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Everything posted by DMG

  1. DMG

    Bare Island

    Unfortunately the island is only good for Blackfish when its rough as Blackfish off the rocks like white wash and with a combination of tides,it is a dangerous spot hence why there has been 4 deaths there,no matter if you are wearing all the safety gear you can still get knocked off your feet by a swell coming over the ledge and at this spot it does do that when there's a swell running,I only go here when I cant fish anywhere else because its too rough,when I do go here under these conditions I expect to be in for a dangerous fishing trip. Blackfish is a specialised target fish that requires special gear only aimed at that species of fish,even with all the correct gear takes a long time to master,yes sure you may still catch some but you will also lose more than you catch and no fish will come near your line if it is not presented properly to the fish,lots and lots of little details that after a number of years doing it all come together at one time,when you have to decided what to do. To be honest with you this spot is not good compared to others around the Randwick area it is snag city,the places I fish around this area I would not fish for normal bottom eating fish due to the rocky bottoms and snags. Lots of scuba divers come here and swim right past your fishing lines they are a pain in the ..... and they are not shy they will enter the water right in front of you not caring that you are fishing,they scare the fish away. I would try fishing some of the other rocks inland towards Molineaux point,even Molineaux Point itself it good fishing but once again beware of snags. For the record I was fishing for 12 hours that day and fished both tides,4 fish is very poor for a Black fisherman but considering it was dead flat I consider myself lucky I got 4,I did lose a few and threw back some under 30cm but really it was a crap day.I don't mind so much because I go not only to catch fish but to enjoy the sport of fishing as I think most do who fish,sometimes you win sometimes you lose that's what makes fishing addictive. Anyway I chose the wrong spot on this day for the amount of time I put in you should be getting atleast 1 fish an hour or something is wrong.
  2. DMG

    Bare Island

    Yes I remember now seeing the Maritime Boat towing it in,it was green in colour.
  3. Hi Guys and Ladies, Just wanted to warn and show you the latest info from The NSW Food Authority's website about eating fish caught from Sydney Harbour. Sydney Harbour seafood All commercial fishing in Sydney Harbour has been halted due to elevated levels of dioxins detected in some fish and seafood. The area affected includes all of Port Jackson and it's tributaries. Recreational fishing is not closed but eating of Harbour fish should be limited (see How much can I eat? below). Fish can be caught and released. I felt a need to put this info on here as I see lots of people here catching and I assume eating fish from the Harbour,so I just wanted to post this to let you know. Thanks ! http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/foodsafetyandyou/special-care-foods/sydney-harbour-seafood What are dioxins? Dioxins are a group of chlorinated chemicals that originate from industrial pollution or are generated in natural processes such as bush fires. They are chemically stable and can stay in the environment for a long time. Dioxins can accumulate in the body fat of animals and humans. Where do dioxins come from? Residues of dioxins in seafood caught in Sydney Harbour/Parramatta River are likely to have their sources in contaminated sediments on the bottom of Homebush Bay. Current levels are likely due to many years of industrial activities previously along those waterways. On land, the main source of dioxin emission in Australia is through bushfires and burning of agricultural stubble. What are the health risks associated with dioxins? We are all exposed to very low levels of dioxin, mostly via the food we eat. At those low levels, there are no known health risks. Long term high level exposure to dioxins can sometimes cause a range of ill effects, including reproductive disorders and cancer. However, as concluded in the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Risk Assessment report on seafood from Sydney Harbour, the health risk associated with consuming seafood from Sydney Harbour/Parramatta River is low for the average Australian consumer. The government has closed the Harbour as a precautionary measure. What if I've been eating fish from Sydney Harbour? An increased health risk associated with dioxins only occurs from long term exposure to high levels of dioxin. It is unlikely that people consuming seafood from Port Jackson would have noticeable health effects from the seafood, even if the dietary advice below is occasionally exceeded (see How much can I eat? below). NSW Health advises people to contact their doctor if they are concerned about consumption of fish from Sydney Harbour/Parramatta River. The risk is considered low. I fish for recreation and I want to eat the catch. How much can I eat? An Expert Panel has advised the Government that people can continue to eat fish from Sydney Harbour providing they follow strict dietary advice. Dietary advice No seafood caught west of the Sydney Harbour Bridge should be eaten. You should release your catch. For seafood caught east of the Sydney Harbour Bridge generally no more than 150 grams per month should be consumed. Testing of popular species has allowed for more specific dietary advice. The table below provides advice on the maximum consumption of specific species. Table: Recommended maximum intake based on eating a single species caught east of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Species Number of 150 gram serves Amount per month Prawns 4 per month 600g Crabs 5 per month 750g Bream 1 per month 150g Dusky Flathead 12 per month 1800g Fan-belly Leatherjacket 24 per month 3600g Flounder 12 per month 1800g Kingfish 12 per month 1800g Luderick 12 per month 1800g Sand Whiting 8 per month 1200g Sea Mullet 1 every 3 months 50g Silver Biddie 1 per month 150g Silver Trevally 5 per month 750g Tailor 1 per month 150g Trumpter Whiting 12 per month 1800g Yellowtail Scad 8 per month 1200g Squid 4 per month 600g Note: 1.) The advice in the table is provided where only 1 species is being eaten in the month. Each guideline number of serves is therefore the recommended total intake for the month. For example eating 150 grams of Bream and 600 grams of prawns in one month would exceed the recommended intake. Note 2.) This table will be updated if new results become available. This dietary advice is based on testing of seafood species. What about commercial fishing? The NSW Government has suspended all commercial fishing in Port Jackson (Port Jackson is the area inside Sydney Harbour, Parramatta River, Lane Cove River and Middle Harbour). How do I know if fish I’ve bought are from Port Jackson? All Port Jackson fish and crustaceans have been removed from sale. (Port Jackson is the area inside Sydney Harbour, Parramatta River, Lane Cove River and Middle Harbour). How long do dioxins last? Dioxins can last for decades in the environment. What about imported seafood? The NSW Food Authority recently tested imported prawns and fish for dioxins. The dioxin results for the imported seafood were well below the European Union limit for dioxins in food of less than 4TEQpg/g for dioxin. Last updated: 14-December-2015 Contact us 1300 552 406 8.30am - 5.30pm | Monday - Friday
  4. Went to Bare Island again yesterday only managed to get 4 x 33cm - 35cm Blackfish as it was dead flat and very little white wash. Lots of bait fish swimming around Bare Island and into the Bay and around the Bommie all day. Saw a few Dolphins come into the bay around Bare Island. The bait fish were breaking the surface obviously being chased by something bigger maybe the Dolphins. Having Ludrick for lunch right now Cheers !
  5. Number 2 suicide hook,then a 1 metre piece of 6lb line tied to a small swivel,then run your bean sinker loose on top of that,say on a 10lb main line. This is a basic set up that will catch a range of fish. I would go to beaches and bays around Sydney Harbour or Botany Bay as I hate snags,maybe some wharves but rock fishing on the bottom normally you will get snags unless its a sandy bottom as for your gear everyone has a different opinion,I only buy more expensive gear for a specific fish that I want to mostly target all the time. what you was describing it sounds like the sinker was being pushed back in by the incoming tide and the line twist/knots/birds nest was probably due to using a too light sinker combined with your casting technique. I would also look at some you tube videos on how to cast and how to rig up and bait up for your general fishing breeds like Bream/Flathead/Trevally etc or even google and look at the images that way you will get a better idea of what to do. For bait I would use something basic like a piece in the form of a cube of Pilchard which is a good all round bait and this bait you will catch most fish with. Some wharves produce good fish others do not,just try around at different tides at a few wharves you like to fish at,it may take a few times before you decide your never going back there to fish its dead but its all about trial and error Keep things as simple as you can until you gain more experience and the more knowledge you have on the subject you want to know about makes you become a master sooner or later. Knowledge is power ! and experience comes with time. Time and Tide wait for nobody ! Read as much and watch as much as you can. Welcome to this forum where from what I have seen here offers the best advice if you want to fish. This is the best fishing forum ! Good luck bro ! and always be safe,safety comes first no matter what ! Cheers !
  6. Wow i only log on today and saw this just now. I dont know what happened but was a quick ending,then I saw the other post saying now we are not closing. Thank you for choosing to remain open ! I love this forum and the people I chat with on here and share information with.
  7. I'm sure there are signs up saying no fishing in baths area.
  8. DMG

    Bare Island

    Forgot to mention 3 x Fisheries Officers did come down and were looking for under sized catches,licences,life jackets etc.So be prepared. Good to see !
  9. Nice,I never fished in the baths but is good place to snorkel,take the kids snorkeling there.
  10. Yum,nice haul of crab. Think maybe I go buy a Crab net and chuck it in when I go fishing.
  11. Saw boats catching Squid off Bare Island yesterday.
  12. DMG

    Bare Island

    Ah well my first time catching them on weed,sorry about the last 2 photos for some reason they ended up like this and I cant rotate them. Yes was rough on the tide up ! Thanks
  13. Bare Island yesterday. Got 2 Bream on weed never caught Bream on weed before and on a Black Fish rig but I guess the fish dont know what rig your using. Got a bit rough there as the swell was coming in from the South and East,so the swells were coming in over the rock platform and only fishable by skilled fishos. 4 people fishing for Black Fish,all got a good catch of fish 8+ each. Lots of boats out and about at the entrance of Botany Bay.
  14. Nice haul of Black Fish Bro
  15. Here guys look at this vid. This guy is a well known fisherman. FISHING World writer Greg Finney
  16. What kind of line do you prefer ? Put your answer in the poll ! I use Mono.
  17. DMG

    Inspecting BMT pt3

    Good information for the boaties.
  18. Darn what am I going to use for fertilizer now !
  19. I think if your learning to fish and its all new to you then you should stick to a basic all round set up. Then later on when you get a bit more comfortable with your fishing ,then you can target certain fish that you like to catch and then use certain gear used to target those fish. I would go to one of the big variety stores like Kmart or Big W etc and buy a basic rod and reel combo,look at the tags and info on the rod and reel they will tell you what fish this combo is good for. Personally I suggest to target Bream,Flathead,Trevally or anything that will take your hook on a bag of prawns from the bait shop or servo. Don't worry about line at this point cause your combo you buy will come already spooled with line,,just use that. The hook you want to use is a number 2 suicide hook and a sinker about the size number 2 ball or bean or bud not too big and not too small. You can google basic bream rigs and this should show you what I mean,this rig will catch you your basic variety of fish aka anything. When I go fishing I aim to catch anything but when I target specific fish I have a whole rod and reel and set up aimed to only catch that fish nothing else,so I have a spin rod and reel,a beach rod and reel,a live bait rod and reel,a blackfish rod and reel and a few general purpose rod and reels for targeting Bream/Flathead/Trevally etc or anything that will take my bait. Just throw a slice of wet squishy bread in once every half an hour to arouse the fish and keep them in your area.. I would fish from wharves and sandy type beach areas in the harbours etc. Rainy days, although uncomfortable can produce the best basic fishing ever as these fish like the rain run off from drains etc cause with that run off it carries insects and other types of food they lay in wait for. Your smelly prawn will attract them from a distance and your bread burley will arouse them into biting. Do not worry about traces/beads/what line to use etc etc,the already spooled line with your rod and reel will be about 5kg or 10Lbs,that will be strong enough for most basic fish. Mono or Braid,Mono is the old type of line and Braid has only been around several years,personally I still use mono and I don't think I will ever have a need to use Braid,I like Mono ,Braid reminds me a lot like thick cotton. Anyway just Google a basic Bream rig and maybe look at the images to get a better idea. Lure fishing is not as easy to learn as bait fishing,as the smell of your bait and the way it is presented is what attracts the fish,with lures you have to swim the lure like its a small bait fish,so that the other fish think its a real fish and eat it,this is not an easy task when 80% of the time the fish are not in a frenzy aggressive hungry mood,so using a lure to mimic a small fish takes a lot of practice to have a good strike rate even then the fish may not even attack your lure just because their not hungry or your using the wrong type of lure on that day that they decide to have an appetite for a totally different small bait fish,not only that, fish become very spooked if your lure is not acting like their normal food and shy away from it. Having said that if you do decide later on wanting to learn lure fishing,I would again Google basic lure fishing rigs for the saltwater species you want to target. Don't be discouraged because you stood there for hours and got nothing (it happens to the best of us,that's fishing ) There are some articles here for you to read on this forum if you like that will explain some ways to catch certain fish,what bait to use and tackle etc. http://www.fishraider.com.au/articles Good Luck and Happy Fishing
  20. DMG

    Bare Island

    Just wanted to show you all this picture I came across the other day that the taker said was under the bridge at Bare Island in 2014 and he said they were kingys. The chat text has not been included but it said they were hanging around the shallows of Bare Island 2014. Just goes to prove this spot is a big fish alleyway and if your lucky and you are there at the right time you may hook one up.
  21. Hey bro for spinning off the rocks or beach I use 15 - 20LB. I find 40gm lures are best off the rocks for me but I do use 25gms up to 40gms My spin rod is an old Daiwa G70z Heavy Spin, 7 foot and reel is a Fin - Nor Rampage 8000 series 5 although these are at the cheaper end of the scale they do it for me. My fav. lures are anything chrome / blue or green metal lures and Gold. Halco or Gillies My fav. line for spinning is Schneider mono. Beach spinning although I have done very little of it is supposed to be good.
  22. North Clovelly Point produces good surface fish. Best times are sunrise and sunset or overcast days. Best times are 2 hours before and 2 hours after high tide but if its overcast you can spin any tides. This location also produces Blackfish. It is recommended you fish in the green circled area somewhere. This location requires you to wear rock cleats on your shoes and a life jacket and suitable light fishing clothing,so if you do go in you are not weighted down by your clothing. This area is exposed to all swells and caution should be used when fishing here,watch the area for 30 min prior to fishing it. Can be fished without concern of waves or swell on calm days. This info is only for Spinning for surface fish and Blackfishing.
  23. North Bondi Point. It can produce good surface fish. Best times are sunrise and sunset or an overcast day. Best tide 2 hours before 2 hours after but can be good as long as its morning/afternoon or overcast. Only fish on the rock that I have shown in green otherwise you might get bold over by a swell. This rock area is exposed in any swell,so you need to watch the rock and swell before you fish it. On calm days this is not an issue. Will produce most common surface species and some rare ones too depending on the warmer currents drifting down from the North. Do not fish were I have put red X marks or you will get cleaned up by a wave unless its calm and dead flat. Always wear rock cleats and life jackets at this location and suitable clothing for fishing off the rocks,like light clothing shorts/tee-shirt etc. I have only ever spun off this location for many years. Spinning info only !
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