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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. I reckon that outfit and your quiet spot up the Georges will produce some cracker fish for you in the next few months...keep the rports coming! Cheers Rob
  2. Great fish were you landbased?
  3. Great fish again....you guys are braining them!
  4. A top session there! Great to see the kids getting into it. My 5YO son is my net man but his attention span on casting is yet to be developed. He sits behind me on my kayak and I'm worried about acquiring unexpected piercings Cheers, Rob
  5. Serious fish! That lure looks like its about 5kgs by itself!!!!
  6. Big Fish Looks like it came from a muddy bottom! A 40 minute fight must have had you thinking all sorts of things. Well done on the capture!
  7. That is a scorching day out! Some great fish and go the hard bodies!
  8. Great Red there Greg.....the oogly looks a bit toxic!
  9. Thanks for all your well wishes colleagues!!!! I am still smiling and ended up paying a local fishmonger to prepare the cutlets for me.He also band sawed the head lengthwise for me so I googled how to finfd the jewels and found them. Might have to make a pair of earings for Sandra! Also included the shot of the lure and a memento scale (which are now all over the car and kitchen).
  10. Thanks for all your well wishes colleagues!!!! I am still smiling and ended up paying a local fishmonger to prepare the cutlets for me. He also band sawed the head lengthwise for me so I googled how to finfd the jewels and found them. Might have to make a pair of earings for Sandra! Also included the shot of the lure and a memento scale (which are now all over the car and kitchen). Life is good....I'm taking my 5 yo (net man) back tomorrow morning to revisit the scene!
  11. Go Diver, We both had a cracker day!
  12. After a disastrous weather week away I formulated a plan to hit the same spot as last week to target some flatties on the last of the run out. Topped up my lure collection after losing my favourite to a big tailor and launched before 7am in the Georges. Fished plastics on the drift for an hour before changing to hard bodies and trolled the spot where I picked up some nice flatties a week ago. Found a nice hole and bang nice 58cm flatty. Just as the tide slowed right down, one rod goes off with the drag screaming. I quickly set the hooks and hold the rod between my legs while I get the other one in. Settling into a nice fight, the fish took off on a series of 10-20m bursts with me trying to ID what it was. The beast towed me back to the hole where it was hooked and there began a tug'o'war with it holding the bottom in about 8 feet of water. Knowing I was fishing 6lb gel spun and a 10lb leader, I was in no hurry to get colour. After a few more short bursts with drag screaming, it settles in under the yak for a while longer. At this stage I've been on for what seemed like 15 minutes or so. A couple of big head shakes and I'm thinking....metre plus flatty or a nice Jew (please not a ray!!!) With the rod doubled over under the yak I heave up a bit more line and get some colour. A pale flash under the yak and at first thought it was a mega croc death-rolling. Next heave up and I see the golden flanks of a huge jewfish. I check the pulse...rising rapidly. The next 5 minutes I spent holding the fish a metre or two below the yak....still the occasional burst for freedom. I get it up to the surface and see the lure in the corner of the mouth and the beast eyeing off the kayak. Now my prescription sunnies magnify things so I thought there was no way I was going to land this fish, so much so that I took a couple of shots of it below the yak which my wife later deleted because they weren't clear! It settles down and comes up to the surface a few times.....I look around for a boat with a gaff! I look at my new landing net...a silicon one at 55cm x 45cm....hmmmmm do I try...stupidly yes. The fish's head swims in...leaving 4/5 of its body out….. Plan B grab it under the gills like I've seen them do on Jew DVDs. Just then it looks pretty spent so I swim over to the side of the yak and reach into its cavernous gob with the lip grips (Plan C). On the 3rd attempt I come up solid and slide the beast across my lap....it doesn't move much. Nevertheless, I put it in a headlock and let out the biggest 'Whoohoo! that echoed around the river. I take a shot of it lying on my lap then ring my wife.....my son answers and I tell him I've caught a jewey bigger than him. The wife comes down to take some pics and celebrate the capture. I peddle half a km back to the launch spot hunched over the fish in case it attempts an escape. What a memorable capture, I have only caught one Jew before on my yak and it was 48cm and 1kg. This beast went 111cm and I weighed it at Mac's Bait at 12kg. All caught on a donated Daiwa Heartland 2-4kg flick stick, 6lb gel spun and a 10lb flouro leader. The lure was bought yesterday - a Mann's stretch 5+. On the water at 7am...off at 9am. Well now it’s in the bath with 2 bags of ice and I need to get the feast prepared. I always thought a nice Jew would come along one day while I hunted flatties and I won't forget this day for a long while.
  13. After a disastrous weather week away I formulated a plan to hit the same spot as last week to target some flatties on the last of the run out. Topped up my lure collection after losing my favourite to a big tailor and launched before 7am in the Georges. Fished plastics on the drift for an hour before changing to hard bodies and trolled the spot where I picked up some nice flatties a week ago. Found a nice hole and bang nice 58cm flatty. Just as the tide slowed right down, one rod goes off with the drag screaming. I quickly set the hooks and hold the rod between my legs while I get the other one in. Settling into a nice fight, the fish took off on a series of 10-20m bursts with me trying to ID what it was. The beast towed me back to the hole where it was hooked and there began a tug'o'war with it holding the bottom in about 8 feet of water. Knowing I was fishing 6lb gel spun and a 10lb leader, I was in no hurry to get colour. After a few more short bursts with drag screaming, it settles in under the yak for a while longer. At this stage I've been on for what seemed like 15 minutes or so. A couple of big head shakes and I'm thinking....metre plus flatty or a nice Jew (please not a ray!!!) With the rod doubled over under the yak I heave up a bit more line and get some colour. A pale flash under the yak and at first thought it was a mega croc death-rolling. Next heave up and I see the golden flanks of a huge jewfish. I check the pulse...rising rapidly. The next 5 minutes I spent holding the fish a metre or two below the yak....still the occasional burst for freedom. I get it up to the surface and see the lure in the corner of the mouth and the beast eyeing off the kayak. Now my prescription sunnies magnify things so I thought there was no way I was going to land this fish, so much so that I took a couple of shots of it below the yak which my wife later deleted because they weren't clear! It settles down and comes up to the surface a few times.....I look around for a boat with a gaff! I look at my new landing net...a silicon one at 55cm x 45cm....hmmmmm do I try...stupidly yes. The fish's head swims in...leaving 4/5 of its body out….. Plan B grab it under the gills like I've seen them do on Jew DVDs. Just then it looks pretty spent so I swim over to the side of the yak and reach into its cavernous gob with the lip grips (Plan C). On the 3rd attempt I come up solid and slide the beast across my lap....it doesn't move much. Nevertheless, I put it in a headlock and let out the biggest 'Whoohoo! that echoed around the river. I take a shot of it lying on my lap then ring my wife.....my son answers and I tell him I've caught a jewey bigger than him. The wife comes down to take some pics and celebrate the capture. I peddle half a km back to the launch spot hunched over the fish in case it attempts an escape. What a memorable capture, I have only caught one Jew before on my yak and it was 48cm and 1kg. This beast went 111cm and I weighed it at Mac's Bait at 12kg. All caught on a donated Daiwa Heartland 2-4kg flick stick, 6lb gel spun and a 10lb flouro leader. The lure was bought yesterday - a Mann's stretch 5+. On the water at 7am...off at 9am. Well now it’s in the bath with 2 bags of ice and I need to get the feast prepared. I always thought a nice Jew would come along one day while I hunted flatties and I won't forget this day for a long while.
  14. Some cracker fish and well done on finding them with the wind being so wild!
  15. Great bag...well done and yesterday was a great day for conditions!
  16. Well done Greg, that is a filthy cracker and the best shots too! Did it hit the table and are they good tucker at that size?
  17. Finally got some good conditions to hit the river for a feed of flatties. Headed out at 7am to fish the run up and the first hour or so of the run out. I decided to avoid my usual haunt as I thought th eboat traffic would have been horendous so armed with plastics and my recently replaced favourite flatty HB - my pink Manns Stretch 5 I found windless conditions!. Started chucking a plastic in about 25 foot of water and bang I'm on felt like a thumper flatty or maybe a jew but the lure was spat after about a minute. Trolled my Manns stretch up river and picked up a nice 54cm flatty, then went right up into a shallow bay and trolled SX40s to pick up a few more smaller flatties (and numerous tailor, small bream and pinkies). Followed the tide out and found a nice little drop off from 7-12 feet and picked up another 50+ flatty back on the larger lures again. Did another pass over the same spot for the same result. Had a final pass and a better fish of 58cm rounded up the catch. Great feed and the first decent one since May! Heading down to St Georges basin tomorrow morning and hope to get amongst some big ones! Cheers, Rob
  18. Great last session and good luck with the trials!
  19. Hodgey! You are the master tutor! 5 daysa dedicated fishing is a blast....well done on converting the bro!
  20. Nice flatty and great to see her released...karma with you this spring and summer!
  21. Roberta...does Keith's physical prowess rub off on your peddling? Congrtaulations to Keith and well done on a great fish on the light gear!!! Cheers, Rob
  22. I must get a packet of those Rio Prawns...I had one ready to use and it floated off the back of my yak! They do look authentic!....Nice fish too
  23. Whoah! Nice bag...hope the fillets fed lots of families!
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