basically where it touches the water when planning...any ideas anyone ???

  11. my mate has a stessl striker 5.5 and has had two lots of holes in the bottom of the hull...there are no sinkers or hooks lodged anywhere ..he has tested the wiring and cant find anything leaking to the hull..we are assuming the earth is coming from the engine..does anybody have any experience with this problem ???? rick

  12. if your mechanically minded drain your carbies ..there are hex head with screw slots on the bottom of the carbie bowls...spray some carbie cleaner in then pump some fuel through to flush..if capable pull carbies off and completely clean bowls..ive done this at broughton island after getting crap fuel..its not that difficult I have 60 yammie..identical setup takes twenty mins to clean them from start to finish...if not take it back to service guy and voice displeasure...rick

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