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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. If it was a jew it would pik it up and run with it to use water pressure to push it into mouth  when they run with it hit them  they dont have hands so there is only one place it can be   in there mouth...your bite sounds like a ray chewing it to pieces...rick

  2. in 4kg line and over if in a hurry a spider hitch will work..they uaually rate them at 85/90% knot..so  if your fishing 1/3 drag you should never break one technically speaking....on my gamefish outfits I use plaits but if in a hurry spinning with lures I use the spider hitch...rick

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  3. work the lowest low   tides you can   .5 or less..wind will stop them from coming out properly...try the flattest section of beach or sandbanks on beach...another trick is put finger bait in stocking or panty hose material as when they bite at bait they get their pincers stuck in stocking...or try the  alvey  brand pliers with nylon jaws with bumps not teeth it doesn't kill them...rick

  4. hey baz sad to hear you couldn't nail a few..mate I worked on a longliner out of the bay for over two years and I can tell u the liners would have been keeping the yakkas and throwing the slimies...if you have a tank full of slimys and head out to sea and hit 3 or 4 degrees water temp rise..all the slimys will die..also slimys don't stay alive long enough on a big circle hook...no one uses them on liners  yakkas only..they will live thru 6 deg temp change no prob and survive in the tank for over a week..any time we had some slimys  your always scoopin em out dead.....this debate has raged between pros and gamefishers for years.they think the linersd are taking all the slimys but their not...once in the seine at the side of the boat the yakkas are scooped an dropped in the tank  the slimys are thrown back..i use to call guys over an give them 20/30 at a time that used to stop them grumbling bout the bloody bait thieves...looks  like my old boat in the background   south seas ...rick

  5. original sharkcats in that size had the problem that when trolling they sat so low to the water not being on the plane the bottom of the tunnel sat in the water so you were push in nearly 8ft wide oh ull thru the water..once you planed and got air under them they were fine..the low attitude caused a major problem if weather got real rough cause if you couldn't do 16knots or better to stay on plane you were dead in the water with nose down low and unable to travel..i can attest to this years ago after being stuck at broughton for four days..after fishin out of varies cats my pick would be alloy broadbill...they float with tunnel 14/18 inches above water and handle great..slightly lighter for towing and work with slightly smaller engines..old blunt nose 20ft broady with 90hp mercs  flew and wasn't heavy on fuel...rick

  6. I cant lift my esky full of fish out of the boat..don't think id like to get one up from floor level....my mate has a trophy with kill tank in the bottom... I mounted a 750gph pump and routed hose thru the rear of box and bulkhead all sealed in with grommets and black sika then up and out rear well..only way to clear water out unless you install drain plug then it goes into bottom of hull and has to be pumped out anyway...rick

  7. thanks jeff..heard there were a few at carpark and one from the gibber...a week an a half might let a few more come down..theres a few at coffs and swr.... nice to hear your coming back to the dark side and using bait n burley..hahaha

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  8. all good boys...sounds like the last morning I was up there  wind one way current the other...makes it hard to find a spot hey...good to see them being caught with the temp up a bit...il be up in two weekends  prob chase reds then try n smack a little black if they improve...rick

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  9. being underfloor you may have to build a pump in it to get rid of water while boat is still in the water ..sometimes you need to get rid of water if contaminated with too much blood..or wanting to travel without large quantity of water in bottom weighing you down...also a good seal on door or you will be pumping water off floor if not self draining...rick

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