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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. spent 5 hrs yesterday spinning for flathead in tuggerah lake and the entrance channel...donuts...tried all my fave sps I use in lake mac but no takers...one flattie just bigger than the prawn style sp and an undersize tailor..after talking with two locals they seem to think the same as me that the fish are full of prawns as they have been moving of a night....next trip brouhgton hopefully

  2. good luck on the cod neil..I hate this time of year xmas parties and fishing club pressos are stopping me from chasing my faves...a couple of small bass last weekend keeps the flame burning..goin for a fish before xmas come hell or high water hopefully I can put in a good report..rick

  3. I have a 4.8 vsea and fish fads off Swansea and port stephens...15 nm so long as u watch weather and have safety gear there is no reason not to..i have taken mine to the shelf off swr and Minnie waters..i also have many years experience in the pro fishing industry.gamefishing and general fishing outside...you have to start somewhere so pik your weather windows and travel with other boats if possible to glean knowledge from other fishos...it sounds like you will have a few offers from other raiders so go forth and fish...rick

  4. scratchie you go past coffs nearly to grafton then bak to the coast ..wooli has a bar crossing.minnie has a beach launch into lagoon type water behind rocks ..suss google..nth solitary close  sandon shoals close  more reef than u can imagine  trag in quantities that will make your jaw drop.reddies on tap and big..50 mtrs plus reefs hold sambos pearlies are everywhere yuddah yuddah yaah...just go there ...rick

  5. thanks scratchie the fishin was way hard over the wknd..it seems everything that swims had lockjaw on Saturday with that sw wind blowin  .hopefully il get a shot at broughton in the next two weeks..cant wait..then I have to decide between cod and big reddies..lifes a bitch...bahahaha

  6. ended up fishing lake mac and outside Swansea...hard going all weekend...a couple of salmon fri arvo  a dozen bream up to 41cm..two flathead 60cm and 72 cm..1 small reddie and two mullet..not a lot for a whole weeknd on the water..i did 71nm on gps..I won our local comp but it was a very tiring weeknd in the boat...oh well cant catch them on the lounge....rick

  7. we fish out of my mates pride Bahia mar  they are 20 ft but are one of the best handling and riding I have ever fished out of  we run a 160hp Volvo diesel duoprop and its fuel efficient and has heaps of grunt..another to lookout for is the Bertram 23 with diesel...I wouldn't touch petrol in this size unless they are fourstroke outboards..

  8. depends on your bait size but iwould use 200/250 lb trace with multi strand at the front joined by ball bearing swivel crimped with thimbles....burley bags and assorted add ons are a recipe for tangles and bustoffs ...kiss..keep it simple stu...learn how to cut baits open and hide the hooks then sew back together with just the points exposed...most guys working of the beach don't use floats...good luck

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